diagnosed then un-diagnosed...arrrgh!

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Re: diagnosed then un-diagnosed...arrrgh!

Postby queenofpain » 08 Oct 2007, 09:35

Hi Lecia,
I knew you'd understand. The whole thing is a mystery. Sometimes I end up in pain for no apparent reason - no bms that day, or anything. At other times, I'm sure I've re-torn myself, and all is well. We can't see the injury, so it's harder to assess what's going on. If it could just be on our arms or legs...
I never took four Advil at the same time. I've taken three at a time, and a fourth an hour or so later. Maybe I should try taking them at once. I wanted to ask him about that, too, but he was so uncooperative. My general practitioner is the one who sent me to this CRS, and he didn't even seem to understand why I couldn't get a hydrocortisone suppository inside myself (I was too tight, and he found that out when he tried to examine me on a subsequent visit). So, I thought my general practitioner was fine until I suffered the fissure. Now I'm wondering if I should find someone else in that department, too! Maybe I shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water, but I can't understand why they, with all their expertise, don't have the basic knowledge even I have accumulated by mere reading/experience.
Well, I've been trying to search for a CRS by internet (American Board of Colorectal Surgeon site), as the CRS suggested, but it doesn't have hardly anyone listed. Plus, I need to make sure he/she takes my PPO, on top of everthing else!
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Re: diagnosed then un-diagnosed...arrrgh!

Postby Guest » 08 Oct 2007, 09:45

Hey Ann,
My CRS was the one that told me to take the 4 advil at the same time and she said I could do that 3 times a day.
I can understand your frustration at trying to get someone to listen and understand. And I understand about the unpredictability of the pain there. That area, though it gets joked around about a lot, is actually very sophisticated and unfortunately healing doesn't seem to be straightforward since you can't immobilize the area like you could with another injury in which you could apply a bandage. My CRS gave the analogy that our anus is made up of similar skin as our lips. She said when you get a cut on the side of your lips, it takes a long time to heal, because you have to eat, chew, talk etc.
I will ask my CRS about doctors for you. I wish you could come to Atlanta and see mine. She is in her 30s and will sit there and talk to you as long as you need. I can tell she has never had a butt problem because she doesn't fully appreciate the extent of disability it causes but she is caring and tries at least. (I wish all CRSs had to have suffered some kind of butt ailment before seeing patients). Does anyone here want to volunteer to go to medical school???!!! :D

Re: diagnosed then un-diagnosed...arrrgh!

Postby queenofpain » 08 Oct 2007, 09:55

Thanks, Lecia, for all the input. I was thinking the same thing myself. We need a CRS that is motivated to help people because of first-hand experience with the pain. If you hear anything about a good CRS in Chicago, I'd appreciate it. In the meantime, I'm going to call a hospital, and ask my aunt who is a nurse if she knows how to go about the search.
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Re: diagnosed then un-diagnosed...arrrgh!

Postby buttgirl » 08 Oct 2007, 11:10

queenofpain wrote:Hi Guys,
1) Anyone have a bad experience with a CRS where you felt greatly misunderstood? Anyone told to find another CRS, in so many words? I have. The one I went to in Dec 07 made me cry. He said that itf the GI diagnosed me with Crohns, even though I didn't and still don't have any symptoms, he would not even look at me and that this fissure is something I will be dealing with for the rest of my life. The other suregeon that I went to see refuse to believe that a fissure could get infected until mine actually did and I began leaking puss out of my rear. Finding one who will listen is quite a trick, trial and error. I finally founda one, but I hae to drive an hour to see him. LA are though.
2) Anyone have a bad experience with supplementary fiber? I can not use Metamucil and Benefiber. Produces hard large bms. i have had much more luck with citrucel. It helps keep my poo soft without the abrasiveness of the grain-based fibers.

HELP!!! I have to get out of this pain. Last week, I was doing better until I stooped to wipe up something I spilled. I have been in pain since, but the CRS looked askance when I told him that certain postures seem to re-injure the fissure. He implied that it is not possible - it is all related to the bowel movement. But I didn't have a bm that day (which was not unusual). I have had the identical experience on other bm-less days. I just couldn't explain that to him. Only if I move in a very specific way will my fissure hurt. But I can see how, especialy if on the verge of being outside, various movements could cause pain and reinjury.
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Re: diagnosed then un-diagnosed...arrrgh!

