Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag removal)

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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby PreggoAF » 16 Jul 2018, 15:43

Sarah, I do find it difficult to clean up and have to do several sitz baths a day after my bowel movements in the morning. I seem to be slowly bleeding from a site where he cut off my skin tag and I have a scab that seems to be forming there. I have to change gauze several times a day. I’m staying for the summer with my parents in the United States in Maryland but am supposed to join my husband in Jakarta in 6 weeks and move out there with the kids. I honestly am worried I’m going to have to push back the move date based on my progress so far.
Chronic fissure: January 2018
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby PreggoAF » 16 Jul 2018, 15:45

Also, my next check up is in two weeks.
Chronic fissure: January 2018
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby Sarah8818 » 16 Jul 2018, 16:05

Bless you x Atleast you have the support of your parents at the moment, fingers crossed that this nightmare is over soon for both of us. Keep me updated with you progress hun x let hope tomorrow is a brighter day and we are both less swollen xxx
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby PreggoAF » 16 Jul 2018, 18:04

Good luck to you too, Sarah! Fingers crossed that we will both be enjoying our children again very soon!
Chronic fissure: January 2018
Diltiazem since Feb 2018
Miralax and Magnesium
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby mike1971 » 16 Jul 2018, 20:19

Good luck ladies. Wish you all the best.

I know how difficult this is for all of us.
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby Da_butt_tho » 17 Jul 2018, 21:05

Hi all! My apologies - I’ve missed a lot! I find that soaking in the tub is really my first line of defense against pain... it’s getting a bit mundane, but I’ve been soaking and streaming shows while in the tub! My doc said a max of 6 hours and the more I can soak- the faster I’ll heal.

I also feel like this recovery is way worse than the actual fissures I have... which honestly- although weren’t fully healed, felt soooo much better than after recovery.
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby Da_butt_tho » 17 Jul 2018, 21:07

In regard to how to try to stay clean- I also find that I can only use flushable wipes (although I’m not sure if they are actually good for plumbing) and only a dabbing motion is possible without pain. And usually after a bM I immediately soak in the tub. It’s almost time for me to go back to work and I’m not totally sure how I’m going to handle this... but we shall see!
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby Da_butt_tho » 17 Jul 2018, 23:21

Also Sarah and PreggoAF- you both mentioned a swollen bit off to one side- I have this too and have been a bit worried about it... have your docs said anything about this? I don’t believe I have an infection, but I’m wondering if this swollen part is where the lateral incision was made to relax the muscles.... maybe resulting in the swollen tissue? I also had skin tags removed, but those areas don’t seem to be the largest culprits!

I hope everyone is doing well and healing as best as they can!
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby Sarah8818 » 18 Jul 2018, 04:04

I agree the bath is the best thing. So how long ago did you have lis? I think the recovery is worst at times due to being cut and having the fissure scraped and cisxndd out! It’s so raw down there now. The lump is still there mine on the left hand side and very tender. I think it from been pulled about and trauma down there, I see my consultant a week today so see what he says then!
How long is usual recovery from this operation as some people seem pain free within a couple of days. My worst pain is straight after a bowel movement.
So couple of questions to check that I normal and doing ok...
I’m day 5 since op...
Do you still have weaping from the wound?
Do you still have blood?
At times are there little grains of what I think must be poo so I must have leakage?
At times do you still have sudden spasms that occur? Will these ever stop?
When you need to poo do you get little warning and have to run?
Sorry so mAny questions!
I feel for you going back to work, if not ready can you get signed off again?
I’m a bridesmaid on Friday in a light Pink dress that could be interesting!
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby Da_butt_tho » 18 Jul 2018, 07:50

Hey there,

Good luck at the consultant’s today- if you don’t mind, I’d be curious about his answers to some of these!

I actually had my LIS one week ago, on last Wednesday (7/11/18). I do still have a bit of blood and maybe a tiny bit of weeping, but it’s mainly after a BM. I’m not sure what the typical recovery time is like, but I feel like my doc originally told me that some ppl are feeling fine after just a few days (3-4) and some take longer... and I think I’m in the “longer” crowd. My CRS also came out while I was in recovery and told my husband that the surgery was a bit more involved than he had anticipated and I’d def be in pain... but he didn’t explain why it was more involved and the hubs didn’t ask ... so I see him tomorrow for my first folllow up visit and will hopefully have more answers.

As for spasms- I think I get these directly after a BM? But to be honest, sometimes I find myself trying to figure out what are spasms vs what is just general pain. I’ve been trying to take less pain medicine as this week has went on, but if I wait too long I can’t decipher what kind of pain (and therefore what med would be better for spasms vs gen pain) is happening. Did your dr give you anything for spasms?

Re: grains of poo, I generally don’t see those outside of a BM, but I sometimes wonder if I’m seeing that consistency because of all of the different stool softeners I’m on! I can’t wait until taking a poo no longer fills me w dread and feels like razor blades... the stool softeners are helping mildly, but sheesh...

I hope all goes well at your appointment today and that you are steadily feeling better!
Last edited by Da_butt_tho on 18 Jul 2018, 08:43, edited 1 time in total.
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