2x botox, 2x LIS and Fistulotomy Diary

Was:Interesting comment from the treating surgeon

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Re: Interesting comment from the treating surgeon

Postby AnalFizz » 16 Mar 2018, 15:40

It's been a long time. I do not have the urge to pour my soul here anymore because I fell now better equipped to live with this thing. Maybe someone who has had a bad experience and has needed multiple ops will find some solace from my writings =).

What has happened since last post:

Stopped taking Magrocol which eliminated almost all pain. Still had little fluids dirtying the shorts.
Went to a new CRS and she was the best. She identified that I still had a fissure.

After her check up I had a big burst of "fluids" from the back end and it hurt like hell to wash. Went to a normal Occupational Doctor (the CRS has a month waiting list also in private practice) and He said there is an external fissure and contact the CRS. I suspected a Fistula but he didn't confim it, just said contact the CRS.

Pushed the surgery to march due to family things and minimal pain.

Along comes March and on Monday I went for a second LIS. Discussing with the CRS she agreed it may be a fistula, and it was one. So ended up with a second LIS (on the other side than last) and a Fistulotomy. The Fistula basically went from the 6 o'clock position fissure to just other side of the sentinel tag, so it was a short layout and tag was also cut away.

After the surgery I had a scary time with almost three days without a bm. I started to use softeners again (as instructed). First BM was like trying to extrude off-label play d'oh through a keyhole. Next day my bowel decided to start working and it's been starting get back to normal although still irregular. Before BM I had no pain issues, with BM's I have some pain. Must be all that stretching and fecal matter on the wounds. It's hard to get it clean even with a bidet. After five days the wounds are still bleeding quite a lot. I have still next week off from work (payed sick leaves for the win) so hopefully the bleeding will stop before that.

Second round is easier now that I have a better hold of what to expect. Fistulotomy doesn't feel that bad, just a bigger area that is irritable. Also it feels that the surgery was more successful than first round.
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Re: 2x botox, 2x LIS and Fistulotomy Diary

Postby Make.it.stop » 17 Feb 2021, 16:16

Hey Fizz, it's been almost three years since the last post so not sure if you still come around here, but I'm curious about how things went after that. I have a few more conservative options to try before I consider the very intimidating LIS, and reading this thread gave new insight into what might happen if it didn't work right. Hope you've been well and have a positive story to share
10/17-31/12/17 – First signs/annihilated by Fissure 1
3/18 – Fissure 1 healed by sitz bath/toilet & GI bugs
1/21 – First signs/annihilated by Fissure 2
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