by LeeMS » 15 Jun 2017, 21:44
I am not a health care professional, only a survivor of the worst affliction that I ever experienced, so you can take my advice or not, but having this experience, there are some things I would not think about doing.
The diltiazem would be in my trash can and not on or in my body; use the money you would spend on Botox and instead buy some lottery tickets because the results could be better for you; not delay using coconut oil by even one day.
Here's what I discovered: continuing to do the same things every day and not see any real results was a terrible waste of time, money and prolonged my agony. Maybe some of these things you mention helped someone, but for me they did nothing.
It comes down to this: if you continue to use these things and use the coconut oil, then don't bother. It's coconut oil and nothing else, period.
If you have recurring tears, it's a sign of something else. I would try to heal the present tear with the coconut oil and continue to use it every day, several times a day for the rest of your life. Maybe it can help prevent future tears, I don't know, but it won't hurt.