Surgery Scheduled for 12/23

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Re: Surgery Scheduled for 12/23

Postby Rusty Bridges » 03 Mar 2010, 21:52

Thanks so much for everyone's responses. It has been over 2 months since my surgery. I am in pretty much the same place I was a month ago. I have generally been pain free but from time to time the spasms and pain will rear their ugly head again. I have kept my movements very soft for the past couple of months but I am still not healing! Like I mentioned before, my CRS encourages the use of Nifedepine and that does not seem to be helping with the healing. I have been using the sitz bath when I have spasms but other than that it has been a solid diet of benefiber and nifedepine and nitro cream (only when really hurting) As stated before, the next option if I go back to my CRS is dilation (a process that he was originally going to perform along with the LIS surgery). At this point I am at my wits end with this. I have been in pain since September and really want this to heal.
I know some people on here are not a fan of dilation at all. Do you really think a second LIS surgery would be the best option?
Thanks everyone for your help.
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Re: Surgery Scheduled for 12/23

Postby juney » 18 Mar 2010, 13:15

to be generally pain free after 2 months is great rusty. in fact, if you've only been in pain since september, i wouldn't worry too much yet. it takes time to heal...especially after surgery. lots of time. years, if ever, for some. LIS is by no means a quick fix.
i don't know much about dilation but i did have 2 LIS and a 2nd surgery wouldn't be a bad option in my opinion. i don't know your history though. i rushed into my 2nd LIS only 3 months after my first and i regretted it terribly. not only did i not heal but i developed a fistula and a whole mess of other pain and complications. whatever you do, don't rush into it! be patient.
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Re: Surgery Scheduled for 12/23

Postby Rusty Bridges » 23 Jul 2010, 08:50

Hi Everyone,
It has been quite a while since I have been on here. I just wanted to give everyone an update on how things have been going. I had LIS surgery on 12/23 and can happily say that I am about 95% healed. The surgery was definitely not a quick fix like I had originally imagined/hoped, the fissure took quite a while to heal. I have not had any fiber or stool softner for probably the last three months and it is great to not have my life revolve around my bowel movements. The only time I am ever reminded of the fissure is when I have diarrhea or a lot of movements in a short period of time.
Anyway, I just wanted to let people know that there definitely is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Thanks for everyone's help and support, I definitely couldn't have done it without you!
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Re: Surgery Scheduled for 12/23

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 23 Jul 2010, 11:40

Hey Rusty, thanks a lot for posting back! Do you mind if I ask about how long it was before your rear felt mostly pain free? I had LIS on May 3rd and still get pain from both the fissure area and the LIS incision area sometimes. It's not as frequent as it used to be, but it definitely still happens. Just curious how normal it is to still have some pain and discomfort (although completely tolerable) 3 months out.
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Re: Surgery Scheduled for 12/23

Postby Deleted User 5 » 23 Jul 2010, 19:59

95% sounds terrific, Rusty! Congratulations!
Image ImageImageImage
Thanks for posting back on your positive outcome, if only to encourage NG -- who WILL get there, too!
Deleted User 5

Re: Surgery Scheduled for 12/23

Postby Rusty Bridges » 25 Jul 2010, 15:35

I would say it was about four or five months until I really felt much better and didn't let it control my life anymore. It would flame up occasionally after a particular bowel movement or in very warm and sweaty situations, or if I had to sit for an extended period of time (3+ hrs).
NPguy, I would definitely give it some time. I had the surgery and thought that all was going to be great and even scheduled a ski vacation a month after surgery. This was not to be the case and you really just need to keep things loose and relax, it will get better, I promise.
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Re: Surgery Scheduled for 12/23

Postby Runnerman » 26 Jul 2010, 19:11

I'm glad you posted this rusty. I'm Almost 3 weeks out. Last week was good I didnt have any pain Alittle itchy and by thursday or friday I wouldnt have known i even had a problem to begin with. Then Friday night I took a long walk with a friend (frist bit of exercise) and felt a little soar but nothing to bad. Then saturday a.m. was good and then I took a very stressful phone call from a friend and I had to have a B.M. right away (2nd for the day) It was brought on by stress. It wasnt hard but it came out fast and was a good amount. I felt a tear right then and there :(. And now its been 2 days and it feels soar on the fissure sight. I was able to sit in church yesterday. I still slicey feeling. GRRR! I think I would be in a full panic by now if I hadnt read these posts. Some people really just WIZZ right thru after LIS. Good to know not everyone was doing scizzor kicks and running marathons after words.
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Re: Surgery Scheduled for 12/23

Postby StevePain » 27 Jul 2010, 03:21

Hey runner, my bowels seem to react in the same way yours do, any stress, worry or anxiety brings on an immediate urge to defecate even if I've been several times earlier, this definitely causes more burning pain and has caused me to re-tear again, so your not alone
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Re: Surgery Scheduled for 12/23

Postby cherylk » 27 Jul 2010, 06:00

Our guts are strongly affected by our emotions!!!! That's why positive thinking at all times (if possible) is so very important!!!!!!
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Re: Surgery Scheduled for 12/23

Postby StevePain » 27 Jul 2010, 12:47

I agree cheryl, our mood often alters the way our bowels work, and remaining positive is very difficult while dealing with the pain of a fissure, all you can think of is the pain, it's taken me a long time to get into a positive way of thinking, there's no doubt it helps!
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