LIS and fissurectomy recovery

When can I expect pain to go down

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Re: LIS and fissurectomy recovery

Postby scared ann » 07 Feb 2014, 06:59

You are right some CRS don't want to speak up,when you go to there office they ask you a bunch of crap,but if you question/ask them why you had this or that after procedure they just said I DONT CRS removed my skin tag but I don't know why till now still have some swelling...your CRS confirmed that you are healed? Did he look inside?my CRS said I have to wait 3 more months to be able to check the fissure if it's healed because he said that he don't want to hurt me...
Take care and God Bless...
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Re: LIS and fissurectomy recovery

Postby skumar » 09 Feb 2014, 07:02

Yes he looked inside and asked live a normal life and today I got blood when I wiped after using the restroom. Will see throughout the day to see if I feel any pain
Salt Bather
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