by Scientist2516 » 02 Feb 2014, 17:05
Hi Rescue,
Lidocaine never did a thing for me. Completely useless. The only thing that helped me was ibuprofen, and even that only took the edge off.
Don't even think about a bag (you mean a colostomy bag?). Truly, that can make things worse, and the people here with fissures and a colostomy bag have a terrible time. You might do a search on the forum if you want to know more.
I'm really sorry the valium didn't work. I'm sure there is a cure out there. Maybe your wife's LIS was too conservative, didn't cut the muscle enough to prevent spasms. Or maybe there is something else going on. I really hope you can get an earlier appointment, because I know how awful those spasms can be (shudder).
Nifedipine/lidocaine, no help
Diltiazem, effective, but caused major rash
Nitroglycerine, effective.
Topical estrogen for final healing.
Gentle heat to bottom - pain relief, muscle relaxant
Kondremul mineral oil
Time - lots of time.
Status - Healed!