Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag removal)

After surgery questions... sulfadiazine?

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Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag removal)

Postby Da_butt_tho » 12 Jul 2018, 07:13

Hello all!

I’ve been lurking for a bit, but have learned so much from all of you!

My main question involves aftercare... specifically regarding pain meds and sulfadiazine.

Yesterday the surgery went well overall.. I actually had two fissures (one chronic, one acute) and a rather large skin tag to be removed. Although that was known, the surgeon told my husband that the surgery was a bit “more involved than expected.” I’m not sure what that meant, but figure that I’ll ask at follow up.

Regarding aftercare, I’ve been prescribed antibiotics, Percocet, Valium (for spasms/muscle relaxation), lidocaine cream, stool softeners, and silver sulfadiazine cream... is all of this typical? I’m trying to take the least amount of pain meds possible, but... sheesh. They are needed.

Finally- this is probably TMI (is there such a thing here? Ha)... but things are so swollen and painful at the moment, that it is nearly impossible to apply the silver sulfadiazine cream... it’s supposed to be applied intra-rectally and is totally impossible at this point in time. I tried to search for “sulfadiazine” in the forums, but haven’t seen much, especially for people are surgery. Does anyone have any experience with this? Or have any tips for after surgery? I’m actually in a lot of pain, and I originally didn’t want to take the Percocet, but I feel like there’s no way around it at this point.
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby patience_and_healing » 12 Jul 2018, 17:41

I haven't had this surgery so can't say what to expect in terms of recovery. But I'd recommend a stimulating laxative and not just a stool softener to overcome the constipation caused by pain meds. To apply the silver ointment you could try inserting it using a q-tip, but be careful not to poke anything.
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby Da_butt_tho » 12 Jul 2018, 19:44

Thank you. He mentioned using ... something that began with a “D” as a stimulant laxative only until my first BM... which happened yesterday- but today there’s been nothing, which makes me think that maybe taking a laxative more than one day will be key! Is there a certain brand you like?

And good idea re: the q-tip! Right now the idea of anything seems hella painful! But it’s better than a digit!
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby patience_and_healing » 12 Jul 2018, 20:26

He probably talked about dulcolax. I was recently recommended Smooth Move tea by my PT and I bought myself a box today to have for future use. It contains Senna and I don't know how well it works but from the reviews I gathered that it works overnight in 8-10 hours. You could try taking something like that after dinner.
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby Da_butt_tho » 12 Jul 2018, 20:42

Yes, that was it! Thank you. I may try the tea though. Although I do want to listen to the doc, I generally try to stay away from unnecessary additives/meds if needed... and I’m just on so very many at the moment!
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby patience_and_healing » 12 Jul 2018, 23:29

I try to stay away from too many meds as well, but you'll definitely need to keep BMs soft in order to heal. Just one day of laxatives is most likely not going to be enough for that.
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby Da_butt_tho » 13 Jul 2018, 08:24

Right? I thought those directions sounded odd. Admittedly- as there was no movement for a day after the first bM, I added it back in... I definitely do not want to have to go through this a second time down the road!
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby Da_butt_tho » 15 Jul 2018, 13:27

I’m also wondering- for anyone who has had the surgery- how did you find a balance between pain management and soft stool? I’m on day 4 post-op and BMs feel very similar to they did for the initial AF (aka razor blades... although I did have 2 fissures and he said he “cleaned up the scar tissue” so I will be experiencing some pain...) I’m taking 2 docusates and psyllium powder per docs orders, but I’ve also added in miralax (and even MoM yesterday) because I feel like things aren’t very soft... I also eat plenty of ruffage and an drinking water constantly... but I feel like it’s not enough to fight off the constipating effects of the pain meds (which I’m only taking 1/2 tab and trying to space out as much as possible...).

So. Yeah. Any experiences like this? Any suggestions? (Doc also told me that I can’t take ibuprophen due to blood thinning effects... and I tried going wo pain meds until 1pm today until I just threw in the towel!)
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby mike1971 » 15 Jul 2018, 13:35

I'm 7 weeks post op for fistulotomy surgery and I seem to be getting more and more constipated lately. Been 3 days and 2 hours since my last bm.

You may be constipated due to the prescription medications and the anesthesia. Seems you're taking a fair amount of lacitives and stool softener.

I suppose your next bm will tell the tail. Good luck my friend.
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby Da_butt_tho » 15 Jul 2018, 17:17

Thanks, mike! I’m sorry to hear that things are getting a bit difficult for you - I hope everything turns around soon!

And you are probably quite right... I suppose part of me wishes that recovery would be a bit easier/speedier, but hopefully there will be steady improvement over time ... I appreciate the reassurance that I may be on the right track though!
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