Spasms continuing after healed?!

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Re: Spasms continuing after healed?!

Postby mamafizz » 29 Jan 2017, 17:22

MPB, Thanks I have not tried the cramp bark, but it's in my lineup.. I was wondering about that re: my digestive system. I ordered the bioflavanoid with Diosomin the specialist takes it himself says patients have excellent results even helps with levator muscle issues caused by the fissure since 2012. I believe the botox inflamed internal hems really bad, this golf ball feeling higher up and constant full feeling indicates that?Does it seem to you that whenever you have a procedure in this sensitive area, it creates this uncomfortable golf ball tightness feeling, (Its constant) I seem to read a lot of people have this & some say it can take awhile? Others say once everything heals it goes away?Was this your experience? I want to try the cbd oil, I have my sons friend looking into getting this, is it a topical or mixed with other oils through the skin (soles of feet?) I do have a salve with hemp oil but not sure, it has lavender lots of other essentials mixed in.Let me know if it is strictly CBD and if it is a salve or balm or tincture and how it is applied or taken. thanks much.

Reighleysmama, you are on the healing path, day by day is best. The botox healed mine in just a few weeks so don't be surprised if it heals quicker than you think. Its been 3 weeks since mine is healed but dealing with internal hems that feel achy, throbby burny and a constant full ness higher up and pressure so weird?! Still cant sit down, feels so tense and like a granite hard rock of muscle is up there. Let me know when you sit down again!!
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Re: Spasms continuing after healed?!

Postby Mypoorbutt » 29 Jan 2017, 18:24

It has to be pure CBD oil, which they mix with olive oil. I have 2/4 drops under my tongue. I have to have mine just before food but that's because of the olive oil. But you can have it at anytime really and adjust the dose to suit you. Over here there are different strengths I take the 7% but there is a 4 and a 14 the 4 was too weak for me haven't tried the 14 yet. It really does help it's just so very expensive that I can't stay on it permanently
The tight feeling only really comes now when I stand still for any length of time. It's not there when I walk or sit in fact movement actually really helps it. Just wish I could stand still but I'm hoping that will improve with time
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Re: Spasms continuing after healed?!

Postby Ryleighsmama » 29 Jan 2017, 18:35

Thank you MPB. I would check these things out in a couple days. I have a question is it typical to have stitches after the surgery?
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Re: Spasms continuing after healed?!

Postby Ryleighsmama » 29 Jan 2017, 18:39

Hi MF,
Actually I can sit down on my bed with a heating pad or ice packs. So far so good. When the pain starts I lay on my side. Did you have LIS too?
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Re: Spasms continuing after healed?!

Postby mamafizz » 29 Jan 2017, 18:42

Oh yes Thanks def going to try this, sound like the tincture. Is this something that takes time or can you notice fairly soon. Does this help with the tightness and pressure or just pain ? Not sure how I will know if 4 is good enough or I would need a higher amount? Once a day? If I could finally sit, I would not mind not being able to stand for long, as right now I cannot do either. :) I believe once the hems are done being swollen and the muscle unknots a bit more I might get up enough nerve to try it! It's been 6 months with the fissure and a month after Botox, just about 3 weeks healed so I am giving it more time to settle down.. If I could only not pay so much attention to it... gee whiz :thankyou:
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Re: Spasms continuing after healed?!

Postby mamafizz » 29 Jan 2017, 18:46

RM. No I had Botox a month Plus ago but I have gotten into a bad habit of not sitting ever since this the fissure had gotten so bad, found it impossible to sit with all of those spasms etc. I thought after Botox I could sit, but these swollen hems internally from the Botox still makes it scary to sit. Feels like there is a hard rock higher up and so tense I am trying to wait until it seems I could actually sit with not as much comfort, I could only side sit for a bit before Botox but it would ache so much after not even sitting full on. I must have had Hemmrhoids all along and this just made them even worse. Most people with fissures do I am told. I am happy you are able to sit already... Good for you.. I better work on my phobia of sitting.. !
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Re: Spasms continuing after healed?!

Postby GilmoreGirl » 30 Jan 2017, 12:23

Update - cannot get the diarrhea to stop even with added fibre etc, will be adding some loperamide tonight and see how things go. Scared to rip the fissure open again as things are so tight. But pain is way too bad...I'm so frustrated because im back to the pain level I was at on December 1st, needing morphine again to even function, and physio says she cannot do any work unless my pain is under better control.

Now also have a huge blister on my butt cheek (Luckily not too close to the fissure so nothing sinister I hope) that is very painful and makes having a bath impossible....I just want to catch a break!

I'm thinking more and more about going ahead with LIS but I think I must get the diarrhea under control first. I'm surprised that morphine does NOTHING to firm things up or slow things down.

Thank goodness I see the psychologist again this week because suicidal thoughts are back and nearly constant.

Sorry for the depressing rant, it's been a long day so far and it's only noon where I am.

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Re: Spasms continuing after healed?!

Postby mamafizz » 30 Jan 2017, 12:30

GG.. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Mine was also very bad, it was a good size internally, the botox did heal it and the spasms are better, I believe I am having the other issues from the internal hems, and the veins and inflammation for sooo long has to have time to heal. Maybe consider the Botox? It's a step process. I could not imagine the pain of the operation so I opted for this first. It's only been a month or so, and it is better. I am trying the vein health it is suppose to be excellent with reducing the pain in that area takes a bit though I will let you know how that goes. Hang in there, nothing stays the same, everything has to change, I also read that even though they don't always see internal hems (I also have something outside also?) it takes sometimes 6 months to heal properly. And if you have lose bowels it aggravates them further, it is like varicose veins in there very painful. BUT.. the good news is they do heal our bodies regenerate and are able to heal ourselves. Honestly it will... I am right there with you... having had this alittle longer.. It is going to get better... We are stronger than we think... We are strong enough for this that's for sure....!!!!
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Re: Spasms continuing after healed?!

Postby mamafizz » 30 Jan 2017, 12:32

PS are you on the east coast...? Time zone
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Re: Spasms continuing after healed?!

Postby Mypoorbutt » 30 Jan 2017, 12:39

Yes it works pretty quick with me after the first day really....I take 4 drops 3x a day strength 7. It's mainly the underlying sore achyness once it's gone to spasm pain I'm not sure if it would actually help. But it has helped with the length of time I can sit and like I say that hard to describe stinging burning tightness is a lot less when I take's expensive here so I can't take it all the time I try and save it for when my bowel is acting up.
GG oh wow that's awful Hun they can't leave you with constant diarrhoea as that is bound to give you a fissure eventually. As for LIS my experience is it was way rougher because of the diarrhoea but you could be different and the LIS may give you the peace of mind you need to slow the diarrhoea down....everyone is different but my CRS says diarrhoea does prolong healing if it's chronic and daily, which I guess makes sense. Is there nowhere else you can go to get help with the diarrhoea Hun x
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