IBS and LIS healing

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Re: IBS and LIS healing

Postby cherylk » 18 May 2010, 14:51

Good comments, Fiss!!
As for the psychiatrist, SHE'S a very attractive young(er) female. So, she's cute and nice, but the wrong sex for me!! Image
Actually, we enjoy going to the doc appointments to know firsthand what the docs say!! I'll post the outcome(s) of the appointments in the good news section later!! :D
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Re: IBS and LIS healing

Postby Fissulyna » 18 May 2010, 16:38

Oh, NP , one more thing !
If Flagyl caused such horrible side-effects , maybe there is another A-biotic that can be used !!! I would hesitate also - you know I have some of your "side-effects" but on permanent bases LMAO and I never even know what caused my nerve damage. But , me to the side, do not take Flagyl if it caused you problems :( - there must be other ones , just in case you decide to take any. I am so sorry that most of our members are gone Image and can not now share what antib. they used. Maybe you can got through posts of Lecia and Pinky. Buttgirl used Flagyl, so you do not have to check her.
Also - please do eat healthy :( :( :( :( ... I read on another post that you eat chips Image Image Image - it does not matter if it hurts when it goes out or not - it does not give you any nutrition or vitamins that you now desperately need to boost your immune system to fight infection and heal Image
Are you taking any vitamins, supplements , probiotics or anything of that sort ??? Image You are very smart guy NP - I do not have to tell you how much immune system is connected with our whole system - including stress level :( . You just have to help your body to get into balance as soon as possible Image Image Image and you can help it with healthy food and nutrition . Remember when you told me that you were not sick a single time since you got a fissure ? Maybe it was because you were on a "fissure diet" - the healthiest diet that there is Image !!! I am sure that was the reason - but I just want you yourself to consider it ; )))
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Re: IBS and LIS healing

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 18 May 2010, 21:02

Hey Fissy, looks like you were right again. I searched around and Flagyl and Ciprofloxacin are the two most popular antibiotics for rectal abscesses. Apparently they are often taken by Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis patients on a long term basis for abscesses and fistulas. Ciprofloxacin is a very close relative of Avelox, the leftover stuff I have that gave me peripheral neuropathy. I felt tremors running down my legs when I took it and my heart rate got real fast. So it seems that my choices are peripheral neuropathy from Flagyl or peripheral neuropathy from Ciprofloxacin lol. Awesome. I did see someone on a Crohn's forum say that Flagyl can shrink fistulas. Not sure if that's true. Anyway last year I took Flagyl after I already had peripheral neuropathy from Avelox, so I'm not sure how much of it was really due to Flagyl. Maybe I'll find out soon. I know that Avelox and Ciprofloxacin also come with the risk of spontaneous tendon rupture so they're not exactly much better risk-wise haha.
This seminar thing I have to give at work tomorrow is stressing me out, so after it's over I'll decide what to do about asking for antibiotics. I think I'll start with the CRS office, see my primary doc if that doesn't work, and go to the ER if all else fails. My ass area is starting to itch again which is how the abscess started last time. But it's also only day #4 after surgery so maybe it's normal. Not sure what to think anymore. Still getting some mild brown leakage though.
I don't take any supplements or anything. They all upset my stomach. Actually I barely eat anything anymore. I'm back down to about 115 pounds. Daily diet is two bowls of veggie soup and then the rest is Miralax and valium lol. Diet of champions! I should go work for Jenny Craig...
Anyhow I really appreciate all of your kind and supportive words. I don't think I really contributed to that many of my problems. I just wish I'd made some decisions differently. Like listening to your CRS recommendation lol. You had more way more experience than I did, not sure why I didn't. Or even listening to my own CRS who said she thought it was weird that I was opting for surgery even though my pain was perfectly manageable. Basically if I had listened to anyone besides myself I'd be good to go. But oh well, that ship has sailed.
BTW I didn't know you had neuropathy problems too. How often do they occur? Mine come and go. I can go weeks without problems and then they'll come back for a while. I tried super-dosing on vitamin B12 and all sorts of remedies but nothing worked. I can trace mine all back to when I first took Avelox though. We're still in the dark ages when it comes to neuropathy. Doctors can't find the cause in the majority of cases so they just call it idiopathic neuropathy. They'll look for the common causes like diabetes, B12 deficiency, heavy metal (e.g., mercury) toxicity, and herniated spinal discs, but when they don't find anything, they just say oh well, have fun dealing with it. Sometimes it's hard to believe that we're in the year 2010 when it comes to medicine. If this is how things are now then I really don't want to know what they were like before "modern" medicine.
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Re: IBS and LIS healing