Postby queenofpain » 08 Oct 2007, 12:05

Hi Buttgirl,
Thanks for your reply and support. I've read some of your story before, and I'm quite amazed at all you have had to go through. Sorry to hear about that. It must of been terrifying. I think that when people suggest that we might have to deal with the pain the rest of our lives, they really don't understand how debilitating it can be. Maybe they think its like a mild headache or something. I don't think you can grasp it until you've been through it.
Metamucil and Benefiber both seemed to give me larger, lumpier bms, too, or gummy, flat ones (I don't know how to describe it), both of which caused a lot of straining. I cut back on the dosage, and I was drinking so much water, I was afraid of poisoning myself. Not to mention, I was so sick of even looking at water! I really don't think all that extra water can offset the wrong kind of fiber, unless you are dehydrated to begin with. I also read that for some people Metamucil can get backed up in the colon (I don't have the link, and don't know how sound the research was, though. I'm not here to discredit Metamucil or Benefiber.). I tried to suggest these this to my CRS, but he said no way - the body will expel it. He had asked in December if I was drinking enough water with the fiber, and of course I was (80 oz.). That would be the first thing I would think to do. Funny thing, I bought Citrucel, and it's been sitting on my shelf for close to a year. I'm terrified of trying it, but maybe some day.
I will remember you in my prayers.
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Re: diagnosed then un-diagnosed...arrrgh!

Postby Deleted User 5 » 08 Oct 2007, 14:22

It certainly is possible to overdo the fiber, and the supplemental ones may indeed be the worst cuplrits.
I can't add anything to Chris' fine advice. Very interesting information about Metamucil, I have never heard that but it would not surprise me in the least.
Deleted User 5

Re: diagnosed then un-diagnosed...arrrgh!

Postby queenofpain » 08 Oct 2007, 16:04

Hi Kim,
Thanks for the input. With all his exposure to different types of patients, I'm surprised that my CRS didn't seem to agree about overdosing with fiber. I've just spent a good deal of my day trying to find a CRS in Chicago that takes my insurance. I found a good one, but he dropped out of the Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO network a few years ago. Physician search by internet, as well as by phone is very disorganized. I finally have a name, but am still going to do research. The good news is, my pain broke through all this - for now, anyway. Again, thanks, Kim.
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Re: diagnosed then un-diagnosed...arrrgh!

Postby queenofpain » 09 Oct 2007, 15:15

Okay, guys. I've spent the better part of the last two days trying to find a colorectal surgeon in Chicago. After countless phone calls to a prestigious hospital, numerous internet searches, and red tape and misinformation, I only have the names of individuals who are board certified in general surgery, with a specialty, but not board certification in GI/endrocrine surgery. A woman who does intake at the prestigious hospital told me that usually you do not need a colorectal surgeon unless you have a more serious issue like colon cancer. She said that a general surgeon with colorectal experience should be okay. My previous CRS and a nurse both told me to make sure I find someone who is a board certified CRS, not a general surgeon. I'm confused. I don't want to spend time or money on someone that does not have the expertise I need. How important is it to have a CRS? Thanks.
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Re: diagnosed then un-diagnosed...arrrgh!

Postby Guest » 09 Oct 2007, 17:20

I would feel better off seeing a CRS. They are going to be more up to date and since that is what they do, day and day out, they are will have more knowledge and experience than someone who does a bit of everything.

Re: diagnosed then un-diagnosed...arrrgh!

Postby queenofpain » 10 Oct 2007, 06:53

Thanks, Lecia. I feel more comfortable with a CRS, too. One of the general surgeons without colorectal surgery board certification, but with a specialty in gastrointestinal surgery has anal fissure listed as one of his clinical interests. He, as well as others with his credentials, hold membership in various surgical societies with colorectal interest. I don't know if they are able to get away without CR board certification because their employment at this large, renowned hospital affords them numerous and varied colorectal experiences, including hundreds of fissure cases with time. But, if I try to find the answer to that question, I'll be researching until doomsday, so I am going to try to go the CRS route. If your doctor happens to know a CRS in Chicago, I'd still appreciate the input. I'm just going to continue searching in the meantime, as the process takes a while. Thanks!
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