Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag removal)

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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby missy moo » 23 Oct 2018, 21:11

Walking Wednesday wrote:Preggoaf and Jai I’m on 10 weeks and fissure flares up after I work for 5 days. 5 days on 5 days off. I have a burning now I believe from my slight leakage from I believe my top soft of stools, prunes maybe? Magnesium? Not sure. Trying to make bm more solid. Glad you are both doing well.

If you wana get stools more formed use psyllium husk powder
Last edited by missy moo on 24 Oct 2018, 07:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby JaiShriRam » 24 Oct 2018, 06:14

Hi Walking Wednesday,

Sorry to know about the bad days. The leakage should ideally stop after 8 weeks. Mine stopped at week 5. Please ensure that stools are not very watery. Please add generous amount of psyllium husk in water and drink in morning after waking up and at night bedtime. If possible, please buy 'Softovac' by Lupin ( and take as per instructions mentioned on the bottle. If you are using Softovac then there is no need to take Psyllium Husk as Softovac includes this ingredient. Also your internal sphincter is weak after the procedure. Unfortunately there is not much you can do about it as it is an involuntary muscle. You need to strengthen your external sphincter by performing Kegel exercises at least for 30 minutes a day. Kegel exercise really helped me control and strengthen the external sphincter.

I used Sucral Ano Ointment 3 times a day. It is a life saver. Apply it before and after BM.
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby PreggoAF » 25 Oct 2018, 00:18

Walking Wed, I’m over 3 months out from surgery and still have minor leakage issues that somewhat irritate the site where my sentinel tag was removed. I too am working on making bowel movements firmer without being too hard. Fiber seems to help but I don’t want huge poos so I don’t hit the fiber too hard. I’ve also halved my magnesium dose and that helps. Good luck to you! It’s a long and frustrating journey for some of us, but I do believe it gets easier for most as time goes on.
Chronic fissure: January 2018
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby Deleted User 7275 » 26 Oct 2018, 06:55

Thanks for the reply’s! Sorry to hear pregg, hope it gets better soon for you. The stinging sux, I’ve been bouncing between A&D, lanolin, zinc and lidocaine for ointments.
Jai and missy I have tried psyllium just a teaspoon and it slowed me down and gave me a hard one. I drank plenty of water with it too and about a gallon a day is what I normally put down.
Deleted User 7275

Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby missy moo » 28 Oct 2018, 14:34

Have you tried just eatting good an taking flax seeds ground you just buy them whole an use a mortar and pestle to crush them then put them into salads or sandwich smoothies anything really they just have a slight nutty flavour the oil in them is good to grease all the pipes from top to bottom an it's a great source of fiber or maybe just try using flax seed oil it's would be easier
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby Deleted User 7275 » 29 Oct 2018, 08:31

The oil is a good idea, thanks missy
Deleted User 7275

Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby PreggoAF » 29 Oct 2018, 08:43

Word to the wise, Walking Wednesday- be careful about stepping down the things you take to soften your BMs. I’ve been trying to achieve firmer stools to avoid the irritation from looser stools, and accidentally had one today that was too firm and left me sore for the rest of the day. Even though I hate the irritation from the looser stools I’m actually more afraid of today’s scenario where I cause a possible retear. I went back on the Miralax today and am praying I’ll be okay tomorrow. Anyway, just wanted to pass on my experience so you don’t make the same mistake of tapering down too quickly.
Chronic fissure: January 2018
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby Deleted User 7275 » 30 Oct 2018, 16:43

Oh man sorry to hear preggoaf, that’s what I’m afraid of. I will heed your warning, As of now I am burning down there something Auful. Did a lot of work today and miralax 2 days ago along with stool softeners. I read the miralax and also the stool softeners cause irritation. 2 days ago I felt great after a morning bm, later I picked up something heavy in a deadlift position and felt a full pain at site. Since then been feeling discomfort throughout the day.
Strange the burning is more in the evening I searched this and came across Proctalgoa fugax, proctitis and possibly prostatitis. It’s either one of these, all of these or a new fissure since the burning is mostly opposite my tailbone and not at fissure site. Just put some Vaseline and recticare on and it is simmering down a bit but damn.
I hope you feel better preggoaf. Take it easy and be sure to eat the fruit and veggies and lots of water. WW
Deleted User 7275

Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby hopeful87 » 18 Nov 2018, 08:40

Sarah8818 wrote:Hi all
So I have given in and had lis surgery done on Friday 13th and fissure was cleaned out. I’m in bits! I have come up with a large red lump to the left hand side on anal opening is this normal! Any advice on healing quicker would be appreciated as on day 3 of bed rest!

hi sarah are you doing now ?
did this lump happen to go away ?
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby hopeful87 » 20 Nov 2018, 08:09

mike1971 wrote:
JaiShriRam wrote:@Mike1971 how are you doing Mike ?

Hello Jai I'm feeling better it's been a little over 3 months now (14 weeks).

I don't have the burning pains (spasms?) that lasted for a few hours after bm's but I have my days where I am sore and tender in the area. I still can't sit comfortably for more than 10 minutes. I can feel a small external tender lump that feels like a thrombosed hemorrhoid down there. I think this may be the sore of my discomfort. Using Prep H a few times a day. Hoping thus will get better with time.

How are you doing?

hi mike, did this lump happen to go away ?
fissure diagnosed : 2013
LIS :13 Nov 2018
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