Postby Fissulyna » 18 May 2010, 23:50

Hey bud - good luck tomorrow !!!! You will do great -I have no doubt about it ! Somehow butt behaves when "necessary" - I know I always worried about it when I had to do some things on schedule and out of home and was sure I would either need a restroom or be in pain , but somehow things would fall in place Image - maybe subconsciously it shows "mercy" LOL, I do not know LOL, but do not worry ! If you feel queasy or something in the middle you can always excuse yourself and tell that your wife is calling from the hospital - who would not understand something like that ??? !!!!
I am so sorry to hear that you are so thin :( :( :( now , I was that exact weight before my first LIS and I looked like a skeleton Image and felt so week and would feel dizzy sometimes, since I was severely anemic also : (((. Fissure and butt pains are the worst torture devices ever invented Image , and only ones that have it can understand it Image .
It is such a bummer that you can not take any supplements : (((. I can not take multivit. - my stomach starts hurting really bad - but somehow if I take vit. one by one separately and in two batches (one with breakfast and one with dinner ) , I feel OK. I can also take only Jarrodophylus probiotics - all other bother me Image . Can you eat yogurt or buttermilk ??? That would be very good for you. Can you take some honey and propolis - that would give you strength and would be nice gentle general tonic !!! Can you add some raw garlic to your veggies - excellent natural antibiotic and anti-fungal ! I know that you are completely exhausted at this point and do not feel like doing anything Image or try things , I know I some days feelt like just giving up on it all , but you have to buddy Image . As you saw so far with doctors of all kinds and specialties , we just can not completely rely on them and we have to fight for our health and push them to do all necessary things and take charge !!! NOBODY would do anything extra if we do not ask and push Image - it is unfortunate fact, but is a fact and we can not change it Image We can only stay on top of the things and educate ourselves about our health issues and ask for the best treatment we know exist ! Also , please do not forget about complementary therapies , I am talking in general, I saw what it can first hand - almost impossible things !!!!
I do not want to hear you blaming yourself in any shape or form (OK - I want to hear lol, you definitely should vent lol ) since nobody has a crystal ball and it is easy to be a "general when battle is over" !!!! Who knows - hey - maybe if you went to my CRS he would sneeze and make a cut too big Image ; ) or if you did not have a LIS would get infection anyway since fissures DO get infected all the time !!!!!! We had at least 4 people (that I can think off the top of my head) who did not have the LIS but got actually FISTULA formation due to long term fissure !!!!!!!! So - yes, boats can and could sail differently all the time - everything is in constant flux Image ... we never know how it would be or will be and we have to make decisions of all kind every day . Some would prove to be excellent, some not so good - and mostly of all - I want you to understand that all of this could have happened with another CRS and also without ANY surgery !!!! So, your decision was the right one at the time. What followed was not part of your decision - but just a crappy random event Image !!!
Yes - I have neurophaty also. I have Burning Mouth Syndrome Image and I can write a book about that year of suffering and doctors' dismissal and humiliation I had to endure until I was diagnosed correctly Image - and again, if I did not do all of the research and made diagnoses myself and than knew that I need to actually see a Oral Pathologist to be treated - I do not know what would have happened Image Image Image Image - I though some days it would be best just to jump under the truck and be over with it Image !!! BUT, I found a doctor and she immediately knew what it is and what to do and if I had a money I would make a monument for her in some nice park LOL I am telling you all of this just for you to see that there is always a light at the end of a tunnel - if we do not reach it it is only because we gave up one day too soon Image . So never give up trying to find what helps with a butt, or neurophaty , or anything else !!!
I do not want to take your time - you are probably making slides or something for tomorrow !!!
I wish you the best of luck : )))) and let us know how it went !
PS: Itching for most people means healing happening !!!!! Most sufferers call it a "healing itch" ; ) ! So, maybe you are healing NP Image KTW
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Re: IBS and LIS healing

