NHS-going to see specialist next week...Help!!

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Re: NHS-going to see specialist next week...Help!!

Postby Sue27uk » 09 Jul 2011, 05:54

Aw Layla, I am so sorry you are having a bad time. I have finally started to improve and have had 2 days without pain when having a bm. Still keeping up with the rectogesic etc, but am feeling more hopeful. Although well aware that it could go back again. Unfortunately I now have what seem like period pains constantly and worse when I urinate so going back to the docs on Monday. Reckon she thinks I'm a hypochondriac! She says this is part of the healing process as my blood test and urine test came back fine, but I don't agree! I don't know how you are with being assertive and I must admit I'm not good!! But I was the other day, I wrote down clearly the questions I wanted answering, and when with my GP worked through the list. I said to her the list was for me so I didn't forget anything, and it really helped. I pushed her on her reasons for not going private concerning the fissure, and also other health issues (IBS and thrush). Felt like collapsing when I walked out, but the important thing is that when I was in there I was stronger. With the thrush, I know how you feel as I've had it 8 weeks. Think it was me Dawn that said about good bacteria!! I have found the canestan cream good, see if your doctor will prescribe fluconazole tablets. I have one a week, and she has given me pessaries too. Keep positive and push for a second opinion. Saying your body will sort itself out is a cop out in my experience, what they say when they don't know what to do!!!! :)
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Re: NHS-going to see specialist next week...Help!!

Postby Layla85 » 09 Jul 2011, 13:00

Hi folks thanks for your replies :)
Dawn thank you so much for your support. I have felt rather alone with this, in that I haven't told my family and its not the sort of thing you can really discuss openly with friends. The hospital appointment, which I'd hoped would give me some comfort and action plan, only made me feel more frustrated. So thank you, this forum in general has made me feel much less alone! I think your turning up at the docs crying strategy is probably a very good one. Honestly I think tears might be the only way to be taken seriously.
Sue I'm so pleased things have been looking up for you in the past few days. Rectogesic is great and I've no doubt is possible to heal completely using it for some people. Also really pleased you braved the docs :D Writing down questions is a great idea and y'know what I did exactly the same thing on Thurs- then chickened straight out of asking them as soon as the doctor said he could see no fissure. Doh! I just felt like a fraud. What made it all the more cringy is that the hospital I go to is also a teaching hospital, so it's standard procedure to be interviewed by student docs first before the doctor came in. The whole examination thing actually felt like it was more to show the student what a healthy colon looked like than actually seeing what the problem was. I know that's the only way trainee docs will learn but still... You're not given any opportunity to say you're not happy with that because they're the ones that call you in and its just normal there. Had it just been me and the doctor alone I'd have felt more comfortable contesting what he was saying, but as there was a girl, my own age sitting right next to him (embarrassing enough anyway) I was just all smile and nod, smile and nod. Really regretting this now...
I'm sorry you're suffering with the thrush thing too. It must be all the baths (although I have wondered at times if it might be rectogesic making me irritated). I will ask my doc about that pill- do you know if you can get it over the counter? Until then its natural yoghurt all the way. Also I was wondering what your doctor said about not going for a private referral? Would be interested to know.
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Re: NHS-going to see specialist next week...Help!!

Postby val » 09 Jul 2011, 13:57

Oh Layla, that's terrible. It seems like they are just using you as a guinea pig instead of treating you as a real patient. You are entitled to a second opinion. You need to get your life back - and I can't believe all that cr*p they told you about the skintag! Askintag is a sentinal pile - which is there to protect the fissure. How can you not have a fissure! Wow, what a load of idiots! Was it a general surgeon you saw? You need to push for an appointment with a good CRS.
You can buy the thrush pill otc - it comes with the Canesten cream and they sell it in Boots (or any chemist) behind the counter.
All those baths gave me thrush and urine infections too.
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Re: NHS-going to see specialist next week...Help!!

Postby Sue27uk » 09 Jul 2011, 16:04

They should ask you before having a student in there really Layla. You have the right to say you are not comfortable with that. I was in a teaching hospital and the professor and consultant I saw asked the students to step outside the room. I agree Val, I would ask to see someone else! Some (not all though!) of these consultants and professors are not always interested in you, just themselves. My doc said to leave going private for the minute to see if it heals on its own as haven't had mine as long as yours, plus it took a long time to identify it. You are obviously in a different position so may be worth it for you. She said she didn't want me to waste my money but did have some names of good people if I needed it in the future. You can get fluconazole over the counter, but if you are getting alot of medication you can get a pre-payment certificate to make it cheaper. I've found this useful as am having rectogesic, lactulose, IBS tablets and thrush stuff!!! Paid Ј29 which lasts 3 months and has been a lifesaver. Worth looking into, ask at your chemists. You can get fluconazole at Morrisons too, plus smaller chemists. People have told me about probiotic acidophilus (which I got from Holland and Barratt), but it hasn't had loads of effect. Saw a dietician last week and she said if there is no improvement after a month, then its not worth keeping going though it doesn't do any harm. May help you! Keep us updated on how things are going, hoping things get better for you :)
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Re: NHS-going to see specialist next week...Help!!

