Hi guys, I had botox done almost 5 weeks ago for an chronic anal fissure(6 months and couting...) which caused me unbearable pain 24/7.
My problem is that since the botox I’ve experienced some horrible incontinence of not only gas, but poop also. I’m a soon to be 18 year old girl, which now has a problem with shitting myself.. yummy yummy. and to top it all the pain is still there - bad as ever. I don’t know what to do at this point - no cream, pills, dietary changes, botox or anything has helped. My doctor says next step is another round of botox or anal dilataion.. but I’m scared ass hell to try again or have another surgery done if I get more (or worse) sideeffects from it.
What would you guys do? Have another botox or the dilation done and crossing my fingers to not shit myself forever or just living with this crazy pain all day?
Do you have any tips witch helped you or anything I could try besides this cause Daamn I’m giving up soon