Update on how you people are doing?

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Update on how you people are doing?

Postby SueMac » 06 May 2019, 05:50

Hi all
I've been feeling bit lonely and stuck in a rut with this. I get a bit better. I think pelvic floor therapy is helping. my diet is helpling. Then I go back a bit and have pain all day again. I think I'm going in right direction as is it tiny bit better overall than it was but I'm not pain free enough of the time. Will it ever end?

How are you all?. What progress have you made? Love to hear your updates.
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Re: Update on how you people are doing?

Postby Abu » 06 May 2019, 09:12

Hey SueMac I don;t think it helps to tell you that I feel great. I stopped all softeners for over a month now and, to my surprise, the quality of stools is exactly the same as before which leads me to believe I took them so many years for nothing :)
Obviously I watch my diet like an Ovcharca mountain dog and only introduce new foods gradually and slowly. Any little sign that something is wrong and I pay more attention next time. So far I am extremely happy! The feeling of being entirely natural again cannot be described.

I am sure you get here too with patience and determination so i send you hugs and best wishes SueMac.
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Re: Update on how you people are doing?

Postby SueMac » 06 May 2019, 10:18

Abu I’m truely delighted for you and it gives me hope to hear your success. Please don’t leave that forum and keep us up with your progress, again it’s great news!!!
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Re: Update on how you people are doing?

Postby SueMac » 07 May 2019, 10:40

Abu- just quickly can I ask how long has it taken for you to recover from this fissure in total? I know everyone is different.
Are you totally pain free?
I think my body needs to get the ‘memory’ of pain out of its head and settle down as apparently I healed but I gather this takes time.
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Re: Update on how you people are doing?

Postby Abu » 07 May 2019, 21:14

SueMac I am totally pain free since 2015 even if I had small retears once every 8 to 12 months during this time - but no pain whatsoever. So even today I don't consider myself healed as I believe it takes at least 2 years without any issues before that tissue is strong enough.
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Re: Update on how you people are doing?

Postby SueMac » 08 May 2019, 03:04

Abu thanks for that and yes I see what you mean about two years as the area is vulnerable for so long (as we know!)
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Re: Update on how you people are doing?

Postby Abu » 08 May 2019, 09:28

Yes SueMac, my personal definition of healing is to live 2 years with 0 pain and 0 bleeding no matter how hard or big a BM is AND without taking any softeners or laxatives whatsoever. Whoever acheives that can say he/she crossed the fence to the "other" side :)
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Re: Update on how you people are doing?

Postby SueMac » 09 May 2019, 03:18

It's a good goalpost to aim towards I agree!!
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Re: Update on how you people are doing?

Postby mamafizz » 09 May 2019, 22:06

SueMac,, My fissure began in July 2016 I could not bare to go to the dr appts and suffered for many months reading the internet and then came upon this forum. In Dec 15 2016 just before Christmas I had Botox, hurt so bad after that but I hung in there, 3 weeks later I was told it was healed, However the muscles surrounding the area had been in chronic spasm for so long, and the fear of the pain, and memory I suppose had this linger for a very long time.
I t is now over 2 years and there is no pain, there is muscle tightness/uncomfortable but less and less just extremely slow in fizzling out. Breathing and not focusing on the area helps a lot. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
It's just such a weird thing to have happen. So many involuntary muscles and nerve endings. But I have read that this levator muscle tenderness which is typically brought on by a fissure gets better with time, can't really hurry it away. Teaches so much patience. There are way worse things I suppose, Really wish there was more awareness to this condition. So many silent sufferers, but know that things will get better. I have my life back and have been blessed to be able to heal from this. You will too. Don't worry be happy!
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Re: Update on how you people are doing?

Postby Ouchie81 » 11 May 2019, 00:41

Hello Sue
I am feeling similar to you. It can be very lonely.
I had a fissure in 3022, then 2017 and a new one now on 2019. It’s hard not to feel a bit defeated and worried. Like there is no light at the end of the tunnel
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