An AMAZING treatment for even CHRONIC AF's: HONEY?!

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An AMAZING treatment for even CHRONIC AF's: HONEY?!

Postby OwwDAMN-IT! » 24 Jan 2013, 22:18

Ok guys, so I've been dealing with a chronic anal fissure for over a year now. It flares up every now and then, but this week-long bout with it now had me on the ropes, until I discovered an epicly effective healing agent:
Manuca Honey.
Yes, honey. Keep in mind this isn't your average every day honey from the grocery, no sir. My amazing girlfriend did more research than me and learned about the amazing healing and disinfecting effects of the all natural Manuca honey.
Let me put it this way: I have been unable to SIT at all for the past 4 days. I spent them either walking laps in my basement for relief, or laying down on my bed on my belly or my sides. My back started to hurt so bad from laying down for 4 straight days.
After just TWO applications of the Manuca Honey to my AF, I AM ABLE TO SIT DOWN, PAIN FREE!
Guys, you GOTTA give this stuff a try. I paid like $11 for a 250 g jar, and it will last me LONG after this is healed.
It does burn slightly for about 5-10 mins though, but after that, I can even feel less pulling and tugging in the area. The honey is actually reconditioning my anoderm (the different skin around your rectum) and moisturizing the skin, further promoting healing.
Note: my fissure was bleeding for the past 3 days. Since this morning, it had not bled. Good diet coupled with lots of water, as well as applying some A+D ointment BEFORE a BM keeps the fissure lubricated during elimination.
I hope this helps!
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Re: An AMAZING treatment for even CHRONIC AF's: HONEY?!

Postby delasama » 25 Jan 2013, 09:03

let me know how long the honey works for you, so i know if i should try it. thanks!
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Re: An AMAZING treatment for even CHRONIC AF's: HONEY?!

Postby OwwDAMN-IT! » 25 Jan 2013, 09:43

Well, to be honest I purchased the wrong Manuka Honey. I purchased the lowest potency of Healing Honey.
Although the stuff I have does not have a UMF rating, nor is it active, it's still giving me amazing results.
I plan in getting some UMF 10+.
UMF stands for Unique Manuka Factor, also known as the honeys peroxide content as well as its healing abilities.
My suggestion to you is that if you are going to try manuka Honey, do it. But just be sure you are buying the honey that is more for healing, and less of a food item xD
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Re: An AMAZING treatment for even CHRONIC AF's: HONEY?!

Postby dangading » 26 Jan 2013, 13:26

OMG ive done the walking laps around the house thing too. That sucks! Good thing I don't own a gun when it gets that bad (half kidding).
Thanks for the tip on the honey! I'll try it.
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Re: An AMAZING treatment for even CHRONIC AF's: HONEY?!

Postby OwwDAMN-IT! » 26 Jan 2013, 20:19

This stuff works WONDERS. At around $20 USD, it's worth the try.
Take the spaces out of the link for a. Picture of the jar.
http :// imag10591.jpg
It's Wedderspoon 12+ Active Manuka Honey which is a great UMF factor for the price comparatively.
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Re: An AMAZING treatment for even CHRONIC AF's: HONEY?!

Postby delasama » 26 Jan 2013, 20:23

dangading.i know what you mean about walking. i pooped twice today and the socond time i could barely walk.had to lay on my right side in bed and just woke hope. and now i think i have to poop again!:( aaaaaaaaaa
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Re: An AMAZING treatment for even CHRONIC AF's: HONEY?!

Postby OwwDAMN-IT! » 26 Jan 2013, 20:27

delasama wrote:dangading.i know what you mean about walking. i pooped twice today and the socond time i could barely walk.had to lay on my right side in bed and just woke hope. and now i think i have to poop again!:( aaaaaaaaaa

Oh no, we'll I hope you can take a sitz bath afterward to stop the spasms.
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Re: An AMAZING treatment for even CHRONIC AF's: HONEY?!

Postby delasama » 27 Jan 2013, 01:10

its 1:00 am and didnt have to poop tonight! hopefully tomoro will be better after bm. day to day... good night all and god bless.
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Re: An AMAZING treatment for even CHRONIC AF's: HONEY?!

Postby owmybum » 27 Jan 2013, 06:58

I have seen wound honey on amazon.... Is it the same thing?
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Re: An AMAZING treatment for even CHRONIC AF's: HONEY?!

Postby jr2 » 27 Jan 2013, 10:22

If you're going to try honey, for safety I would recommend using a type of Manuka honey made for wound care such as Medihoney instead of food grade honey. I tried it for awhile. Didn't heal but didn't hurt anything. It does sting though.
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