Diary - LIS in a few weeks!

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Re: Diary - LIS in a few weeks!

Postby Mr Fissure » 29 May 2017, 06:45

Woo hoo! :cheers: Fantastic to hear you're back in the gym, GG!

I know how much it'll mean to you - I long for the day I can finally return too! Hopefully you'll go from strength to strength now and you'll be able to get your old active life back again sooner rather than later!

Stay positive, stay strong and keep up the great work! :energetic:

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Re: Diary - LIS in a few weeks!

Postby Canadabum » 29 May 2017, 20:37

GG....hope you are doing great...better each day. Awesome to get some of our life back!
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Re: Diary - LIS in a few weeks!

Postby mamafizz » 31 May 2017, 00:07

GG hope your still improving and getting back to your old self..

MPB hope your back to normal as well!!

Nikki hope your trip to Spain is going awesome.

missy, any questions on Botox let me know!
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Re: Diary - LIS in a few weeks!

Postby GilmoreGirl » 31 May 2017, 05:55

Thanks to all of you guys! I haven't been on as much lately, which I think is probably a good thing!

I have an appointment with a colorectal surgeon next week to hopefully help with the lingering issues I'm having (abscess, hemorrhoids, difficulty having bm) along with continued physio.

The abscess is draining on it's own so they're not too concerned, but it just never seems to stop filling up again. So I guess that's why they haven't excised it, I guess it will just collapse and go away in time. It's not getting worse, but not much better either.

What's bothering me most now is still tightness. It makes it difficult to have a bm, and work with the physio is tough since she has trouble fitting a finger up there. The area always feels kind of raw and sore. I also have one hemorrhoid that flares once a week or so - right now it's quite sore. I'm hoping the CRS will be able to help me deal with this stuff so I'm back to normal. I also would like a second opinion about the perineal descent - I'm not sure how "careful" I have to be about it and it's a source of anxiety.

The stomach pain is still an issue, it seems to be slightly reduced since last time I posted but not by much. But over all still much better than before the op.

Hoping you're all doing well also, I'll keep you updated on how things go next!
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Re: Diary - LIS in a few weeks!

Postby mamafizz » 31 May 2017, 12:27

GG, that is so awesome, as with any injury the tissue (especially there!) isn't like regular skin that can heal so it's probably very normal for the process to go like this for us all. As reading through all of the comments although there are differences --we pretty much experience the same symptoms to different degrees. But we all do heal ultimately.!

Here is some info I received about leftover discomfort after fissure healed...Since all of the Muscles and Nerves
have been disturbed for so long and are all connected, Tightness etc.. All takes time to resolve. They become hypersensitive, so it doesn't take much to incur those feelings and sensations. Takes at least 4-6 months for it to resolve.

Also for those with Botox here are some additional comments..

Botulinum toxin injections are also called chemical sphincterotomy, which means
that the toxin of botulin induces a relative hypotonia, which reduces the anal canal pressure while in rest. The cause of having that feeling after the fissure is healed is because the toxin binds to presynaptic nerve terminals, preventing the neurotransmitter to pass through.
So, the nerves are involved, and connect to the muscles, and the nerves need a time of 4-6 months to be fully reactive. That feeling should resolve completely.

As long as it doesn't get worse, then you are in the right path.
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Re: Diary - LIS in a few weeks!

Postby GilmoreGirl » 09 Jun 2017, 07:50

Hi all,

Just wanted to give an update.

Started electrical biofeedback with my pelvic floor physio and it turns out my muscles are pretty weak down there. I have perineal descent that's caused a small pouch off the rectum that is causing difficulty with bowel movements. We are trying strengthening exercises to fix this.

I finally saw a CRS and it was useless. I was rushed by him, he just read my file, came in and did an exam and said eat fibre and drink water, and to give up weightlifting from now on if the physio says I have perineal descent. He also said I'm too young to be having these issues and that I'm likely to get a hernia if I keep lifting so I should stop. This had me in tears The biggest problem was he never even asked me to explain what the issues are. We didn't talk about my hemorrhoids at all. He did the exam and I didn't get to tell him about physio/perineal descent until after. I tried to ask him about tests like defecography but he brushed me off and just said go to physio. I'm devastated about this appointment and don't know what I will do without weight lifting.

I also had an appointment with my gp about my stomach pain, which is worse than ever. She hasn't been able to get me a gastroenterologist. She thinks the other one did all the tests fine so I'm not sure she even thinks she should be referring me. She also said anxiety is a main factor (I'm so tired of hearing this...I can only do my best with anxiety, see my psychologist etc...I think they just want me to take anti anxiety drugs to shut me up I don't know). She did give me a drug to try called constella that I will start tonight. She didn't think any of the other tests I mentioned (h pylori, sibo, transit tests, blood work, stool tests) were worth it.