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 19 May 2010, 00:06

lol how'd you know about the slides hahahaha. That's exactly what I was doing :)
I'd never heard of burning mouth syndrome before. Crazy the stuff that's out there. So is it all under control now? I saw several neurologists many times for my neuropathy and test results just kept coming back normal. Finally I just gave up and decided to live with it. It's a nuisance but a livable one. I think it's actually a pretty common problem.
Unfortunately my itching is that wet and raw irritating kind with yellow stuff when I dab with toilet paper. Probably not the "healing itch" that I've read about. Seems like maybe the pus again, I dunno. But oh well, tomorrow is another day, let's see what it brings.
Some good news I just got is that my son's fever has finally come down. Yay! He still needs surgery but at this point I'm happy with the small victories. I'd poop my pants for eternity if he could just get better and have a real life.
My wife just sent me the sweetest set of emails from the hospital too. She wrote "Good night, love you forever." And I responded "Even if I'm incontinent? Because I'm still leaking brown crap and might leak it forever." And she writes back "Yes, no matter what, I want to grow old with you." I responded "You sure? Because leaking sh!t is pretty nasty stuff." And her response was "Yes, I'll help you clean up." LOL. I have to admit, although I'm still leaking some kind of foreign alien sh!t into my pants, that did put a smile on my face :)
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Re: IBS and LIS healing

Postby Fissulyna » 19 May 2010, 00:26

You see buddy !!!!!!!! You might have some butt problems that would pass - but the level of love you have around you is something most people can only dream about and would eagerly be in pain just to experience it for a day !!!!!!!!! Image Image Image
You are very, very lucky man NP : ))))))))) !!!!!!! I am giggling now since am soooo happy that you saw it even for a brief moment - you are actually VERY LUCKY GUY and a WINNER !!!!! Image Image Image
I am sooo happy also to hear that your baby is better Image - my goodness - what a great end of a day Image Image Image !!!!! *sigh
Itch -shmitch - we will take care of it - this or that way ; )))
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Re: IBS and LIS healing

Postby cherylk » 19 May 2010, 05:21

Oh, that was so sweet of your wife!! She took her wedding vows seriously!!! Good luck with your presentation.
Could you try drinking Ensure in an effort to gain weight? I drank that every day during the time I was thin. :roll:
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Re: IBS and LIS healing

