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Re: Mucus

Postby Jo » 15 May 2008, 21:37

Image Jen,
I had the discharge at various times, not just during bm's, all day long. I think it is normal after the trauma we suffer and the body is trying to heal the wound. It had more blood mixed in it at times, but then it changed from brown to yellowish. It also felt like I needed to poo but all that came out was the mucus. There is probably some swelling that makes you feel the pressure.
I also worried about it, but it eventually slowed down and now it is almost gone. Sometimes I still get some mucus.
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Re: Mucus

Postby Jen » 15 May 2008, 21:38

Kim -
There is way less than a tablespoon - maybe a teaspoon or 2. It is yellowish with some brown from the stool and some red from blood.
The blood is from something other than my fissure - the fissure has not bled in a long time.
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Re: Mucus

Postby Jen » 15 May 2008, 21:40

Thanks Jo! That is so comforting to hear that you went through this too! I need to go to bed and stop stressing out about this! :)
I get so worked up!!
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Re: Mucus

Postby Jo » 15 May 2008, 21:43

Goodnight Jen,
Hope you get a good nights sleep.
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Re: Mucus

Postby Fissulyna » 15 May 2008, 21:43

OK, now I have to share the story about my mucus episode to make Jan laugh - although I never intended to share this embarrassing episode with anybody Image !
Once upon a time when I had my first fissure I tried so hard to do everything "by the book" or better say "books" and pooping became scientific process and my bathroom THE LAB ! One of the steps in a protocol was to poop, wash, have the soak and than check the anus for any miraculous changes. Days passed without any miracles or any unusual events for that matter until one morning I saw IT. "It" was brownish, translucent , gelatinous substance on my anus. "What a heck", I exclaimed looking for q-tip in semi- panicked state! I squat again above the mirror - now with magnifying side staring in my butt and touched "It" slowly and with caution, like "It" might jump on me and imbibe in my skin like some alien creature . As a biologist I saw my share of all kinds of mucus, plant produced or of animal origin, grew slime in petrie dish, saw things oozing from different organs during numerous dissections , even found amusing to play with gunky kind of mushroom that I found - but NOTHING like "It" !!! I nervously looked for suitable container for the specimen and only thing that was on hand was a water bottle cap. So, I placed "It" in the cap, added a few drops of water to keep "It" moist and with care covered "It" with "Cling-on" foil.
I was disgusted and at awe at the asme time - what could "It" be ??? Maybe it is the answer to my plight - maybe it is a colony of some amoebas or other creatures that are living in my colon and making trouble (AKA fissures) ??? I called my GP immediately and she told me to take "It" to the lab. "Yaaaaaayyy" , I thought, now we are talking business.
I took "It" to the lab and didn't really care about strange looks I got from the technicians - what they know anyway - pfffffffft ! Left my "alien" there and happily went back home, happy that I caught "It" and happy that it is not in my home any more. Than waiting began .... preliminary results would be known by afternoon. Tick-tock, tick -tock ..tick-tock.. oh, when will that phone ring, damn it !!! And than, in the middle of my 12th cup of tea it rang! OK - Calm down Fissy !"Hello, Fissy speaking", thank you very much. Have a nice one yourself ! " The results were "inconclusive" - they did not see anything unusual BUT they did not know what it was !!! OK, now com onnnn !!! That was special "It" - I had my hopes so high , you can not just dismiss my "It" for god's sake !!!!
My GP, bless her heart, wanted to calm me down and ordered poop collection for the 3 consecutive days and pieces of it distributed in special flasks with bio-hazard markings on them. Well, that was not fun - yack - what did I pull myself into - poop picking and poking -gross - eewwww- all
of the sudden "It" lost all of its charm, I wished I flushed "It" down like the rest of my poops before! And, so it happens that technician knew me by name by the third day and I wondered how he could handle my bio-hazard and eat chicken vindaloo at the same time - still wonder ...
My poop was examined methodically and some poor gal had to mix and match it in some other lab and after all of that hustle and bustle no aliens were found of any kind and my "It" was declared as "mucus" and so here it is- all black on white - it was ....nothing .
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Re: Mucus

Postby Jo » 15 May 2008, 21:46

You are so funny...
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Re: Mucus

Postby Deleted User 5 » 15 May 2008, 21:54

Jen, the color sounds Ok and the amount, too. My fissure will still bleed if I have a large hard stool, which is very rare. With some of us they never go away completely, I am just happy I am 99% normal. So don't be too sure your fissure won't bleed fromtime to time. Of course, I cannot say that's what it is, I just wouldn't rule it out.
Next question: Are you constipated? If so, how badly?
Last edited by Deleted User 5 on 15 May 2008, 21:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mucus

Postby Fissulyna » 15 May 2008, 21:55

Thanks JO Image , I hope Jen will find it too before she goes to sleep ! LOL
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Re: Mucus

Postby Jen » 15 May 2008, 22:01

OMG FISSY Your freaking killing me! That was so funny!!! Image
I actually thought that was so dang funny, my hubby read the story too - He laughed and thought that sounded just like me.
I am ashamed to say it, but in my "lab" I have the same routine with the soaks and mirror - God help me if I switch it to the magnifying side - it is not pretty!
Thanks! You have made my night!! Bottle cap and petri dish....LOL!!! Image
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Re: Mucus

Postby Fissulyna » 15 May 2008, 22:05

Love you too baby Image I am soooo happy that I made you laugh Image Have nice dreams Jen, and take one day at the time - that is the only way we can stay sane Image
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