Tips for Successful Healing

My tips for healing chronic (and acute) fissures

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Re: Tips for Successful Healing

Postby missy moo » 14 Jun 2017, 19:00

Yea it's related I think I'm breastfeed an struggling to heal it at all now which is hormone related I believe go on an estrogen pill birth control an see if it improves I will be as soon as I stop breastfeeding
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Re: Tips for Successful Healing

Postby LeeMS » 14 Jun 2017, 21:50

Missy Moo,

Yes, the surgeon told me it was a chronic issue and only surgery would fix it. My GP told me to resort to surgery only if I couldn't take it anymore and I was planning on ending my life. I determined that when you are a hammer (surgeon), everything resembles a nail. I owe a great deal to my GP. He is my hero.

My fissure did not re-tear, it just wouldn't heal at all. I went through hell for two years, so yes, I believe that the condition can be healed without surgery and the useless medications prescribed for it.

You have to be committed to the coconut oil and throw the other crap away. I did not have a skin tag and my scar tissue is gone.
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Re: Tips for Successful Healing

Postby missy moo » 15 Jun 2017, 00:13

Boy your lucky I mite have to try it I'm sick of this pain do you have to have your bms super soft everyday I'm finding that hard to do
missy moo
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Re: Tips for Successful Healing

Postby LeeMS » 15 Jun 2017, 14:12

I'm very lucky, but it took some time and I keep to a simple regimen daily.

Fairly soft - I take one Colace late at night with some V8 juice. I also use a sliver of a suppository before I go to make things easier. Lots of coconut oil!
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Re: Tips for Successful Healing

Postby missy moo » 15 Jun 2017, 17:29

That's great I find a cup of strong coffee gets things moving instead of suppositories I really want to heal at the moment I'm using diltiazem cream 3 times a day if this doesn't work I'll be getting botox I have a history of healing an retearing so a bit different to you i mite start using coconut oil twice a day after my daytime diltiazem an see how that goes with helping the skin and the scar.
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Re: Tips for Successful Healing

Postby LeeMS » 15 Jun 2017, 21:44


I am not a health care professional, only a survivor of the worst affliction that I ever experienced, so you can take my advice or not, but having this experience, there are some things I would not think about doing.

The diltiazem would be in my trash can and not on or in my body; use the money you would spend on Botox and instead buy some lottery tickets because the results could be better for you; not delay using coconut oil by even one day.

Here's what I discovered: continuing to do the same things every day and not see any real results was a terrible waste of time, money and prolonged my agony. Maybe some of these things you mention helped someone, but for me they did nothing.

It comes down to this: if you continue to use these things and use the coconut oil, then don't bother. It's coconut oil and nothing else, period.

If you have recurring tears, it's a sign of something else. I would try to heal the present tear with the coconut oil and continue to use it every day, several times a day for the rest of your life. Maybe it can help prevent future tears, I don't know, but it won't hurt.
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Re: Tips for Successful Healing

Postby missy moo » 16 Jun 2017, 09:55

Ok thanks I'll go an get some coconut oil I'll researched it an it sounds like amazing stuff by retear I mean the same fissure it's as if the scar is weak
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Re: Tips for Successful Healing

Postby LeeMS » 16 Jun 2017, 11:36

Ok, got it.

Buy the inexpensive stuff at the grocery store as long as it is 100% coconut oil. No kidding, I found no difference between that and the most expensive versions.

Use the c.o. as often as possible, it's not toxic in any way. And good luck.
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Re: Tips for Successful Healing

Postby missy moo » 16 Jun 2017, 14:03

Thank you
missy moo
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Re: Tips for Successful Healing

Postby Deleted User 7275 » 07 Jul 2018, 21:29

Great page here. Lots of info.
Deleted User 7275

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