Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

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Re: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Postby pafen » 12 Mar 2015, 16:17


Well I saw my pain specialist a few weeks back. He doesn't want to do anything too risky at this stage he thinks the sacral stimulator is too risky.

He is happy for me try biofeedback and my first appointment is this afternoon. Will try this for 3 months and feedback from the physiotherapist will hopefully work out which muscle is spasmed. Once my pain specialist gets this info from the physio he will know what muscle to inject regarding botox. He said we need to work out what's spasmed first puborectalis, obturator interns etc.

This will be done if the biofeedback fails.
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Re: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Postby Alyssa » 12 Mar 2015, 18:25

Pafen... Good luck
2/14 Fissure developed
3/14 Diagnosed w/ fissure given Nifedipine
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Re: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Postby pafen » 13 Mar 2015, 21:38


Well I have seen the physiotherapist. She assessed me and did an internal examination as well as some rotation of my hips. My main area of spasm is the left obturator internus and less severe spasm of the puborectalis muscle. She worked on me for a while and was able to release the muscle internally.

It was amazing how after working on me internally how much more freedom of movement I had in my left hip.

She said the muscles would be spasming and putting pressure on the pudendal nerve and this would be causing the burning sensation I have.

At least from this information my pain specialist will have something to go on re the muscles to inject if I go down the botox path.

How is everyone else going?

Going to see her probably weekly for about 5-6 weeks and see if I notice any overall sustained improvement.
Hemroidectomy, anal abscess, fissure, LIS
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Re: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Postby Alyssa » 30 Mar 2015, 01:58

Sorry I did not respond sooner; I did not get a notification of the thread.. I just had two sessions with my new physical therapist; I had a flare up for two days (rectal ache) and got depressed because the ache was gone for several days and I was able to sit a little longer before the stretching burning pain started. I will also provide an update within the next few weeks to see if this physical therapist can help me; even after Botox, there are still some muscles that are still tight... Pelvic pain is so frustrating?
2/14 Fissure developed
3/14 Diagnosed w/ fissure given Nifedipine
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Re: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Postby Alyssa » 30 Mar 2015, 02:01


My issue with my precious physical therapist was that I could only visit her once a month; now I decided to outside of my insurance carrier (out of pocket) so I will be seeing my new pt every week for the next 2 months; we will see how it goes.
2/14 Fissure developed
3/14 Diagnosed w/ fissure given Nifedipine
4/14 Referred to Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy=Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
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Re: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Postby pafen » 18 Apr 2015, 19:14

How is everyone?

Well I am still making progress with my physiotherapist. I managed to go to the beach the other day and was actually able to walk around all day, when I got home I had minimal burning.

What I have worked out is a lot of my pain is coming from scar tissue according to my physiotherapist. She is able to to feel the scar tissue, when she palpitates particular areas of sensitivity she is able to tell me what it is. We are focusing on stretching the scar tissue to release the tender trigger points.

Overall my rectum is getting closer to a normal level of relaxation. She said last time my rectum almost felt normal in a relaxed state.

Other than that I've had a few other issues that comes with chronic pain. I have been prescribed a mouth guard from my dentist due to clenching unknowingly at night. It has resulted in 2 of my teeth becoming cracked.

If I had of known earlier on, I would have gotten the mouthguard years ago. It's just something to be wary of when you have chronic pain.

I hope everyone else is making some progress as well.
Hemroidectomy, anal abscess, fissure, LIS
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Re: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Postby Alyssa » 18 Apr 2015, 19:24


Great news that you are making progress! Unfortunately for me the sitting pain still remains; my new pt also mentioned that I have scar tissue that could be irritating the nerves and I have tight connective tissue that we needs to dissolved. All this is so complicated; I just cant wrap my mind in all this! The pelvis is very complicated to treat; I have some good days very little pain but they get overshadowed when I get one or two bad ones. How will l ever get over my PTSD? Another thing I need to work on is desensitizing my nervous system.
2/14 Fissure developed
3/14 Diagnosed w/ fissure given Nifedipine
4/14 Referred to Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy=Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
5/14 Fissure declared "healed"/chronic anal pain persists
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Re: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Postby pafen » 18 Apr 2015, 20:25


When I think back about the surgeries, I think most people would have PTSD after rectal surgery. It was certainly a very traumatic period in my life.

I also have good and bad days, but better days if I keep my bowel movements nice and soft.

Make sure you take some daily softeners if you aren't already. Another thing I could suggest which is worth giving a try is wheat grass. A lady I know told me it healed up her ulcerative colitis. You can get it in powder form at a health food shop. A couple of teaspoons in a glass of water daily.

Just type in "wheat grass" at pubmed for some more information.

If you find anything else that works for you let me know, as it might be able to help me too.
Hemroidectomy, anal abscess, fissure, LIS
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Re: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Postby pafen » 18 Apr 2015, 22:18

Another important tip regarding the scar tissue, is that you want to try to keep the stimulation of it to minimal levels when you have bowel movements.

I think this is one of the reasons for the pain. Stool goes past the scar tissue and irritates it which involves nerves as well. Then you end up with the burning and spasms.
Hemroidectomy, anal abscess, fissure, LIS
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Re: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Postby Alyssa » 18 Apr 2015, 23:26

Thank you for the suggestions.. I need to be patient because it will take some time to get to the root of the pain. My pt describes it as "peeling the onion" to get to the root of the pain/ problem.
2/14 Fissure developed
3/14 Diagnosed w/ fissure given Nifedipine
4/14 Referred to Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy=Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
5/14 Fissure declared "healed"/chronic anal pain persists
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