Food Consumption

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Re: Food Consumption

Postby Guest » 25 Apr 2007, 18:00

What did you get your degree in?
No, my mom hasn't gone to my appoinments with me before. I'd rather not use heavy pain killers if I don't really have to. So, I think I'll just up the advil if need be.
I will not be staying at the same school for my master's, but where I do decide to go for my master's will be around home probably.

Re: Food Consumption

Postby Guest » 25 Apr 2007, 18:38

I got my BS in Human Development and Family Studies and did a Master's in Public Health. I went to two different schools too though they were only about 45 minutes apart!
Try taking 3 advil and see if that doesn't do the trick. Do you use regular tp or do you use wipes? I just use the wipes and try to pat and not rub too much to avoid irritating anything.
Do you have to do an internship for your Psych degree?
You are very brave-I would hate to have had to face this at any age but I would have been a basket case in my early 20s. I was so embarrased to even see the gyno let alone a CRS so I am really impressed with you! Hang in there!

Re: Food Consumption

Postby Guest » 26 Apr 2007, 00:02

Wow, that's awesome. Where did you end up working or doing with your Master's in Public Health?
I use regular tp, but I wet them before I use them.
I didn't have to do an internship for my Psych degree, but I did intern at a daycare for a minor in Developmental Psych.
Thanks. It's been really embarassing having to go to the CRS, but I have no choice. =/

Re: Food Consumption

Postby Guest » 26 Apr 2007, 06:22

As an undergrad I did a practica at a early childhood development center too! I love working with children and adolescents!
With my MPH degree I worked in Maternal and Child Health: I did perinatal education, worked in a childhood immunization program and then worked in a teen clinic running a program for pregnant and parenting teens. I also am a certified Lactation Educator through UCLA.
I now work in a university setting (though I work mostly from home) helping to write grant proposals and journal articles. I am starting the process to get approval to do my own research project. It is quite a versatile degree.
I originally wanted to be a therapist like you! But I felt led more toward health education. I started reading Prevention magazine when I was 17 so I have always been interested in health promotion. A lot of my family have nursing degrees so I guess health care must just be in our blood. I wasn't so sure I could actually draw blood though so I resisted going to nursing school though I might go back someday after I get done paying for my own kids to go to college! :D
That is great you know what you want to do! I think graduating from college can be scary unless you have a real calling for where to go next. Do you enjoy school? If I could get paid for it I would probably stay a student forever! My parents used to joke that they couldn't get me out of school and they couldn't keep my sister in! (She wanted to drop out of college, but did finish)!
Hope today is a good day and you manage what you need to get done with no pain. Did the advil help?
Chat with you later,

Re: Food Consumption

Postby Guest » 26 Apr 2007, 16:31

I bet you've helped a lot of people. Good luck with getting your own research project. =) There is always time to go back to school.
I enjoy school. I do, however, get bored easily sometimes.
Now I can go to the bathroom without being in tons of pain, but afterwards I am in a lot of pain. Sigh!

Re: Food Consumption

Postby Guest » 26 Apr 2007, 16:38

I think you need a good soak and a hug! Can you get a paperback and take it in the tub and just take your time? Try taking the advil before you go to the bathroom so it can at least be getting into your system before the pain kicks in. It is much easier to abort the pain response before it recruits more nerves. Then it takes longer for them to calm down.
You are a sweetie!

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