by Ever the Optimist » 12 Sep 2012, 12:57
Hey no worries....We are all here to help! :)
I'm actually from the UK and developed my Fistula in March this year following an abscess that grew suddenly and then popped pretty quickly! A few weeks after that, found a little soft fleshy lump, which continued to ooze pus, and would then build up to be sore & inflamed again and then ooze and so on...never ending cycle as you know! I had my Fistulomy (different to your procedure as I had it "deroofed" to heal from the inside out.) I didn't need the Seton because it was superficial and did not interact with the sphincter muscle. approx 2.5 months on, my fistula is healed, no longer pussing. It's been confirmed as gone. I won't deny I'm still in some discomfort during some BM's but I will get it all checked in a few weeks by my CRS. The very best advice I can give you is to EAT well & keeps things smoother than ever. Essential whilst healing (& after!). Loads of fluids to keep it all passing through with a stool softener if you need it and keep the recovery site meticulously clean to prevent reinfection. Don't use paper or wipe the area, dab with baby wipes or if you have a detachable shower head, just rinse it all gently away after a BM (that's what I do!) Finally, tempting though it may be, DON'T apply any form of external cream/ lotion etc. to the area as the wound is still open. Keep it all super clean and dry.
I know what you mean by the "taboo" thing, but at the same time, since I've had this issue, I've also been amazed by the level of support I've received and then you begin to find out that actually quite a lot of people have been through it or at least know someone else who's suffered it. I think it's more common than we think but not many want to disclose it or talk about it!! That's why this site is just the best thing I ever came across and there are so many other great people on here. You will find loads of other accounts on here with people's experiences and hopefully, all the support & reassurance you need :D
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups