by shd318 » 27 Oct 2016, 13:07
Sharing my experience too:
Hello all. I've been wanting to write my story for other people to have some kind of hope for. I have been a long time struggle-er with gastrointestinal issues. My whole Life I've dealt with constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance and it has been a journey for me all my 27 years. Over the past five years I have lost 100 pounds by simple diet and exercise and I recently over the past two years have really tried to cut out dairy type products in my life. A few years ago when I was eating dairy, yogurt milk different kinds of cheeses, I would have serious bowel problems.. One night I gave up and pledged that I would never eat dairy again. When someone has lower intestinal issues they often find themselves bleeding while going to the bathroom. This often happened to me. I dealt with hemorrhoids and then about a year ago felt a sharp stinging pain. I went to the doctor and he confirmed that it was probably a small anal fissure. He prescribed me a compound and I used it for a few weeks and life went on. Fast forward to September 2016, six weeks before my wedding and I all of a sudden had intense pain in my rectal area. The doctor put me on nitroglycerin suppositories which gave me intense headaches. I dealt with this for two weeks, not living my quality-of-life, pacing around the house, laying awake at night in pain, trying to take baths with Epsom salt or coconut oil to relieve the pain. Nothing was working for me. One night I went into a rectal spasm. The next morning I called my doctor and he recommended that I go see and colorectal surgeon. The surgeon gave me no choice but to have a sphincterotomy and scheduled me right away. I had a huge fear because my wedding was in five weeks, and my bachelorette party was the upcoming weekend. Surgeon assured me that this had to be done for me to be out of pain. Right before my surgery, my mom question the doctor on the side effects, possible incontinence. It freaked me out because there was no way that I could imagine getting through the next upcoming weeks planning a wedding and having to wear a diaper. I was in so much pain while waiting for surgery that I decided that this was my only hope to heal this Fissure. I had a sphincterotomy and remember seeing the clock at 10:10 AM and I remember coming out of surgery and seeing the clock at 10:50 AM.. very quick. The recovery was OK, except for the fact that I did not react well to the pain medication and anesthesia. The nausea and vomiting postop wereworse than the pain post op in my rectal area.I slept for 15 hours that night and woke up the next morning in a bit of a discomfort - because the gauze was still in my rectal area. The sitz bath made my head get dizzy and it was frightening. The sitz bath allowed at the time to slowly come out of my anus and that felt a lot better. I can assure anybody who needs to have a sphincterotomy, that they should do it because immediately after the surgery you do not feel the pain anymore you only feel a soreness from the stitch that's inside. I am now almost 3 weeks postop and two weeks away from my wedding and I'm hopeful that I am still going to be OK for the biggest day of my life. I have fear with almost every Bowel movement that the Fissure may reopen but I try not to push very hard and I'm conscious about being on a high fiber diet. My doctor told me that I had to cut out the laxatives in my life for one day I will have a serious bowel problem. For anyone who thinks that they are too busy in their life to have this kind of surgery, to be out of pain, is the best thing that they will ever do for oneself.