by TomatoSoup » 17 Aug 2018, 16:55
Hey thanks for writing.
To answer your questions:
Pain like before surgery? I was a "lucky" sufferer in that I rarely had my life interrupted by the fissure. I only had two weeks where it was REAL bad and that was when I re-injured my 70% healed fissure and made it 3x worse. Those two weeks I was bleeding on the toilet, winching in pain while passing BM, then needing to soak in the hottest baths. Other than that I was only bothered by my fissure when I'd touch it. I'd fortunately solved my constipation issues and rarely strained on the toilet so BM's rarely aggrivated the fissure. One thing that got me to keep going to doctors were the two sentinel piles I had at the edge of the anus. That part I could see and they hurt to touch and only the surgeon was quickly confident in diagnosing them after I'd seen some other doctors who basically said, "I'd try a specialist." I'd also had a big hemorrhoid pop up during a break from the fissure. I cured the hemorrhoid by doing digital massage with a lubed up finger. I'd basically become my own proctologist. I could feel that there was something wrong with my anus. That said, most people with a fissure cannot even think of putting a finger up there but I was at least able to. I'd read about self-dialation and when I'd do it it would only confirmed that the backside of my anus was messed up and the front side felt great so I had the reference to admit to myself that this thing had not resolved after months of trying all other options. It also helped that I have a great partner who talked it through with me and made me realize I'd been talking and talking about this problem for a long time. It also helped that the surgery has a 90%+ success rate. I finally got to the point where I said, "Hey, let's give this a shot." And the surgeon spoke in very certain terms that he knew exactly what I'd been experiencing and was totally unphased by it. There was no "there's a lot to think over" he only kept saying, "It's up to you if you want me to do the surgery. I do them all the time and it works."
I'm so sorry you're experiencing long bouts of pain. Things that have been life improvers for me are: No eating until I've had a BM and drink water in the morning until I feel the strong urge to go to the bathroom. I've gotten it down to a science. 95% of the time at 70oz of water I have to go exactly 45-60 minutes after starting the water. Then I strip down and squat on the toilet and completely relax. I basically had to learn to poop again. Getting easy easy BM's every single day has to be the goal for fissure sufferers. It's so easy to backtrack on healing in the anus. I hope me being one month ahead of you in surgery helps. I'll post my day 2 when it's complete tonight.
Last edited by
TomatoSoup on 18 Aug 2018, 00:09, edited 1 time in total.