stool softeners

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stool softeners

Postby davminos » 30 Jun 2019, 12:18

I used the nitro ointment for about ten weeks before the fissure went way, but it took another six or so months before it was gone, or so I thought. It was an anterior anal fissure and have to be very careful all the time. I have a high fibre diet, which can also be part of the problem as going too often and taking forever to clean also aggravates the area. It seems about once a week there's a BM, which is soft, but can be bulky, but even if not bulky, it will irritate, cause discomfort general area where the fissure was, but does not seem to open it up again. The area remains irritated until thoroughly cleaned and then a little sore for a short time. It really needs to be thoroughly cleaned or will be sore. Not the razor cutting, many hours, sometimes all day pain of the fissure. I also don't know if long term use of doc sodium can cause anal irritations.

I've been taking one tablet of docusate sodium (colace) at dinner time for just over a year now. I don't know if it helps or not and would like to stop taking it. My doctor told me to just stop taking it, but I'm terrified that if it is helping soften the stool then just to stop taking it after such a long time could make a very hard stool or constipate me. Does anyone on the forum have any advice about long term use of docusate sodium? And, do you need to wean off it, or just stop taking it without a problem? I appreciate any responses offered, thanks.
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Re: stool softeners

Postby Abu » 30 Jun 2019, 22:05

Try taking smaller doses over a period of few weeks. I wouldn't risk cutting it off completely until I know the reaction to it.
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Re: stool softeners

Postby SueMac » 03 Jul 2019, 15:27

Agree can you try really slowly cutting down. Can you cut pills in half of take alternate days.
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Re: stool softeners

Postby hurtinend » 03 Jul 2019, 16:36

I recommend magnesium citrate, approx 300mg twice a day with a glass of water. Add in some soaked flax seed and a nice healthy salad everyday. If you follow this you should stay naturally regular.

The pain from the fissure makes us over aware of our daily bm's. Honestly try not to overthink it. If you give your body what it needs you will be regular without pushing or straining.
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Re: stool softeners

Postby SueMac » 05 Jul 2019, 03:38

So true hurtinend. We become so obsessed with something most people just get on with and do without thinking! Then there’s the analysis of what we ate causing what resultant bm...
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Re: stool softeners

Postby davminos » 06 Jul 2019, 10:43

Thanks very much for all the responses. Will try the mag citrate. Also, agree about the obsession part of it. The sec the bm seems difficult, terror kicks in and slowly coaxe it out. I just don't get why after many months since it healed, the area that once had the fissure (been 13 months from initial fissure and it was a doozy) still gets sore on passing now and again. I have an orange and avocado for breakfast, celery/hummus for lunch, veggies, salad, and protein of some sort for dinner with several fruit serving during the course of the day and very few starches and plenty of water and still some days is a difficult and too many B-movements. But yes, it has become obsessive worrying all the time and the stress probably adds to the tightening of the sphincter muscle, too. Just don't know what to do some days. Thanks again.
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Re: stool softeners

Postby tightbutt5678 » 07 Jul 2019, 02:18

I can also vouch for magnesium citrate! It is supposed to also help with muscle tension or something like that which might be why lots of fissure sufferers seem to recommend it. I noticed a really positive change when I first started taking it (around 400mg per day).
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Re: stool softeners

Postby SueMac » 09 Jul 2019, 13:12

Another vote for magnesium citrate it's been brilliant for me. I use 375mg per day.
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Re: stool softeners

Postby Okaybum » 09 Jul 2019, 17:53

I just got mine today.
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Re: stool softeners

Postby SueMac » 11 Jul 2019, 03:47

Hope you find it helps - it seems to be generally considered to work well.
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