12 Days After surgery.

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12 Days After surgery.

Postby Guest » 26 May 2007, 22:17

Today is the 12th day since my surgery for a chronic anal fissure and Hemoroids. I had a fissurectomy with anoplasty and Hemorridectomy using the stapling method (PPH). Things have been progressing along pretty well, the bleeding stopped for the most part at about day 7 or 8, the pain has been decreasing every day, the most pain was from the perianal area they took skin for tha anoplasty. I have been taking sitz baths in the hot tub 3-4 times a day, drink plenty of fluids and use benefiber at breakfast and whole grain breads. Today I had a seback, usually I have a bm in the morning after breakfast, I had the urge and sat, only got out a couple of slivers and stopped, figured I had jumped the gun, so I ran to the store for the wife, when I got back had the urge to a even greater degree went and sat again but nothing so I tried a little pressure (straining) and finally went, after this there was bleeding and more pain than I have had in a few days. Called the Dr. after hrs number and talked to a on call Dr. (not my DR.) he asked about the baths, water and fiber.all of which I am trying to do correctly, he said I shoulden't strain to go and I need more fiber, so I am trying more fiber. Still am pretty bummed.

Re: 12 Days After surgery.

Postby erik » 26 May 2007, 23:45

It can take awhile to heal after surgery. I am 12 weeks out and still have minor bleeding maybe once a month. not much or often but even once puts me in a stooper for that day. but I am healing and alot better than i was prior to the surgery. my CRS who was a mayo doc (a good one) told me the there is no silver bullet and once you have a fissure you are always more prone to "injury" but it will heal time if you keep to your routine so keep on your fiber diet and let time heal you. I had a minor relapse after i got over confident, and had a few guiness beers with a large pizza. my wife said "i told you so!" you may try heather's tummy fiber (from amazon.com) as it does not bulk up your stool but makes it Slippery/more gel like.)
all the best.
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Re: 12 Days After surgery.

Postby Guest » 27 May 2007, 08:33

Yeah, 12 days post surgery I would expect you to have some setbacks and complications. I had hemorrhoid surgery that led to a fissure that took me 4 months to heal from.
I think finding the right things that work for you are key. I find that eating All bran Buds with soy milk every day helps to make going to the bathroom almost effortless. Also taking a fiber supplement with acidopholis, flax or fish oil all help too.
I would expect that from surgery your anal canal can be irritated, inflammed and the nerves can be in kind of a jumble too so you might have some issues with feeling like you are done or that you can't get done. It will improve and you are still not that far out from having all your procedures done.
You will have days where you feel like you are on track healing wise and then days when you wonder if you have competely set yourself back but little by little you will get better!
Let us know how you are doing. Just the fact that you can run to the store for your wife is great. I know I wasn't "running" anywhere for a long time after my surgery.
Take Care,

Re: 12 Days After surgery.

Postby erik » 27 May 2007, 13:48

how often do you take flax oil? Is bran buds a cereal? what's you routine? Bran buds & flax in the am or do you take flax oil before bed, pill or oil from the bottle. thanks much!
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Re: 12 Days After surgery.

Postby Guest » 27 May 2007, 16:00

Hey Erik,
Here is my routine!
In the morning I take 5 fish oil capsules I have a pretty big bowl of All Bran Buds cereal with soy milk in the morning or around noon.
I take flax seed oil capsules in the late afternoon before I eat dinner. I take about 5 but I am used to them so that may be too much for someone starting out. I don't think you would need so much. Maybe just start with 3 fish oil or 3 flax seed oil capsules and see how it does you.
When I was having serious problems I used to take 1 spoonful of flax seed oil in the am and in the pm. That really works the best but sometimes capsules are just more convenient.
I also take an aloe vera capsule as that has a very mild stool softening effect and it is good for healing. I was putting aloe vera on topically but not as much since I am doing better.
Hope this helps!

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