Surgery Recovery Diary

Triple Whammy - LIS, Fissurectomy & Hemmorhoidectomy

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: Surgery Recovery Diary

Postby Tatie » 17 Oct 2019, 20:23


A week already?!? The first week should be the worst ( fingers crossed !). I wish you a smooth second week!

I am sorry about your kitty :(
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Re: Surgery Recovery Diary

Postby tight80 » 17 Oct 2019, 20:52

Thanks Tatie! I can't wait to post about my turning the corner day : ) Cheers.
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Re: Surgery Recovery Diary

Postby tight80 » 18 Oct 2019, 16:40


I'm very happy to report that the drainage has almost ceased completely. Fingers crossed that it is totally gone by tomorrow.

My surgical wound stitch came undone today. I hope it's not too early. Doc did mention they tend to go within a week or so. But now I have this little pointy stitch bulging out and it's very uncomfortable. I'm hoping that the rest of it falls out soon.

Feeling pretty good today. All of my pain is associated with the surgical site. Continuing to use the Calmoseptine.
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Re: Surgery Recovery Diary

Postby ansi2019 » 19 Oct 2019, 14:06

I made my LIS August 1-2019, so i'm now 11 weeks out of surgery.
I still feel the fissure during BM, not painful, i just feel it still there, probably good sign of recovery because i wasn't feeling it this much during the first 4 - 6 weeks. I barely feel it during the rest of the day after the BM or sting a lil bit (like 0.5 out of 10 of that pain scale).

I wish i knew i should put a small piece of cotton into my anus to not let that leak mess with my cheek butt (like yours, the monkey butt) to absorb any leak or extra humdity. Well, during 6 weeks i have been struggling with that monkey butt till someone told me to use water & salt to wash with after each BM & one more time before going to bed so no more unbearable itching during your sleep & everything was great after like 5 - 6 days. I won't advise you to use the water + salt now since your incision site is still not healed , it will take 6 - 8 weeks (according to my personal experience) to fully heal, mine still didn't get that regular color like the other skin, it still has that yellowish line, but the leak from there is finished, incision site was healed for me now (after 6 - 8 weeks).

Don't rush things up yet, careful while sitting, it takes time, 1 month you'll feel more than great actually. The fissure & tag removed area are the most stubborn part in this LIS thing. My friend told me 4 months is great to really say it was successful or not, not before that. I give mine 6 months to evaluate it with strict diet of course.

This LIS thing is all about your diet, your Diet is your Meds now (that's what my doctor told me after 2 weeks out of LIS).

Good luck with your journey, i'm so glad i found this forum too, lots of things didn't know about till i read the ones who made their LIS & shared their experience.
Last edited by ansi2019 on 19 Oct 2019, 14:13, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Surgery Recovery Diary

Postby ansi2019 » 19 Oct 2019, 14:09


I'm very happy to report that the drainage has almost ceased completely. Fingers crossed that it is totally gone by tomorrow.

My surgical wound stitch came undone today. I hope it's not too early. Doc did mention they tend to go within a week or so. But now I have this little pointy stitch bulging out and it's very uncomfortable. I'm hoping that the rest of it falls out soon.

Feeling pretty good today. All of my pain is associated with the surgical site. Continuing to use the Calmoseptine.

little pointy stitch bulging out

Will disappear in 4 - 6 weeks max.
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Re: Surgery Recovery Diary

Postby tight80 » 19 Oct 2019, 14:27

Thank you for your reply, Ansi. I'm so happy to hear that you were feeling great at 1 month! I'm counting the days. I feel lucky to say that I can't feel my fissure anymore. Doc said mine was small and that my tight sphincter / muscle spasm were causing most of my problems. I'm already seeing improvement with my digestive issues since the surgery which has me very hopeful that it was successful.

The incision site is probably the worst part for me so far. Stitches have dissolved already and I lost the scab that had formed on it so now it's just a little divot right next to my bum holethat is very sensitive. I was really hoping that it would heal up quickly. Doc cleared me to swim in the ocean at 3 weeks post op when we are in Hawaii so I think your salt theory is on track with facilitating wound healing.

Ansi, did you find that your bowels were more active during the first few weeks post op? I'm finding that I'm having to use the restroom after almost every meal and I'm not given much time to get to the restroom. I'm hoping that the frequency lessens because I won't have access to the immediate sitz bath afterwards when I start going back to work. So thankful that I have a bathtub in my home. It has been the saving grace.
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Re: Surgery Recovery Diary

Postby tight80 » 20 Oct 2019, 14:40

Had a bit of a setback last night. Had multiple BMs in a row and everything got pretty sore. Drainage is now back today and the swelling is back, too. It really sucks to feel like you're moving backwards instead of forwards so I took it easy today. Couldn't sit for very long. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Feeling a little better today. Eating right and staying hydrated. The incision site looks like it is healing very nicely and no longer has any discharge on it. But I am having some yellow pus / discharge coming either from some of the work that he did internally... or from the area close to the surgical site that is inside the ring of the opening where I can't see. Should there still be any yellow 10 days after the procedure? I may have to call in to get this checked out. I know that abscess is a very low percentage complication (I believe 1 or 2% chance) so hopefully the yellow is just part the normal healing process.

Overall recovery feels like it's moving slow. I had hoped to be sitting more by now, but laying down with pillows supporting my back is still most comfortable. The brown/pinkish drainage has pretty much stopped, but the yellow discharge is still there. I can't wait until all drainage and discharge stops so everything else can work on healing up without the constant irritation.
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Re: Surgery Recovery Diary

Postby tight80 » 21 Oct 2019, 18:35

Well I'm very happy to say that I noticed a huge improvement today. I woke up feeling quite good. Less overall swelling and pain. And I'm able to sit at home now for longer periods and I was able to drive today (short distances with a pillow on my seat). Hooray! Normalcy feels like it's creeping back into my life. BMs are still regular and I'm still sitzing after each one. Feeling like there's a chance I may try to go back to work on Friday. Fingers crossed that each following day continues to improve like today and I may be able to make it to Hawaii next week after all!
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Re: Surgery Recovery Diary

Postby tight80 » 22 Oct 2019, 18:05

Very happy to report that even though I had a bad bout with my stomach last night... my healing still continued to improve today. I was able to sit for 3 hours (on and off) and even ran a few errands (sitting on a cushion while driving). Pain is minimal... drainage is pretty much gone and overall I'm feeling pretty good. Hoping to have more posts like this coming up. : )
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Re: Surgery Recovery Diary

Postby Tatie » 22 Oct 2019, 21:25

Yay ! :)))) Isn't it great !
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