Hello Everyone,
I don't know if this is a success story but after all these years, surgeries, creams and pills I've found a routine that will keep my pain at bay to a bare minimum.
All I need to do is have a sitz bath after every single bm (next bit is a bit TMI) and whilst I'm in the bath, make sure I can use my finger to clean around the area under the water and push water up there like an internal mini-cleanse.
My Fissures have all healed and surgery has left me with VERY sensitive scar tissue all around the area and I've found out what causes me the discomfort, burning and pain post-BM is even the tiniest residue bit of faecal matter left over.
Even if I use the softest flushable toilet washlets and not have a mini bath there is always some minor leakage post bm that causes the whole area to burn up and feel like acid all day until I have a proper bath and try to clean the area.
Maybe it's something in my diet causing my poop to be more acidic? Not sure. I've just been so happy to be pain free until yesterday when I had to go at work, no bath facility so had to use moist toilet paper but I've been burning up with acid like pain all around the sphincter for 12 hours until I got home - feeling better after having a bath.
So this is life from now on I'm guessing - it's just not always easy to find a bath after a BM!
Keep the faith everyone, if you have a similar problem please let me know.