by Eiffel bum » 22 Feb 2018, 12:56
My CRS did the open LIS so there were no stitches. Afterwards my doc said to take sitz after each bm and at least 4 sitz bath a day to keep the things clean down there so that wound doesn't get infected. There was a bit of discharge for two weeks. However it completely stopped during the third week. For first two weeks I feel u gotta take good care of urself so i slept on my left side for two weeks to avoid any extra pressure on my bum, did not really move much in house was in bed most of the time and ate boiled veggies during lunch, fruits as snacks and brown rice-green gram for dinner. And yeah one more important thing that I really feel has helped a lot with healing is squatting while doing the business down there, that way you will not need any kind of push or straining, you just gotta take deep breaths and rest will happen on its own and a good stool softener twice a day for first week and then you can go to once a day. Don't wait much if you have been suffering for long, as wait will not help it but LIS will. I went back to work on 5th day after LIS and drove on my own after two weeks to see doc for post-lis check up.