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Re: I'm new - from UK

Postby mamafizz » 23 May 2017, 20:20

Hi Gals, Hope everyone is still on the mend?! Any further muscle improvements? Anyone back to their regular routine yet?
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Re: I'm new - from UK

Postby NikkiB69 » 24 May 2017, 03:51

I'm off to Spain for a week, so getting ready for that...
Improving steadily. Keeping up with my exercises/stretches etc. Using the Pranicure (that's all I put on now as it advises not to use any other oils, ointments etc.) twice a day and that seems to be doing the trick! I can actually sit normally for a while without it hurting...that sounds ridiculous doesn't it, but for quite a while it's been too painful to sit normally, I'm sure you guys know exactly what i mean!

How are you all getting along?... xx
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Re: I'm new - from UK

Postby mamafizz » 24 May 2017, 12:09

Yeah Nikki so happy to hear... Sounds like your routine is working.. Thank God!! Knowing EXACTLY what you mean. I have been steadily improving as well. Pain from fissure GONE! Now just the residual muscle achy tailbone part which is gradually diminishing as well. I will continue to do those pelvic floor relaxations seems to help, Thanks again for that.. Safe travels... and let us know how your are getting along...
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Re: I'm new - from UK

Postby NikkiB69 » 14 Jun 2017, 04:14

Hi all. Had a lovely holiday in Spain! Felt almost like my old self, lots of relaxing, eating, drinking and some paddle boarding. Been doing my stretching exercises and the Pranicure cream religiously...
Unfortunately I seem to have had a relapse in the last few days!..... I'd actually thought the fissure was healed as I was having very little pain on sitting, fine when going to the toilet and it has been months since I had any blood with bm... Sadly, the last few days pain has returned and a little bleeding after bm : (
I'm wondering if the fissure has reopened??... Maybe I've been overdoing it recently because I was feeling 'normal'(?)(!)
I'm devastated cause I really thought I may have beaten this horrible thing!!!
I've been in touch with the (Pranicure) company who say it's quite 'normal' to have a setback like this, and to continue what I'm doing, it can take a few months (I've only used for 5 weeks.....)
mamafizz, when did you first have the fissure? Is yours healed for sure now?
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Re: I'm new - from UK

Postby mamafizz » 14 Jun 2017, 16:51

Hi Nikki, Sounds like you had a wonderful time in Spain..so happy for you... well deserved! Not unusual for a little set back, when you are not in protective mode . I first notice I had an issue last year at this time, but I believe looking back now was internal hems. But due to the inflammation by the end of July I believe the fissure started intensely with spasms. I started nitro in Sept for 10 weeks and then had Botox in Dec. End of January at my follow up appt with surgeon he declared it was healed and said he did not see it. I still had what seemed to be residual pain and discomfort after BM etc. as you know for the 3 months following. This has been my best month yet, 3.5 months healed, I do not have fissure pain at all!! Now it is just the remaining muscle issue that is still gradually improving. I did not do anything with the internal hems so some of the remaining discomfort can still be part of this. But the Botox did the trick. So far so good.

As I mentioned, Diosomin is also good for fissure healing as well, since it helps with anal vein and healthy blood flow needed in this area for healing. Did you ever try those supplements? If you are prone to hems or fissures it seems to be a healthy go to.
Also 5 weeks is a short time really for an area that is slow to heal. So that may well do the trick for you. I have read many have a slight set back after traveling, since your routine is disrupted, constipation etc.. I have only managed a few weekend getaways so far, by car, hoping to be able to take a long flight trip very soon. Seems like you have noticed improvement with the stretching exercises--has this helped ease that tailbone and sore achy tight muscles? That is where I am..
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Re: I'm new - from UK

Postby Sgsh24 » 06 Jul 2017, 00:54

Hi Nikki, I too used pranicure and found it helped immensely! I felt back to 'normal' and ate bad this weekend (burger, dairy, overate). I also had a setback afterwards, had a tough stool this morning with blood. I'm so angry with myself for eating poorly and setting myself back. I've begun stretching and using a foam roller a few times a week, sticking to a plant based, whole grain diet and find that between this and the pranicure I find great relief. I hope that this AF will heal and, more importantly, that the pruitis ani will end!
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Re: I'm new - from UK

Postby NikkiB69 » 06 Jul 2017, 11:40

Hi Sgsh24, thanks for your message. I sadly seemed to have a setback too, after using Pranicure for about 5 weeks I felt almost like my 'pre-fissure' days! The trouble with that I think i 'overdid' things, including going to a Guns n Roses concert in London and jumping up and down like a mad thing rocking out!!!! Don't think that did the fissure any good, so I'm almost back to square one with pain during bowel movement, a little bleeding (not always...) etc, but must admit the pain and soreness isn't as bad and doesn't last as long!! Yay for small mercies........
It's so unfair that we can't just do whatever we want and eat what we like without these consequences... My wish is that one day the fissure will be properly healed to I can do what the heck i want like i used to.......

Can I ask what is the foam roller you mention, what do you do with it, and what does it do? I have some small foam balls that I read can be helpful to sit on and roll around (i guess to get the blood supply going to the area??)...
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Re: I'm new - from UK

Postby Sgsh24 » 06 Jul 2017, 17:49

I think I did the same thing and 'overdid' it with my eating over the weekend.. Definitely paying the price since Tuesday with painful bowels and muscle spasms, but they aren't as bad for me either. I used the pranicure for about 5 weeks too, does anyone know how long it may take to heal if we do everything right?
The foam roller is a tool that helps you stretch muscles and knots out, check it out here : https://breakingmuscle.com/fitness/what ... es-it-hurt
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Re: I'm new - from UK

Postby NikkiB69 » 08 Jul 2017, 03:11

Ahh, my hubbie has one of those. Can i ask how do you use it in regards to your fissure? Do you roll it on your bottom muscles to relieve the muscles??.........

p.s. I emailed the pranicure team, and was told fissure can take 2-3 months of using it before fissure is healed......
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Re: I'm new - from UK

Postby mamafizz » 08 Jul 2017, 10:31

Hi, I think I need one of those foam rollers, not sure how to use it where my muscle tension is... My Dad passed away on Wed 4th of July... now I'm heartbroken and my muscles need a quick dose of relax.. ... :) :(
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