Hi, sorry for late reply, I've been away.....
I've had a lot less muscle tension and internal pain lately, I've been doing these exercises my physio recommended, they're just youtube videos, specifically targeted at pelvic tension and rectal pain.
Here are a few links to some of the videos I've been using (let me know if they work. You could copy and paste into youtube search) -
https://youtu.be/svxccbWc62Ehttps://youtu.be/O2UQCwpVr4ohttps://youtu.be/R3Rydb1nZU4I also do some squat stretches I've made up, throughout the day - I stand with feet about shoulder width apart, turn them out a little, on tiptoes and squat down towards the floor, basically like a frog, I do this about 10 times. Each time come all the way up to standing and down quite slowly, holding on to something for a bit of balance and then on the 11th I stay down and bounce several times. I find this relaxes the bottom and stretches the muscles out. Particularly just before, and especially just after bowel movement. It's a nice, easy one you can do almost anywhere, anytime (though not generally in the Supermarket as people look at you a bit strange
I've also been using Pranicure ointment which I came across doing research into this ghastly bottom condition! It seems to be working brilliantly so far. I'm so wary of being too optimistic (I'm usually a very half full kind of girl) as this has been such a long, horrible, depressing and painful road I almost feel it's too good to be true!..... But so far, so good.....
How's everyone getting on?... xox
p.s. Mamafizz what were you doing on TV?....
Gilmore Girl, thank you for your healing thoughts and prayers x