Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag removal)

After surgery questions... sulfadiazine?

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby Hopie75 » 11 May 2019, 09:13

Preggo af, you mentioned you had a scab. I had LIS two weeks ago. I’m mostly out of pain. Except, at the very beginning of a bowel movement. It sounds. I think the stinging is coming from a scab that seems to be there. (I had LIS and two skin Tags removed) How long did it take for your scab to go away? Thanks!
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby trillo » 23 May 2019, 16:55

ttt2018 wrote:Trillo, what did you find out after your last appointment about the discharge?

Sorry, I haven't checked in here for a while. I did not have an infection. My CRS didn't know why I was having more discharge but said it's "normal". The discharge has decreased over time. It's been 8 weeks now post-op. I still have a small amount of discharge at times. The pain has pretty much gone away, but I still have some soreness and itching intermittently. I worry that this will never completely heal, but maybe it just needs more time. I'll see the CRS again next Tuesday.
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