Postby Layla85 » 12 Jul 2011, 14:22

Hi Val and Sue thank you both for replying
I think I am definitely going to brave the docs again for a second opinion v soon. I really don't get why doctors put you off getting medical info off the internet if they're prepared to throw so much rubbish at you. It would obviously be nice to have some faith in them and believe what they say- my life would be easier if I could just believe the fissure had gone- but I can hardly ignore my body when it hurts. Does anyone know if internal piles hurt like a fissure? It just doesn't seem plausible, from what I've read.
Re thrush: mine is going up and down, which is good because at least it's not bad all the time :) I've cut down on baths, which I worry might not help the fissure but I just wanted to see if that helped. I think it definitely plays a big part. Will get hold of some of the fluconazole pills, thank you for the info on that.
Interesting what you were saying about IBS Sue. I had that for about six months before I got the fissure. Although it had calmed down by it appeared, I've sometimes wondered if that had something to do with it.
I hope you're both getting on ok and feeling well. All the best x
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Re: NHS-going to see specialist next week...Help!!

Postby Sue27uk » 23 Jul 2011, 12:19

Hey Layla, hope things are going well. I've had enough, so have decided to go private. I have been having lots of problems with pain in my abdomen etc, my doc sent me for a scan which isn't until the end of August. So I'm going back Monday to ask for a referral for the scan (spoke to a private hospital today), and if that shows nothing I am going to a colorectal surgeon (privately) as thats the only thing it can be. The day before my period I got very bad fissure pain again and its been bad for a week again. I know they take a long time to heal but if I'm not back in work by September I'm looking at losing my job. So have decided to do something about everything, if my doc won't do it I'm going to another doc in the practice as I think the time has come to do something. I can't even walk round my own house without being in pain. My advice to you, go private at least for a consultation and see what they say. Life is too short :)
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Re: NHS-going to see specialist next week...Help!!

Postby Layla85 » 23 Jul 2011, 16:21

Hey Sue
So sorry things have been bad for you! That's terrible about your job, you poor thing. But as you say life is too short and far better that you take action now. Your health is the most important thing. Really pleased you've spoken to a private hospital, it will put your mind at rest to see someone quicker. Is the pain in your abdomen related to your IBS do you think? My friend has been taking anti-depressants for her IBS- she says they're really helping.
I've got an appointment to go back to my doctor on Weds, which frankly I'm dreading. I feel that I will have to fight to get my point across as this was the doctor that wrote my referral letter to the hospital at a time she couldn't see my fissure and so thought it had healed. I don't feel this doctor is taking it seriously at all, even though I saw another doctor after this that could see the fissure. Having to explain that it keeps healing and tearing makes me feel like a nutter- but clearly that is what's happening. Right now I'm having a huge amount pain everytime I go to the loo, even though I am using rectogesic and movicol. I'm not sure if this is the internal hemorrhoids or the fissure, it's really confusing me. I don't think internal piles are supposed to hurt that much but I really don't know... And I was just told to keep using the fissure treatment at the hospital even though I don't have a fissure apparently which seems weird in itself.
I'm going to write down questions to ask again and actually ask them this time, so I think that will help. And talk about the possibility of going private too.
Good luck with your appointment and definitely let us know how it goes. :)
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Re: NHS-going to see specialist next week...Help!!

Postby Sue27uk » 01 Aug 2011, 10:15

Hi Layla, just wanted to see how you're doing. Hope you managed to get some help from your doctor. I went back today and stood up for myself, and although she thinks I am wasting my time and money, I have a referral. I have an appointment on Friday to see a bowel specialist (which is good as it will be advice for my IBS too!). Also asked her about some counselling, and she has arranged for that on the NHS. I have been a bit low for a while and what with gynaecology problems and an op before all this it just bought some feelings to the surface. My doc has even given me a website of an organisation to help, and was really good today. Think because I was more positive, she was. Really hope you've had some better news from your doc and that things get sorted for you. Will let you know how I get on :D
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Re: NHS-going to see specialist next week...Help!!

Postby Layla85 » 01 Aug 2011, 15:52

Hey Sue.
Sorry I've been incommunicado, it's been a pretty rough week. My boyfriend broke up with me. Not good and I can't seem to think about anything else :( I went to the doctors, she still couldn't see a fissure but could see the site it used to be. My pain is definitely not as bad which is good, but still feel real discomfort with a BM. Maybe it is just hemorrhoid pain after all? She said to come back again in a few weeks and in that time cut down on the rectogesic and movicol to see what that does. I'm worried about doing that but I guess if that makes things bad again I can go and actually get some proper help (hopefully). Like your doctor, she was pretty against me going private. My parents are willing to help pay for a private consultation so am going to push for that . I still feel in basically exactly the same place but feel that I'm at least being taken a bit more seriously, and so long as I'm not in that much pain I guess I shouldn't complain too much right now.
I'm so glad you finally got some results! :) Good news on you going to see a bowel specialist too, two birds with one stone! The IBS must be affecting your fissure so really good you can talk about that with the specialist. Good for you too, getting counseling, I had it at uni and it was brilliant. Its completely understandable you're feeling so low, what with all you've had to deal with. The counseling will help and you'll probably be amazed at the effect it will have on your physical health as well. When you start to feel more positive in your mind it can really make a difference physically. Good luck with it and let me know how it goes. :)
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Re: NHS-going to see specialist next week...Help!!

Postby Sue27uk » 11 Aug 2011, 06:16

Hey Layla, hope you're doing ok. I'm glad you were taken more seriously and something is being done soon. I had my private consultation last week, and he examined me and said he could see a superficial fissure. He said as it is causing me quite alot of problems, then he would recommend botox injections. So thats my next step. Am enquiring into the cost of it, but also have my appointment in September confirmed so he said I may want to wait until then to speak about getting it done on the NHS. My parents have said if I want it done then they will pay, but the problem is I would probably then have to pay for a follow up appointment and more treatment if it doesn't work. Could be very expensive, and I am now on half pay which is making me think carefully. Still waiting to hear about the counselling. How's it going dropping off the rectogesic and movicol? You been back to the docs yet? :)
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