Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 07 Jun 2017, 17:10

Glad it's all done and that long lasting anaesthetic sounds like a great idea. I'm sure the first BM won't be half as bad as your expecting

Fingers crossed for a smooth healing journey
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby missy moo » 07 Jun 2017, 18:54

Hope your healing is fast an easy here's to a pain free life without a fissure it's all down hill from here so I've heard lucky you good luck.
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby raoden » 10 Jun 2017, 18:14

Thanks mpb and missy moo for the wishes. The first BM was nowhere near as painful as I was afraid. I never took any prescription medication. I was just using two Extra strength tylenols (1000mg) every 6 hours

It is day 3 now and the pain was lot less. So I decided to decrease the pain meds and took only one extra strength Tylenol in about 8 hours. Now I seem to be running a fever of 101.4. I don't seem to have much pain or any other visible signs of infection. Has any of you faced this after LIS?

I have left a message at my surgeons office as well. Waiting to hear from the on call physician now
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby missy moo » 10 Jun 2017, 18:45

Hey i haven't had anything done I'm still on off with the fissure but a temp normally means something is up it mite be something unrelated wait to hear what your doctor says an keep reporting back on here even if your back to your pre fissure self because these story's give people like me an inside look an courage to get the fissure sorted I'm still trying to convince myself it's the only way forward while I wait for me appointment to discuss my options. Keep up the good work I hope your temp goes down.
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby Kv12 » 11 Jun 2017, 17:35

Hello. Sorry to hear you have a temp but are doing ok otherwise. I was given a 5 day course of antibiotics and did not develop any infection. Don't leave it, get it checked. Take care and go easy!
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby raoden » 13 Jun 2017, 18:42

Sorry for the late response. The oncall doctor I spoke to asked me to come into the Emergency Room as it was on the weekend to ensure that I am not having any infection. That started nearly 24 hours of stay in the hospital emergency room. They ran a battery of tests (Cat scan of pelvis area, Chest X-Rays, numerous blood tests, UltraSound on veins on legs, ...) but nothing came back as having an infection. The oncall surgeon did a digital exam of rectal aread and did not find any abcess. So nobody is sure what caused by elevated temps. I had a fever for about 6 to 8 hours and spent a hellish 24hours at the hospital. But I am thankful that nothing serious was found. So they sent me back home with not even an antibiotic.
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby Kv12 » 15 Jun 2017, 17:59

How are you doing now?
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby raoden » 15 Jun 2017, 18:42

Today is Day 8 post op. I am having a sharp stinging pain that lasts about 5 minutes after BM. After that it is a mild dull pain at the surgical site. But for the first time in the 8 days after surgery I felt some spasms today evening. The squeezing pain in the anus and tail bone area. Popped a couple of Tylenols and took some rest. I had been sitting all day and working today. Don't know if that caused it. I am officially on a medical leave for another week. I think I am going to take it easy tomorrow.

Hope you are doing fine as well kv12
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby Kv12 » 15 Jun 2017, 18:53

It sounds like you are recovering well. I'm 3 weeks post ok and still of work but my job requires a good level of fitness so I'm not rushing back as I don't want any set backs.

The pain is nowhere near pre op though is It! :evil:
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Re: Too soon to consider LIS after 7 weeks of fissure pain?

Postby raoden » 17 Jun 2017, 14:56

Kv12 no the pain is nowhere near preop. I am on day 10 now. There is very little pain if any during bms.

But my problem has been discomfort while trying to walk. So decided to take a look between the cheeks today. I see a slightly red swelling. Also something that looks almost like a swollen pimple with a white head. I suspect this is on the incision site. I am not super sure. I am afraid now this is going to cause some trouble. Is this an infection?

Also do you guys wipe using anything after BMs? I was so afraid that I used a squirt bottle to squirt some water down there and then sat for 15 to 29 minutes on the site bath. Stopped wiping after the LIS. I am wondering if that has caused this problem. Does anyone use toilet paper or wet wipes?
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