Post LIS and horrible spasms

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Post LIS and horrible spasms

Postby Rescue44 » 31 Jan 2014, 12:46

My wife had the LIS 10 days ago and has agonizing anal spasms after a bm that can last for several hours. First given percocet 5-325 , next morning took her to the ER where she was given dilaudid (2 mg) through the IV, then prescribed 2mg pills of dilaudid. These helped immensely but once she started having bms, the spasms started and the pain meds are no help when they occur. Lidocaine cream is useless as is the nitro cream. Almost like she didn't have the surgery. She gets a little relief from sitting on a warm damp cloth that is on a heating pad but still has lots of pain while the spasms are occurring. Any advice, tips, etc. would be greatly appreciated!!!!!
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Re: Post LIS and horrible spasms

Postby Bettyblue » 31 Jan 2014, 13:18

Hi rescue 44, I am so sorry to hear your wife is in so much pain. I think you should call her Doctor because those intense spams don't sound so normal after a LIS. Probably the LIS was very conservative, meaning the surgeon didn't cut enough so the sphincter will be able to relax. That's my best guess. Talk to her doctor ASAP. I had those spams before I had the LIS and they were awful, I really feel for her. I hope somebody who had a similar experience, jump here in this post and can help you some how. I hope your wife will feel better soon.
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Re: Post LIS and horrible spasms

Postby Bettyblue » 31 Jan 2014, 13:24

P.S I have read here in this forum that some people take Valium for the spasm and have helped them a lot.
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Re: Post LIS and horrible spasms

Postby Scientist2516 » 31 Jan 2014, 14:12

Yes, the LIS is supposed to make spasms impossible. Better get back to the CRS to check.
Nifedipine/lidocaine, no help
Diltiazem, effective, but caused major rash
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Re: Post LIS and horrible spasms

Postby Rescue44 » 31 Jan 2014, 14:15

Thanks for replying Betty! I forget to include in my 1st post that she has spoken with the surgeon's nurse twice in an attempt to get a prescription for Valium but has not been successful. The nurse is to speak with the dr when he returns to the office. Dr said she has one of the largest fissures he's seen. My wife , as I, have read that Valium can help as an antispasmodic. The dr has performed many LIS procedures but no 2 patients are the same. It's really affecting her badly on both ends(between the ears too) :(((
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Re: Post LIS and horrible spasms

Postby Rescue44 » 31 Jan 2014, 14:49

Praise the Lord!!!!!! Dr just agreed to give my wife a prescription for Valium!!! I sure hope it helps!!! :))) :stars: Fingers and toes are crossed!!!
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Re: Post LIS and horrible spasms

Postby Bettyblue » 31 Jan 2014, 14:58

That sound awful, Can she not get the prescription from the ER?, or maybe another Doctor from her doctor's office?
I found this post, is from 2009, but it is from a person who had the same as your wife. Maybe it will help you some how.


In all this post they talk about Valium and how it really helps them to stop the spasms.

I think Valium could really helps your wife.
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Re: Post LIS and horrible spasms

Postby Bettyblue » 31 Jan 2014, 14:59

Yes, that's very good news. I hope she can really have some rest from the pain. Many blessings.
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Re: Post LIS and horrible spasms

Postby Rescue44 » 31 Jan 2014, 15:07

Thanks Betty!! I'm going to the pharmacy to pick up the Valium in a few minutes. Pharmacy said it'll be ready in 30 minutes. Wife said there are good people in the world when I read her your post. I'll update later. Thanks again!!!
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Re: Post LIS and horrible spasms

Postby Scientist2516 » 31 Jan 2014, 16:25

You sound like an awesome husband. I really hope your wife feels better soon. Nobody should have to go through that.
Nifedipine/lidocaine, no help
Diltiazem, effective, but caused major rash
Nitroglycerine, effective.
Topical estrogen for final healing.
Gentle heat to bottom - pain relief, muscle relaxant
Kondremul mineral oil
Time - lots of time.
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