Same here LOL !!! I always used baby wipes and thanks god now Cottonelle makes wet flushable wipes and they still use them as well as my whole family. Since I grew up in Europe, washing butt after BM was something that was normal part of life , ha ha, here I had very hard time adjusting with not having bidet so I would jump under the shower or the tub every time. It was especially impractical during pregnancy since I had HUGE belly. I don't know how I survived all of that "hopsing" in-and -out of the tub !?!
I don't know why doctors do not emphasize more how important soft stools are ? My girl CRS said that she uses Metamucil and Citrucal every day even though she never was constipated in her life. She said she is scared to death when she sees what other people had to go through every day. That info should be given us at every physical , same way they warn us to check our breasts !
Fiber protects body from so many other illnesses - from colon cancer, to high cholesterol, to diabetes , I mean , healthy and cheap preventative is available !
Although, for me it would not make much difference fissure vise, since I got it because of sphincter spasming due to stress, it would help others definitely !!!!
Hope that you are doing somewhat better today
, and that you will be able to have at least some fun tomorrow