LIS/Fissurectomy on 17-December-2016

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LIS/Fissurectomy on 17-December-2016

Postby NoPainFissure » 15 Dec 2016, 13:27

Hey everyone,

I am an 18 year old and have been suffering from this fissure for about a year now. I've been lurking on this forum for quite a while and inspired by other people decided to make my own post and a diary for hopefully a successful and speedy recovery.

I am quite nervous right now as I've been on the internet reading everything about the operation, both successful and horror stories and I pray that I join those who had a successful one soon.

I have quite a few worries and last week didn't help since most of my problem arose in that week. My biggest worry is that my anal canal is getting too tight. I don't know if I am constipated or it's just the tightness of my anal canal. I don't feel the urge to go but always a little pain in my stomach which causes me to go to the toilet 10-15 times a day. Thankfully, I poop two times a day but still my first stool is always hard followed by soft stool. I often get the feeling of incomplete evacuation. There is always straining involved.

I am eating a lot of fiber and a drinking a lot of water and also taking psyllium with flax seeds. I don't have Miralax or Movicol here but my Doctor has prescribed me a laxative with MoM in it. I don't know how much should I take.

I told my worries to my doctor and asked whether I should still have the surgery and he said 'Yes'. I hope he is right and I don't get constipated or diarrhea after surgery.

That's a lot for now. I hope to see everyone soon.
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Re: LIS/Fissurectomy on 17-12-2016

Postby Mypoorbutt » 15 Dec 2016, 13:51

Hi NPF, welcome to our group,
Sorry to hear you have been suffering, but I'm sure that in a few weeks all this will be behind you and you will be back to the old you.
The majority of people who have LIS recover very quickly some are pain free almost straight away. I'm sure you will be one of those, you are young and your body knows how to heal itself you just need a bit of help.
Once you have the surgery I'm sure you will have no problems with BMs just be careful how much of the laxative you take as magnesium can be pretty strong and diarrhoea can be just as painful as constipation.
Really good luck with your surgery I'm sure you will be in the majority who have a successful LIS
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Re: LIS/Fissurectomy on 17-December-2016

Postby NoPainFissure » 15 Dec 2016, 14:08

Thanks MPB. I am quite worried about pain as, like my name suggest, my fissure hasn't really bothered me that much. The worst pain I've felt was maybe a 6 or a 7 and even that was after an episode of diarrhea. Even when I bleed, I don't feel pain. It's making me wonder whether I should go through with it at all. But I am gonna.

I have to say, you've been a real inspiration to me. I've been following your journey of post op and you've felt pain that was 10 multiple times but you're still going strong and healing. You're a fighter and I hope I can kick the Fissure's behind just like you.
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Re: LIS/Fissurectomy on 17-December-2016

Postby Mypoorbutt » 15 Dec 2016, 14:39

It's good you haven't been in much pain...that probably means you won't have too much pain post op. Obviously there will be some discomfort as a sensitive area has been cut but most people says it's not as bad as their fissure pain. It's best to tackle the fissure before it gets too bad as the awful things tend to creep up on you. I'm pretty sure I had mostly painless fissures for about 3 years as mine could not have got this bad this quick, so best to stop it before it stops you
Awww thanx I don't feel like a fighter very often but I do know that we all have to keep going. Dont worry though I was an exception due to my other issues 97% of people who have LIS are back to normal between 2/4 weeks. I'm sure by Xmas day you will be feeling fine.
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