by Worrier12345 » 12 Dec 2014, 11:29
Hi Rach, thanks for your quick reply - I appreciate you taking the time to offer help, especially when you are having difficulties yourself.
There's no way to see the surgeon until the beginning of January. He has already refused to see me privately in the last couple of weeks, so I'm just going to have to wait.
I have read this board, and what feels like the rest of the internet, obsessively over the last few weeks trying to find answers. Unfortunately, there is little written about gutter deformities, and few experiences that match mine.
Although there have been some people who experienced leakage of stool post-LIS on this forum, they do not offer me much hope. Most seemed to have a much minor issue, where they had to go back to wipe an hour after a movement, or just make sure they are completely clean afterwards to ensure that they don't get leakage later on. My leakage seems to go on all day, regardless of how clean I am.
My main concern is that I can see that my anus is now deformed. Before the operation it looked normal, a line with creases (with a small skin tag at the anterior where the fissure was). However, now it is completely skewed. Somehow it has become a kind of zigzag shape. It looks normal at the posterior, where the anal cushions seal shut, but then the opening diverts horizontally to where the LIS incision was made at 3 o'clock), before diverting vertically again to the anterior end. It's hard to describe - does that make any sense? I have not heard of anyone on this board mentioning such a change post-LIS. And the change was immediate, as soon as I looked a day after the surgery I could see that it didn't look right - with what I then described as a "crater" at the left lateral location of the incision.
Where the incision was made (which seems to have been done just inside the anal canal from 3 o'clock and up slightly towards the anterior) it's as if there is no anal cushion to create a seal, unlike around the rest of the anus. Instead there is a new indented groove that goes from the opening down into the anal canal. This is where the stool leaks and collects throughout the day.
I have no hope that this will rectify itself, since nobody seems to have experience this I can only go on what I can see and what I have read. Even if the muscle regains strength, it seems I will still be left with a mishapen anal opening, and this groove through which stool can leak. From what I have read, it is not something that surgeons can fix. Injectable agents can be used to bulk up the mucosa to create a functional seal - but this is not practiced widely, is still in experimental phase, has limited success and is only a temporary solution.
I am full of regret. I wish I had just lived with my fissure as so many do who are not in great pain. I blame myself entirely for pushing for this surgery, and I am now facing the consequences.
The only thing that is getting me through the days is the thought of speaking to my surgeon to ask what went wrong and why it happened, when it is supposed to be, by most accounts, a "simple and safe procedure". Once I get an answer, which I don't expect to be much of an answer, if any, I will just have to go on with my new life of leakage.
Again, I apologise for this self-centred, self-pitying post. I realise that many people live with much worse problems and that I am making mine much worse by dwelling on it and feeling sorry for myself. But I think I've reached a point now where I don't have the strength, the dignity or the inclination to pull myself out of it any more.