by davminos » 12 Jul 2019, 17:58
Thanks, SueMac, appreciate your response. I go too often, three or four times in the morning and sometimes three or four times in the evening. Not sure what is going on, I'm don't overeat, but don't seem to get a good bm, just several smaller ones, which irritates everything. I remember reading somewhere to put a little vaseline up there prior to bm, did that for the first time today, and that seemed to help, but need to figure out how to get soft stools. Also, would like to figure out a way to stop going so much, so annoying and uncomfortable. I'm beginning to think the long term use of docusate sodium (a year and two months) may be a culprit. I'll ask Doc on Monday, but I've learned more from this forum about diet, etc, than from doc so far. Last year, when fissure was active, he did give me Rectiv and after taking it for about ten weeks, it seemed to do the trick and things were fine for months. Then several weeks ago had a bulky stool and pain started along with too many trips to the bathroom. I sometimes wonder if stress adds to going too much, not sure. It is nice to hear that the prune juice helps, I've been thought about it but afraid it will make me go even more. Might just try out a small 3 oz glass. Thanks again, appreciate it. I'm hoping that I can figure this out soon. My son's wedding is coming up in four weeks so hoping to get these bm's under control before then. Sorry for the TMI, but this is the place and I'm at my wits end. Thanks again.