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 19 May 2010, 18:40

Hey Cheryl, yep I tried Ensure before, it doesn't seem to do much for me unfortunately. Just makes me poop a lot. Actually pretty much anything makes me poop a lot. My stomach can't handle very much, the only things that make me poop seem to be tea and water. Guess that's what I get after years of GI abuse from beer and coffee. If I ever beat this a(bsce)ss problem I think I might actually be good to go as far as the fissure is concerned though. I've been passing some relatively hard stools lately (been lazy about drinking enough water) and they actually come out real easy. No real pain from the fissure site. So if I can manage to get rid of the bump I might just go on a McDonald's rampage for a few weeks and gain back all that lost weight. I had a couple of french fries last week and swear my mouth was ready to just explode from the flavor. So close and yet so far.
So Fissy, on your advice I went ahead and called the doc's office to see if anyone can take a look at Mr. Bump this week. The receptionist says one of the other CRS's in the office has an open appointment for tomorrow, and my CRS will also briefly be in the office tomorrow and can squeeze me in. So I had my choice: 2nd opinion from a new doc or just see the same doc again. I figured ok, since this thing is related to surgery, and only the doc who did the surgery really knows what the deal is, I'm probably better off just seeing the same doc instead of getting an opinion from someone else who has no idea what the full history of Senor Bump is :) Plus I have no idea if the other doc is any better or worse. Hopefully that was the right choice this time. Given my luck with decision making recently, I'm not sure lol. Whaddaya think, would you have seen the new doc or the same one? Your track record with decisions seems to be superior to mine so I'm curious Image Maybe I will call in the morning to change things around if you feel differently on the matter haha. I already know what happens when I do things my way, time to try someone else's way next time...
I'll ask about Flagyl at the same time and see what kind of reaction I get. I can probably guess already (and truthfully would not be too disappointed if I'm right because I'm super scared of that stuff), but figure it can't hurt to bring it up.
And yep, both my wife and son came home from the hospital today, yippee! He's going in for those two surgeries early next month but I'll worry about those when the time comes. They postponed the procedures because he was so sick this week. One interesting thing is they gave him vancomycin via IV when he was in the hospital. Makes me wonder if his illness was somehow related to my abscess. Seems unlikely but the timing is suspicious.
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Re: IBS and LIS healing

Postby Fissulyna » 20 May 2010, 01:12

NOPE - I think it was a vise choice if you go to the same office ! You have no idea who the other dr is or if he/she is good - so it is better that Blondie checks her "handiwork" and hopefully she remembers how it looked like last time so she can compare. I know that you will fall on the floor laughing, but I used to make digital photos Image Image Image also , so I could have a "documentation" and prove my points !!! LMAO
ANYHOW lol, best of luck buddy and it is just wonderful that your fissure is behaving KTW Image - imagine that Image Image - 2,3 weeks post op ???? WOW - that is just fantastic man !!!!! "Bumpy" will calm down sooner or later Image and you will be able to put all of this nonsense behind yourself Image Image Image !!!! Just be smart and pamper your butt with nice fiber food LOL - you do not want to go through this twice LOL - don't you ; ))) !!!!???? Your sphincter will get tighter and tighter over the next 6 mos and if you do not pay attention - the rip can easily happen Image ! You will be able to eat all of your junk LOL, but eat also a lot of fruits and veggies on the side so you balance it out - OK !!! My CRS told me that the highest % of relapses is 4-6 mos after since patients feel so good and than slip of the good diet wagon and disaster follows Image So be smart Image>
I am sooooo happy to hear that your baby is back home Image Image Image - that is such a relief !!!! Image Image Image
Happy Healing Image
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Re: IBS and LIS healing

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 20 May 2010, 01:32

LOL ok Blondie it is then! I've got that raw itchy feeling again and just got some minor blood on toilet paper when dabbing (first time in a long time that's happened), so I fear, with some certainty, that there will be something wrong. I just hope it doesn't require surgery, whatever it is.
I actually wish I'd taken a photo of the bump. That would have been a good idea. I swear it's getting bigger and more red, but I have nothing concrete to compare it to so I can't be 100% sure. If I had thought it through ahead of time, I would've taken a picture of the pre-op bump, the 1-day post-op bump, the 2-day post-up bump, and so forth. You're full of excellent ideas haha. I'm not laughing, I just wish I'd thought of the same thing lol.
I've been eating a lot of junk foods like potato chips and getting lazy about drinking water. So I think your CRS has a point about recurrences. I would welcome a tighter sphincter though. I'm still leaking minor stuff every day, hopefully that goes away with time.
Anyhow have a good night. Hope Blondie (that's a catchy nickname) has good news for me :)
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