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Re: I'm new - from UK

Postby NikkiB69 » 27 Apr 2017, 17:12

What about external symptoms? My fissure is still not healed so I get a lot of pain and soreness (as well as the internal...) Feels quite 'raw'
I've tried so many ointments....
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Re: I'm new - from UK

Postby mamafizz » 27 Apr 2017, 17:34

Nikki, Vitamin E also works as well
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Re: I'm new - from UK

Postby GilmoreGirl » 27 Apr 2017, 17:48

Nikki - not sure if I mentioned this, but I found preparation h cooling gel suppositories to be very helpful.

I often have diarrhea with my ibs and things start to feel very raw and sore, with or without a fissure. I found after using these for two or three nights I would feel much better. They are a little tricky to insert of you have a fissure, but I was able to with lots of Vaseline.

I really hope you get some relief soon.

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Re: I'm new - from UK

Postby mamafizz » 27 Apr 2017, 18:48

nikki69 I honestly think we have to be patient. It is soooo hard, but our body was designed to heal itself. But honestly it seems it heals at it's own pace. . I panicked and got the botox 10 days b4 Christmas in hopes I would be back to normal. I can't remember what back to normal is anymore? At least you have days that you hardly notice so that is a good sign.?! It is slowly healing you will most likely have more and more days like that. So for me it is the residual dull ache from the muscles being under such constant tension, so if you did not have the horrible spasms you will most likely feel great again as soon as it is healed. I read it typically takes a year after healed to feel back to normal.
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Re: I'm new - from UK

Postby GilmoreGirl » 27 Apr 2017, 19:32

Just realized I made an error earlier - the suppositories were anusol + pain relief suppositories. I did however also use a prep h cooling gel that also was soothing.

And as mamafizz says vitamin E may help.

I'm so sorry you're having this trouble. I think mamafizz is right - this may just take some time. And I know that doesn't make things any easier...it's been 9 months for me this may and I'm only getting back to normal now, most of those months were spent entirely in bed. If you can, continue searching for a doctor or CRS who can figure this all out. It always feels better to be actively working towards a solution. Also, i know how much this pain can affect daily life. I began to see a psychologist who specializes in pain management - most hospitals with rehab centres have one. Although it is incredibly helpful to talk to people here on this board, there is nothing that matches speaking to someone in person who really sympathizes and understands how much pain can affect your life.

Sending you healing thoughts and will be keeping you in my prayers.

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Re: I'm new - from UK

Postby mamafizz » 27 Apr 2017, 21:43

GG and Nikki, your so right, nothing can ever prepare you for something like this... (it is really the craziest thing I have ever experienced) I spent many many months in bed as well. I was told I was healed over 2 months ago and just recently able to go out to eat and go to the movies. Nikki if you are able to garden and take long walks as you have your surely on your way. For me the biggest part of this is the fear of it not getting better, I truly believe this is what prolongs things for everyone. The mind body thing is very strong. Once my poor leftover achy muscles and nerves fizzle out I know I will feel amazing. We are incredibly strong to endure this suffering for such a long period of time not everyone could do this -so we must be special!!! haha. Keep posting til we are all completely healed and pain free.... hugs and continued prayers!!! MamaFizz
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Re: I'm new - from UK

Postby mamafizz » 28 Apr 2017, 17:17

Hey Nikki any headway with the reflexology? Any improvement with the levator symptoms, when internal hems are still present the same symptoms can occur. Just wondering?
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Re: I'm new - from UK

Postby NikkiB69 » 07 May 2017, 17:27

My symptoms seem to be improving (slowwwwwly I add...) don't know if this is from reflexology but I love my sessions and have a lot of faith in therapies so will continue for now...
I've also just received the Pranicure I ordered. Only used for 3 days, but seems really good, I'm hopeful! It says not to use any oils, ointments or petroleum products alongside, just the Pranicure (apart from anything prescribed), so this is a new regime for me as I've been using all kinds of stuff, Vaseline for bm, coconut oil after bm, ointment at bedtime etc. Will report how this goes, watch this space........
Had a Doc appointment last week, she said my fissure is tiny (haha doesn't feel it!) (approx. 1cm) but that the brain can't differentiate so just knows there's something in a very sensitive place and sends nerves into overdrive! Great!! A bit like when you get a paper cut and it hurts quite badly even though it's the tiniest little slit in the skin..... She said it's also because the area is never getting a chance to heal as always being reopened during bm (if only we never needed to go to toilet!sigh) She examined me, said I have a small internal hemmeroid but everything else feels "normal", and thinks the fissure looks like it's healing so carry on what I'm doing....
I've also been doing some physio exercises to relax the pelvis and bottom area. Seems to help..
How's everyone else doing? X
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Re: I'm new - from UK

Postby mamafizz » 07 May 2017, 19:26

Yes, that makes perfect sense. Pain originates in the brain to protect us! I too am better than last month for sure. I can go to the movies, the store, to dinner I was even on TV in NYC last week. But still have the constant dull ache and some residual muscle stuff going on. I can sleep but its always there but builds throughout the day. Some worse than others. Stress and tension holds in the pelvis for some reason. The specialist I told you about said in his experience takes 2-6 months until it fizzles out-longer if stressed. The days when we feel worried its not ever going to get better must prolong it--have to know it will get better so our mind can come off high alert!

I need to try some of these relaxing exercises. I hold tension in my pelvis for sure, But this has been going on so long that I can see it is hard for my poor brain not to remember all the trauma this has caused back there. Let me know any relaxing exercises you can share. What symptoms are you still struggling with? Any ache when sitting? Feeling like something's always there? sheesh soon this will all be gone...:) xxx
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Re: I'm new - from UK

Postby NikkiB69 » 15 May 2017, 03:54

Hi, sorry for late reply, I've been away.....
I've had a lot less muscle tension and internal pain lately, I've been doing these exercises my physio recommended, they're just youtube videos, specifically targeted at pelvic tension and rectal pain.
Here are a few links to some of the videos I've been using (let me know if they work. You could copy and paste into youtube search) -

I also do some squat stretches I've made up, throughout the day - I stand with feet about shoulder width apart, turn them out a little, on tiptoes and squat down towards the floor, basically like a frog, I do this about 10 times. Each time come all the way up to standing and down quite slowly, holding on to something for a bit of balance and then on the 11th I stay down and bounce several times. I find this relaxes the bottom and stretches the muscles out. Particularly just before, and especially just after bowel movement. It's a nice, easy one you can do almost anywhere, anytime (though not generally in the Supermarket as people look at you a bit strange :p :lol: )
I've also been using Pranicure ointment which I came across doing research into this ghastly bottom condition! It seems to be working brilliantly so far. I'm so wary of being too optimistic (I'm usually a very half full kind of girl) as this has been such a long, horrible, depressing and painful road I almost feel it's too good to be true!..... But so far, so good.....
How's everyone getting on?... xox
p.s. Mamafizz what were you doing on TV?....
Gilmore Girl, thank you for your healing thoughts and prayers x
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