Seton fell out!

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Seton fell out!

Postby Katem » 11 Dec 2016, 03:06

I had a seton placed a week ago after my third abcess. I am going back to surgeon in 2 weeks, but tonight the seton just fell out! I can't figure out how it even happened it's tied in a knot and some how had thread around the rubber band part. I did do a ton of walking today, so not sure if that caused it. :( The abcess has been still draining.

Do I need to call my surgeon after hours in the morning (it is the weekend) or wait until Monday? Will I need to go get it put back in right away?

I know he had told my husband after the surgery that I would need another surgery in a month or so... but the discharge papers said the seton should remain for 4-6 weeks.

Feeling discouraged, I just had started to feel okay and this happens!
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Re: Seton fell out!

Postby Savaici » 11 Dec 2016, 09:47


Unfortunately, I could not find anything on the forum about this, but I'm giving you a link below with something about a Seton falling out too soon. I have also moved your post(leaving the original in place) to the fistula surgery part of the forum, where someone who has had the surgery might come on.

I definitely think you should contact your doctor soonest just in case. :huggies:
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