Post LIS and horrible spasms

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Re: Post LIS and horrible spasms

Postby Bettyblue » 31 Jan 2014, 17:34

Thanks for your kind words. I Hope Valium works.
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Re: Post LIS and horrible spasms

Postby Rescue44 » 02 Feb 2014, 14:56

Thanks Scientist. Update ; Initially my wife thought Valium was helping but that was only temporary and short lived. Back to 5-10 hours of agonizing spasms after a bm. Follow up with surgeon is to be Thursday but I'm calling his office at 8 am to see about being seen tomorrow. Surgeons in the clinic must think Lidocaine cream is a miracle drug. Maybe they need to have an LIS so they have first hand experience and see what it's like!!! I'm wondering if having a bag may be required so she won't have a bm and maybe healing can occur without all the pain due to the spasms. I'll continue to update.
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Re: Post LIS and horrible spasms

Postby Scientist2516 » 02 Feb 2014, 17:05

Hi Rescue,
Lidocaine never did a thing for me. Completely useless. The only thing that helped me was ibuprofen, and even that only took the edge off.

Don't even think about a bag (you mean a colostomy bag?). Truly, that can make things worse, and the people here with fissures and a colostomy bag have a terrible time. You might do a search on the forum if you want to know more.

I'm really sorry the valium didn't work. I'm sure there is a cure out there. Maybe your wife's LIS was too conservative, didn't cut the muscle enough to prevent spasms. Or maybe there is something else going on. I really hope you can get an earlier appointment, because I know how awful those spasms can be (shudder).
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Re: Post LIS and horrible spasms

Postby Rescue44 » 03 Feb 2014, 09:58

Talked to the on call surgeon yesterday and he said we are already doing what he would suggest. But she could double the dilaudid dosage to 4 mg and that did make the pain bearable. He also said we should call today to see her surgeon today rather than wait til Thursday, which I did. Waiting to hear back from his secretary. This sucks!!!!! His secretary said she has seen some patients having problems like my wife. Maybe I should give him an LIS :) .Kidding, of course.
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Re: Post LIS and horrible spasms

Postby Rescue44 » 03 Feb 2014, 10:43

Nurse just called and said she may get some help taking Flexeril. Also suggesting same old same old that wife is already doing. I'm still being nice but I did say that when we have talked to the staff in the past they may be hearing what we say but they are not listening. Already doing what they are saying to do and it is not working!!!! I think the Dr I spoke to yesterday is the only one that was listening. Anyone have experience with taking a muscle relaxer for anal spasms?
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Re: Post LIS and horrible spasms

Postby suzyljank » 03 Feb 2014, 14:44

Hi, I'm so sorry I know those spasm very well but they're not that common after LIS because LIS is supposed to relax the sphincter muscle. It's common to be uncomfortable for a little while though. I'm wondering if the LIS was incomplete. If they don't cut enough there won't be any relief. I had LIS 6 years ago and it failed but I did get a little bit of relief after the surgery. I built up too much scar tissue in the area and was finally diagnosed with stenosis. I had 2 advancement flaps performed last april and it helped a lot. Keep calling the surgeon and asking questions and if you're not getting answers please find another doctor. I hope your wife finds relief soon and finds herself on the way to recovery. Suzy
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Re: Post LIS and horrible spasms

Postby woundedspirit » 03 Feb 2014, 16:38

So sorry your wife is suffering so much. You mentioned she is sitting on a warm damp cloth but is she getting in the tub? That was always my go to when the spasms were so bad. Use very warm water. Even a sitz bath will help but sitting in the tub always helped me the most. I have been suffering for 2 years and I totally understand what she is going through. God bless.
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