When is Botox classed as failed?

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Re: When is Botox classed as failed?

Postby missy moo » 04 Mar 2018, 14:28

I've been to the bottom twice in my life where I didn't know where to turn or what to do my emotions shut down completely I felt numb I hope the above can help someone even if it just reduceds stress in there life which is directly connected with pain in the body as we all know, I wish everyone the best of luck xx
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Re: When is Botox classed as failed?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 04 Mar 2018, 14:37

Oh I too hope it can help as we all need to take care of our emotional and mental health as much as our physical.

It’s just having recently worked in a healthcare setting it ways upsetting to hear people say they felt their physical issues were caused by their own inability to listen to their bodies.
Sometimes bad things happen for absolutely no reason and we are lucky in the fact that a simple op is all that is normally needed to set things right.

I love self help and am a qualified hypnotherapist and homeopathic practitioner, women at this moment do so much with little help that they loose themselves and put themselves at the bottom of the list for who gets looked after. We have lost the spirit of community that would look out for someone who was suffering and that is a very big shame
I hope that on here we can begin to address the balance a bit x
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Re: When is Botox classed as failed?

Postby missy moo » 04 Mar 2018, 14:46

I completely agree we all go it alone nowadays I've read hypnotherapy can help would you agree?
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Re: When is Botox classed as failed?

Postby missy moo » 04 Mar 2018, 14:49

Also can diltiazem make things worse? After putting on my diltiazem last night I had about 5 mild spasms walking away from the bathroom I've decided to stop using it? An why do larger bm that stretch the muscle feel better then soft bms? I had a bm of 2 on the chart an it felt better then alot of the other bms I've had?
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Re: When is Botox classed as failed?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 04 Mar 2018, 15:00

I had hypnotherapy about 7 years ago for my IBS and it certainly worked for me for a while. I think it could def work for a fissure that had no underlying issues like crohns or chronic constipation.
I must admit that I had it myself after my LIS just after my flare ended and I believe it helped me to relax, which will have lowered my cortisol levels.
There has been a lot of research about hypnotherapy for digestive issues recently and many good GPs will recommend it.
It certainly wouldn’t hurt but please make sure you go to a registered therapist as many people will charge a lot without much qualifications. It took me 18 months to be fully qualified.

I have read that people can become sensitive to Diliatazem after prolonged use, perhaps that is what’s happening. The larger BMs naturally stretch the sphincter and I guess it’s like natural dilation. For me they are always the easiest preferred BM, the softer ones not only leave more residue but can actually cause your sphincter to push more as there isn’t the bulk to help it down. I get way more hems when I have soft BMs and can feel my sphincter pushing even though I’m not trying to push in any way.
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Re: When is Botox classed as failed?

Postby missy moo » 04 Mar 2018, 15:16

Thank you this was all very helpful my bowel seems slow lately since I'm now only on one lax sachet I'm taking psyllium husk powder but still feel the need to push a little during a bm an it's not all coming out so it stays there's dries out an comes out the next day harder why is this?
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Re: When is Botox classed as failed?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 04 Mar 2018, 16:00

It will probably take a while for your digestion to get used to the lowering of the laxative dose. Hopefully this will stop happening as your natural peri staltic rhythm returns
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Re: When is Botox classed as failed?

Postby missy moo » 04 Mar 2018, 16:07

I was taking 2 macrogol sachets that draw water into the bowel I think it's called miralax on here for most people, would this still mean my body needs to adjust without it? I thought it was the best stuff to not cause dependency?
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Re: When is Botox classed as failed?

Postby Hopefull123 » 04 Mar 2018, 17:45

Any softeners will create some sort of dependency. Even the bottle of Miralax says not to use longer than 7 days. If you are taking only one teaspoon of husk, take a second round after dinner just a half teaspoon. This is my perfect balance and I eat everything, bread, cheese, chocolate and all hardening foods.
I have read more sensitivity with dilitiazem, than GTN, but I developed sensitivity to GTN and switched to diltiazem, however after 3 weeks, I started feeling a little burning and pain on the outside, so I stopped it. This may be your case too missy. Your skim tag may get irritated from it.
Speaking of hypnosis, here is my favorite meditation/hypnosis from Deepak Chopra. At nigh, dim the lights, play it and completely relax. Let the words sink into your subconsciousness.

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Re: When is Botox classed as failed?

Postby missy moo » 05 Mar 2018, 01:47

Thanks hopeful how much psyllium husk do you take a day? on my jar it says take 1.5 teaspoons 1-3 times a day I take just one 1.5 teaspoon a day at 3pm but last night before bed I had an extra 1 teaspoon because of my slowed bowel
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