Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag removal)

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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby Da_butt_tho » 18 Jul 2018, 07:59

I also wish you well in the wedding! Oh goodness- I wish I knew any tips or tricks for you- but maybe you can take it easy after the ceremony.... is your sister very understanding if you were to have to not stay long for the reception?
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby Sarah8818 » 18 Jul 2018, 08:12

Do your surgery was 2 weeks ago today. It’s so hard recovering with this but fingers crossed will all be over soon.
Consultant is next week so see what he says then x
Yes my mate is very understanding thankfully so hope I have a good day especially in morning as that’s my worst after bowel movements.
Maybe I should slow down on laxatives as it’s msking me go twice in the morning and it’s just like diohorrea and I have to run for the fear I won’t Make it.
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby Da_butt_tho » 18 Jul 2018, 08:55

Oh no- sorry! There was a comma lacking in that last post that would have helped- my apologies! My surgery was actually just one week ago. And thanks for the clarification on your timeline- I feel like my brain is on a bit of a hiatus! (I did get one more day to work from home this week- so hopefully this will be helpful... for everyone! Ha)

I definitely bet the laxatives are a big part of the urgency... esp if you are having diarrhea, poor thing! I feel likes it’s so hard to find a balance between too little and too much stool softener/laxatives- esp while taking pain medicine! I feel like too soft seems preferable, but then I’ve also read others stating that diarrhea can be even more painful in some ways!
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby PreggoAF » 21 Jul 2018, 05:03

Just wanted to check and see how you guys are doing now? I seem to be doing a lot better with minimal pain and discomfort.
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby Da_butt_tho » 21 Jul 2018, 11:33

Hi PreggoAF,

Thanks for checking in! I’m on day 10 past surgery and have been able to cut waaaay back in pain meds, but I find I still have some pain by the end of the day (especially now that I’ve returned to work) and after a BM I’ve actually started to feel like I’m having MORE spasms?! Idk if that is normal... but did you experience any muscle spasms during your healing process? How long ago was your surgery?

I’m so glad you are progressing though! It also gives me hope that I’ll be at the minimal pain/discomfort stage soon enough!
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby PreggoAF » 21 Jul 2018, 15:37

Ugh the spasms are the worst! I had the super bad at first but now I just feel what might be spasms (dull ache) for a few hours after a bowel movement. Like you, I’ve “gone back to work” sort of in the sense that I’m back to full childcare duties for my 3 year old and 3 month old which requires a LOT of either sitting with a large babe on my lap to breastfeed, bounce the baby to sleep in my arms, or chasing after my older one. So I feel like my healing would be faster if I was more sedentary or didn’t have to put pressure on my butt so often, and may not have that burning ache if I just laid down on my side after a BM. But what can we do eh? I had my surgery on the 11th by the way. Also had internal hems banded but no fissurectomy as my fissure was luckily not active at the time.
Chronic fissure: January 2018
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby missy moo » 21 Jul 2018, 20:37

I would advice you guys to follow your gut if I get lis one day I'll only take stool softener an fiber afterwards bugger all that stuff the doc gave you especially the antibiotics an I wouldn't be putting anything down there I'd just keep things clean like we do anyeay, I hope your feeling better an just keep improving.
missy moo
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby Da_butt_tho » 21 Jul 2018, 22:52

Thanks, missymoo- I appreciate the advice to keep it simple. I think the fissurectomy side of things made me a little more afraid of infection, but I REALLY dislike the idea of taking antibiotics proactively... altho I went against my general disposition and finished the last one today. However, the probiotics are in full swing! ;)

And preggoaf - yes! My apologies, I forgot we had surgery on the same day. I’m glad you are on the mend- and honestly your “job” sounds way more difficult/mobile than mine (and you don’t get to punch out)! I give you so much credit!

Today was actually the first full day I didn’t take any pain meds at all, aside from a little bit of Advil my doc previously advised against (but I think any issue w blood thinning should be long past). I almost frightened myself with symptoms of constipation this morning though, so I think I drank enough water to dry up a small river... or at least wake me up through the night 1000x. Ha.

Does anyone know a range of time that ppl feel 100% better after all of this? I really need to get back in the swing of exercising soon... AND the hubs and I just planned a camping/backpacking trip for next month, so I’m hoping I’m not totally off of my rocker to think this isn’t possible (and I’ll be done soaking my bottom on a daily basis before then)! My doc did say at my checkup Thursday that I’m healing a bit better than expected, so I’m just crossing my fingers that will continue!!
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby missy moo » 22 Jul 2018, 00:01

I think you'll be fine by then an from what I've heard it just takes time you get a little better each week someone else who had had lis will hopefully jump in an have more info it's great to hear your doing well just keep it up you'll be fine.
missy moo
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Re: Post Surgery Advice? (LIS, fissurectomy, skin tag remova

Postby PreggoAF » 22 Jul 2018, 09:09

That’s wonderful that your healing so well! I honestly don’t know how fast it takes to be recovered and have wondered the same thing myself. I’ll let you know if I hear anything from my CRS at my visit next week. I hope someone chimes in who has experienced it!
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