External bleeding

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Re: External bleeding

Postby juney » 05 Dec 2007, 22:23

aww lecia i hate to hear that you're having more problems! Image you don't deserve this!! you're such an amazing person and an inspiration to the rest of us on the board. i know your words have helped me feel better in the darkest of times. i don't know anything about hemmies so i have no advice to offer sadly. but i hope you get in to see YOUR dr soon. i know it sucks to see a random new person and have to explain everything, only to have them suggest the most obvious solution (that obviously doesn't work!) hang in there and know that we're all thinking about you.
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Re: External bleeding

Postby Fissulyna » 06 Dec 2007, 00:49

Oh noooooooooooooooo :no: :( , Oh my God, I am so sorry sweety Image , just not FAIR !!! I can feel your pain, physical and emotional - I cried my eyes out today too. I wish I could give you a hug and wipe your tears and I wish I know more about hemorrhoid treatments to be of some help Image . The thing about medication sucks too - I couldn't have any because of my sensitive stomach so I had to live with of whatever Tylenol could offer. Even now Tylenol is all I take - nobody can see me till January. Hold on my dear friend, you conquered
so many obstacles so far - you are warrior like me, you will get rid of that stupid hemorrhoid - DAMN HIM !!!!! Just insist on your original doctor - idiots, how nice of them let you drive 2 hours just to hand you on to whoever is available there Image .
My poor baby, just try to get some sleep and as much rest as possible, we are all with you in our thoughts and prayers and this shall pass too ...it must.
Your :arwen:
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Re: External bleeding

Postby Guest » 06 Dec 2007, 05:33

awww Lecia, it's just so unfair!
You must have felt like bursting when she asked if you have enough fibre in your diet..
Big hugs to you, hope you're feeling a little better xx

Re: External bleeding

Postby val » 06 Dec 2007, 05:48

Oh Lecia, I'm so sorry for you, I wish I could wave a magic wand to take the pain away. You've helped me so much and kept me going when I wanted to give up, I sincereley hope that you can resolve this and pray you get better quickly. Hopefully you'll find a good doctor who can treat you properly.Its terrible how you've been treated.
I hope you get some relief from the pain soon, its not fair you have to go through this after all you've been through. :(
Get well soon!
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Re: External bleeding

Postby Guest » 06 Dec 2007, 10:45

You guys are the best. You are making me cry again but in a good way. You understand the madness and debilitation of this like no one else. You know how you start to feel better and then have a setback and wonder to yourself-"how long is this going to last this time?"

I did have the infrared coagulation that Gareth had set up a link for. The doctor went down to low with it and burned the area where there are sensory nerves so it feels like I have a burn in my rectum (which I guess I do). But if it takes care of the hemmie in the long run I can hold on through a few days of pain. Generally, it is a well tolerated procedure. My husband got it a few months ago and didn't feel a thing and felt like it helped.

I left a message with My doctor and asked her to call me. I hope she will and try to fit me in next week. I think what I have to do is just have an appointment scheduled every 6-8 weeks just in case I need it.

I wonder if I have been sent here to have every rectal treatment and malady known to man.

Thank you Gareth for your kind offer to let me stay with you guys. I would rather come sightsee though. Hope you like kids!!! :clue:

Thank you Kim, for being my buddy here and all you do to try to keep me sane. You don't deserve it!! :&(:

Thanks Motherluch for encouraging me and telling me about your experience with the infrared and letting me vent! I am so glad you found it helpful. That gives me hope!!! :&^%:

Thanks AnalAngel for yours kind words. I can tell you understand my exasperation and understanding goes so far in just feeling valued! I think about what you have coming up and am proud of you!:[[[:

Thanks, Juney, for your words-I know you been through so much and I am really amazed at how well you have handled your surgeries and the ups and downs of this-especially in your 20s. It isn't fair for you either! :}{:

I feel for you, Fissulyna. I noticed when you disappeard and feared you were going through such a rough time but you always manage to spread some sunshine to us with great empathy. Too bad you don't live closer, I could crawl over to your house and hang out and cry if we need to. :arwen:

Thanks so much Val for being such a sweetheart and cheering on others on the board. You have been so amazing in the struggles you have had with doctors and setbacks too. You are very giving. Image

All of you are so super here. And please know that I wish more than anything and pray for you guys to be healthy and happy.


Re: External bleeding

Postby buttgirl » 06 Dec 2007, 14:26

Hi Lecia,
sorry to hear of your malady while I was away. Strangely, I too started bleed mysteriously. couldn't figure out from where. It seems sometimes like we are connected at the rear empathically.
hope you feel better soon.
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Re: External bleeding

Postby Guest » 06 Dec 2007, 14:51

Thank you. Isn't this the weirdest thing how we seem to get our butt problems at the same time?
I hope your bleeding goes away soon. Is it painful? Did it hurt when you went to the bathroom?

How was your trip?

Re: External bleeding

Postby buttgirl » 07 Dec 2007, 12:36

The trip was business, so it was OK. We did stop by and see some old friends, which was nice.
Strange things. the bleeding went away about 10 min after it started. It's like I popped a blood blister or something. My rear hurt a little worse than usual the next day, but now it feels about like usual--sore but manageable.
How are you feeling?
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Re: External bleeding

Postby Guest » 07 Dec 2007, 14:02

Not very well. The doctor essentially burned my anal canal and I am in a lot of pain. She hasn't even returned my call. I am so scared that this will never end.

Re: External bleeding

Postby motherluch » 07 Dec 2007, 15:56

Did the bleeding stop?? I know you are in pain, but I am curious if what she was trying to do, which was get rid of the hemorrhoid, actually worked or not?? I do believe you will feel better sooner than later, and hopefully the hemmie is gone.
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