skin tags

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skin tags

Postby Guest » 31 Oct 2007, 21:35

I was wondering about the skin tags-sorry if I have asked about them before..But where do they come from??? Was it something I should have taken care of at the time?? The very first time I went in she kept saying you are worried about that tiny piece of skin??? It's not that tiny to me and it is irratated. She did say it can be removed but it never was addressed again. He did mentiion it this time..Can it ever be taken off?? Should I do it if I get the banding done???

Re: skin tags

Postby Guest » 01 Nov 2007, 07:31

I went round and round with my CRS about this issues. Twice-I had two different skin tags-one from the fissure and one that was left behind after a hemmie.
She said it was up to me. She could remove it but it is creating a wound that I would have to recover from and it could in and of itself create a fissure. The skintags for me were very painful and would get irritated to the point I couldn't even wear undies or jeans. And that time of the month was horrible!!!!
But what I ended up doing was putting aloe vera gel on it 3 times a day and it really did help it to recede. One is still theere-I can feel it at times but the gel seems to have helped.
I feel for you. I did not know what to do. There are times I wish they had just taken it off but I understand her reluctance too. I just hate being in pain and I figured if I am going to be in pain it might as well be from it healing.
I have noticed you have brought this up a few times and to me this suggests that you really are troubled by it. Maybe you should just have it removed. I would hate for you to go through more pain from it but it seems like it is quite a nuisance for you and interferes in how you feel about yourself.
Have a heart to heart with your doctor (if you can) and tell her your concerns.

Re: skin tags

Postby Guest » 03 Nov 2007, 07:04

I had a tag removed 6 weeks ago when I had my sphincterectory and now I have more tenderness with the tag removal then with the sphincterectory. It seems to get irritated with a lot of sitting. I continue to put cream or vasoline in the area to prevent irritation. Hoping it will heal eventually.

Re: skin tags

Postby happyass » 03 Nov 2007, 07:05

hey noelle,
the only thing that macrobiotics did not take care of for me was my skin tag.
the things that i find comfort in my times of need are:
1. Vicks Vapor Rub
2. My chinese herbs ointment
3. Antibiotic ointment
4. Tinactin - which I tried recently because I had a very intense itch on the skin tag itself.
i continue to use palmer's cocoa butter on it to help soften it or keep it soft while having a bm because on those big BMs that really stretch my butt, it stretches the skin tag which then leaves me a bit irritated and sore. but nothing, thank God, compared to what it was like with a fissure.
give me this skin tag over the fissure any day.
my CRS advised not to remove mine.
i too at points wonder what it would be like to have it removed but i think i am going to stick it out.
it has become really manageable for me and it's not as bad when i wasn't putting anything on it.
my skin tag's name is laverne.
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Re: skin tags

Postby Guest » 03 Nov 2007, 20:43

Welll after reading through the posts-which I should have done before posting-I don't think I want to pursue the llooks like everyone was in a lot of pain. I don't know if I want to put my body through anymore of this stuff. I think I will just leave things alone alltogether in that area. Thanks though !! hope everyone is feeling ok

Re: skin tags

Postby val » 06 Nov 2007, 16:00

How do you know if the pain is coming from the skin tag or the fissure? Is there a difference in the pain? I thought mine was healing nicely but its been hurting again the last couple of days, and also the opposite side. Any ideas?
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Re: skin tags

Postby happyass » 06 Nov 2007, 16:12

for me with skin tag/sentinle pile, the pain is external rather than internal. that is how i know it's not a fissure.
also, the pain is different. its not the razor blade, excrutiating pain as when the BM is passing from the inside out.
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Re: skin tags

Postby val » 08 Nov 2007, 12:46

So is it better to have pain from the skin tag? Can it still hurt even if the fissure is healed/healing? Does it feel more like a really bad ache? Like a toothache, sort of!
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Re: skin tags

Postby Guest » 08 Nov 2007, 12:57

I would say when it acts up the pain can be as bad for me. It is a sharp pain there. Much like a thrombosed hemmie if you have ever had on externally!

Re: skin tags

Postby val » 11 Nov 2007, 12:02

I don't know if it's possible, but I've got a feeling that I had a thrombosed hemmie that burst and caused the fissure in the first place, because I had a pain that got worse and worse and built to an unbearable point and then I went to the loo, and there was masses of blood, and the pressure had gone, but I just had this awful pain, which was the start of it all. But I dont know if they can do that, its just a guess.
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