Search found 232 matches: Fistula

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I think my fistula is recurring :(

... long time reader, first time poster. I'm a 24 year old female. Very active, slightly overweight but nothing too serious. I had my first fistula back in December of last year. Cause unknown, I had a large abscess form in my buttock. it took me a while to seek medical help as I thought ...
by madelineee
23 Jul 2013, 10:45
Forum: FISTULA - Are you having surgery for a Fistula or already had it?
Topic: I think my fistula is recurring :(
Replies: 4
Views: 2115

Laser fistula surgery. (Non invasive)

Very high tech.
biolitec. de/ help00. html?&L=5
by rebornbutt
15 Jul 2013, 12:35
Forum: FISTULA - Are you having surgery for a Fistula or already had it?
Topic: Laser fistula surgery. (Non invasive)
Replies: 0
Views: 1061

What does the start of an abscess/ fistula feel like?

I am 4 weeks tomorrow post Botox injections for an anal fissure, and for the last 3 days I have had a bruised feeling on my tail bone. My fissure is at the 6 o'clock position, and I'm starting to worry there is something going on in there!
Any info is very appreciated!
by owmybum
11 Jul 2013, 05:37
Forum: FISTULA - Are you having surgery for a Fistula or already had it?
Topic: What does the start of an abscess/ fistula feel like?
Replies: 6
Views: 3481

Seton for Fistula

So six weeks post LIS. Had developed a nasty fistula that was infected. Yesterday had surgery to drain the site and had a Seton placed in that area. Needless to say I am in agony. Not understanding how this works. Prior I had a head on the exterior ...
by littlebutterfly
22 Jun 2013, 09:15
Forum: FISTULA - Are you having surgery for a Fistula or already had it?
Topic: Seton for Fistula
Replies: 14
Views: 5634

Surgery for Fistula Friday

So I went back to the CRS today. I thought I had another fissure despite LIS 6 weeks ago. As that is what my GI doc had told me. Turns out it is a fistula. The head on the outside of my rectum has burrowed a tunnel through to the inner anus and it is all infected. He wants to do a Seton to start. ...
by littlebutterfly
19 Jun 2013, 18:59
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Surgery for Fistula Friday
Replies: 5
Views: 958

Anal Fistula - Looking for the best recommendation options

Hello, I've a anal fistula I'm assuming can't remember exact but about 3 and a half to 4 years by now. Just recently my anal fistula have closed, I notice I don't feel pus like I usually would feel so I went ahead an saw my local surgeon ...
by kennyjohn123
14 May 2013, 17:45
Forum: FISTULA - Are you having surgery for a Fistula or already had it?
Topic: Anal Fistula - Looking for the best recommendation options
Replies: 2
Views: 1550

Fissure, Fistula & Coeliac Sufferer

... ordeal. I presented to the private hospital again, only to find this time that not only do I have a fissure, but I also now have an abscess and a fistula. Another surgery, and a drain was put in to drain the abscess. Another week in hospital. 3 weeks later, and I was still in pain, which was worsening. ...
by Kristy38
29 Apr 2013, 02:39
Forum: New to the forum? Introduce yourself here
Topic: Fissure, Fistula & Coeliac Sufferer
Replies: 33
Views: 8319

Had anal fistula dna fissure surgery! Not well still!

... when i walk and sit, so stayed home for a long time. Mostly lying down. I went to a doctor he he performed ana- scope thingy and told me that the fistula is still there but small and i had anal fissure. Had an operation about a month a go stayed home again because of the pain after, the BM pain ...
by Aj-male
29 Mar 2013, 17:41
Forum: FISTULA - Are you having surgery for a Fistula or already had it?
Topic: Had anal fistula dna fissure surgery! Not well still!
Replies: 11
Views: 3965

Difference Between Abscess/Nodule & a Fistula?

I'm sure there are no two people who are alike, but just wondering if there are any tell-tale symptoms that would distinguish a fistula from an abscess. My doc thinks I have an abscess on the left side of my inner rectum, due to local drainage when he pushes on it. But I have no discharge ...
by MarkMan
22 Mar 2013, 19:06
Forum: LIS - Considering surgery or already had it?
Topic: Difference Between Abscess/Nodule & a Fistula?
Replies: 0
Views: 1884

fistula surgery questions!

Hello Im still new to the forum, my name is Erin. I do not personally have any fissures or fistula but my boyfriend does. I've been helping him since he got his first fissure. He had his fissure laid open on Monday (2/18) and has been coping very well. Not much pain ...
by noob024
20 Feb 2013, 15:07
Forum: LIS - Considering surgery or already had it?
Topic: fistula surgery questions!
Replies: 1
Views: 797

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