LIS in a week

Late forties male, AF of 1 year

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LIS in a week

Postby Mr Fissure » 07 Apr 2017, 06:35

After over a year of coping (but not living!) with an AF, I finally bit the bullet and saw a CRS last month and booked an LIS on Friday 14th April (yep, really hoping it is a Good Friday! :D ).


I've posted a link (above) to my story, so I won't bore you with it again, but basically my AF resulted from an Adductor Tendon injury (a long term injury from my days as a sprinter) which caused a general tightening of all the muscles/tendons in the pelvic region and eventually led to constipation issues..

Funnily enough as I count the days down, my AF is probably as quiet as its been with very little in the way of spasms or even too much pain (I note I'm not the only person that experiences this pre-LIS! :o ) but oddly the adductor tendon has been aching quite badly the last few days! As it happens my CRS said my whole Pelvic floor was a mess, so hopefully an LIS will be the first step in sorting out some of my issues out, and getting my former active life back.

And that's been the biggest issue for me with my AF. Its not really been the pain, which other than the first few weeks I've been able to manage reasonably well, its the fact that its completely stopped me being able to exercise, work comfortably, travel very far, sit for any length of time and basically do most of the things in life that people take for granted. In short, my life's been 'on hold' for the past year, and that's taken quite a toll on me mentally, so finally I've decided enough is enough!

Anyway, in case it helps anyone else, I intend to post updates on my progress, post operation.
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Re: LIS in a week

Postby Mypoorbutt » 07 Apr 2017, 09:33

So pleased for you Mr F
Will look forward to reading your smooth recovery I'm sure this will really help and be the start of getting a full life again
Yes those sneaky fissures have a habit of going quiet once we decide on surgery think they try to lull us into a false sense of security hoping we will cancel the op that will get rid of them :lol:
Super good luck
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Re: LIS in a week

Postby Mr Fissure » 07 Apr 2017, 11:17

Thanks, mypoorbutt! How are you doing? Still progressing I hope?!

Ha Ha yeah - my Dad was only saying to me earlier today, that I don't have to go through with it, if I don't want to! But I've no intention of pulling out. As we've discussed before, I'm bending over backwards to manage and avoid re-injuring it (just finishing another day stood rather than sat by my PC, for example!). I wonder whether its down to the stress disappearing having finally taken the decision to have the op, that they suddenly start to feel better..?

Had a timely reminder today too of what I'm missing out on thanks to this bloody fissure - that's also strengthened my resolve to get myself sorted out once and for all - I really can't wait to get this done!

Thanks again for your support and encouragement mpb, I really hope you're well enough now to be able to enjoy this lovely weather we've been having recently.

Will keep you posted...
Mr F
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Re: LIS in a week

Postby Mr Fissure » 10 Apr 2017, 04:25

So, not the weekend I was hoping for, in fact a bit of a disaster truth be told.

Long story short, but I had to pick my elderly dog up and carry him up a flight of stairs on Saturday night and a combination of my AF, tight back and being off balance when I went for the initial lift and I manged to re-tear my Adductor Tendon - the injury arguably responsible for starting off my AF nightmare in the first place!

To say I'm devastated is an understatement. :sadd:

So now, not only do I have an LIS to deal with in 4 days time, but I'm currently limping around the place, drugged up on ibuporofen, with a leg that's currently hurting more than my AF !

My mindset's varying from blind panic and night-time sweats to resignation that this is just the way things seem to go for me...As my CRS said my 'whole pelvic region is a bit of a mess' and this is proof, as if it were needed!

At least the LIS will hopefully solve one, if not more of the problems I have down there, but I really could have done without this added complication right now, as I know the first few days after the op are going to be tough enough, without another injury to deal with at the same time...
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Re: LIS in a week

Postby Mypoorbutt » 10 Apr 2017, 06:17

Oh nooo isn't that just typical
I guess the only positive point is that at least you won't be thinking about the op. I'm sure once you have had the LIS you can focus on sorting the other issues out.
Try some magnesium spray and keep up with the ibuprofen. At least the hot baths after the op will help soothe your tendon.
Body's can be sooo very unhelpful at times causing problems when we need them the least.
Hang in there Mr F
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Re: LIS in a week

Postby Mr Fissure » 10 Apr 2017, 08:58

Thanks for the kind words, mpb - appreciate it!

I hadn't heard of magnesium spray, but looks interesting. Been using ibuprofen & ice since I did it and trying to get the weight off my legs/feet - as much as my fissure will allow! LOL! As you say, the one positive is probably the fact its taken my mind off the op to an extent!

To be honest, ever since I've had my AF I've felt 'broken' though, so weak in my 'core', and had several back spasms and little niggles to add to the joy of an AF, so this just feels like another one, I guess. The only real difference this time is its my dreaded Adductor again, which proved almost as difficult to clear as an AF the first time and made me think 'is this nightmare ever gonna end?'

Anyway feeling a little more positive this afternoon. As you say hopefully when the LIS is out the way, some of these associated issues will clear up and I can then knuckle down and get the more persistent ones sorted.

So how are you doing now? I really hope you're still improving - you certainly deserve it after all you've been through these last 18 months...

Take care
Mr F
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Re: LIS in a week

Postby Mypoorbutt » 10 Apr 2017, 09:32

In my very distant past I used to swim competitively and got quite a few torn muscles and tendons. Magnesium was always given to us as it's essential to help muscle and bone repair only I can't take the tablets (straight through me no surprise lol) so I used to get the spray I still use it now if I have overdone the gym it's really good.
I'm doing okk as long as the IBS behaves any more than one or two BMs and the pain returns but I think it will always be like that. I'm happy that most of the time I'm in little to no pain. Even if it means I will never taste ice cream again lol :lol:
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Re: LIS in a week

Postby Mr Fissure » 10 Apr 2017, 10:48

Good to hear things are going well, never know if you're CRS gets on top of your IBS, by the end of the summer you'll be eating a '99'!

Thanks for the info on Magnesium - funnily enough, I was a sprinter in my younger days, and have applied all sorts to aid recovery from fatigue and injury, but never tried Magnesium. It'll be difficult for me to get any before my op now, but will definitely give it a whirl afterwards if its still causing me as much grief!
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Re: LIS in a week

Postby Mr Fissure » 13 Apr 2017, 11:07

So the big day's nearly here...due in tomorrow morning at 7.30.

Been difficult to concentrate on much today, definitely feeling apprehensive atm (sweaty palms etc!) so thankful for a busy day at work for once!

The adductor/thigh injury is still troubling me, but not as bad as it was earlier in the week. Had to come off the ibu today, so it didn't interefere with the GA, so probably explains why its aching a bit more. Just hoping doesn't make my recovery a little more difficult - defintely worrying about BM post LIS.

Anyway, not sure when I'll next be on here, but will keep anyone interested posted on my progress (or otherwise!).
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Re: LIS in a week

Postby Mypoorbutt » 13 Apr 2017, 11:21

Super good luck Mr F
I'm sure you will do great he is an amazing surgeon and you have no other digestion issues to hamper recovery so hopefully you will be like IT whose is happy and recovered and back at the gym.
Please do keep us updated on you smooth recovery
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