The butt pain is improving still, but still lots of difficulty having bm. And the stomach pain and discomfort is holding me hostage. I have pain between 6-9/10 every day at some point, for a least an hour or two. At the best, I have serious discomfort at all times. And I have never been so depressed, even when the fissure was bad. I knew then at least I would eventually get better even if it meant surgery. Now, I'm told I have to find a new job and passion and I don't even want to wake up in the morning and face the cycle of stomach pain again - with no apparent cause and no doctor willing to really try and help me.

I don't know if anyone has any ideas on how to get more help with both the pelvic floor and the stomach pain. I don't have anywhere left to turn really here. I'd be willing to go to Toronto or another city in Ontario if it meant I could get some compassionate help
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Re: Diary - LIS in a few weeks!

Postby patience_and_healing » 09 Jun 2017, 23:06

Dear GG, I'm so sorry that the doctor thought it was ok to poop on your dreams. He must have lost all empathy in medical school. As for your GP, I think she should go by what you need and want rather than just saying it's anxiety. Perhaps some of the Canada based posters on this board can contribute and let us know where you could get better care. Is it possible at all to go private as they say?

Have you tried squatting during BMs? I'm not sure if it's a good idea along with your other issues but it could help reduce the straining.

I can completely understand what you are going through when you say that getting up in the morning is too much. I've faced that a lot in the past few weeks because of fears of how my skin will behave in the future. I face pain almost daily and I always have the sword of more surgery hanging over my head. I go to therapy regularly and I was told this is a normal reaction to the changes in my life, and to be kind to myself. Is there anyone you can talk to about what's going on in your mind? I feel I would go nuts if I didn't have a couple of people to vent to when things go badly. If you need more support, feel free to PM or email me. I'm always ready to lend an ear and a shoulder.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
9/19: Trigger point injections and pudendal nerve block
11/19: Botox to pelvic floor
8/20: Botox to pelvic floor in new location.
On and off in pelvic physical therapy
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Re: Diary - LIS in a few weeks!

Postby Mr Fissure » 12 Jun 2017, 17:00


So very sorry to read your last post.

Like p_and_h, I'm In a different country to you so am struggling to give you any specific advice about what to do or what avenues to take, but one thing I would say is don't give up hope! I know I've said it before, but age and fitness are on your side! If your GP/CRS/Physio or whoever wont work with you to get you back to full active health, then find someone who will! After what your CRS said I would certainly seek out a second opinion at the very least. To be told at your age to go and find another career just seems unacceptable.

Please try to stay positive. I know it's difficult at times, but from reading your diary, it's obvious you’re a determined, resolute character, that leaves no stone unturned and I sincerely believe that you will find a way to come through this.

Sending you best wishes and hugs from the UK,
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Re: Diary - LIS in a few weeks!

Postby mamafizz » 12 Jun 2017, 19:53

Hi GG, Our minds are powerful, we attract what we think,, so do not allow them to keep you from what you love. You are going to get better and you will be able to do everything you want to. Doctors jobs are just that jobs. It is part of a system. When they work within those confines they follow a protocol. Physical pain and injury causes anxiety. Naturally you are going to have this. Everyone does. So nothing is hopeless, the pain has no power over you, it is just that ..pain is an electrical firing signal in the brain. It was made to protect us. So okay, eventually the stomach pain is going to subside, it will. The muscles are inflamed and sore for being so overused. Even a severe sprained ankle or muscle takes 6 months to a year to heal. Do what you can, and don't let the burdens and pressures of society trap you into more stress. You have your whole life a head of you. YOU WILL HEAL<YOU WILL Not have a stomach ache forever and you will be able to do everything you want to. Don't be afraid. You are going to be better than ever..... xo
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Re: Diary - LIS in a few weeks!

Postby GilmoreGirl » 13 Jun 2017, 15:51

Thanks so much patience and healing. I'm sorry that you can understand how I'm feeling. It's a hard way to go through life. I did book an appointment with a different psychologist, as I found my previous one not to be that much help. I do squat during bms (I have the squatty potty) and support the perineum with my hand which helps some.

Mr F your support and kind words are really appreciated, as always. It's so hard to stay positive but the support from you guys helps tremendously and sometimes brings me to tears. I hope you're doing ok - any updates?

Thanks mamafizz. Just as the fissure pain healed gradually I hope the stomach pain will also! How are you doing with your pain lately?

I tried the constella for two days at 145 mg and it did nothing but make me bloated and uncomfortable. Did help me to go - I guess it did relieve pain somewhat but seemed to replace it with severe discomfort. I saw my gp again today and brought my dad with me which was helpful. She was great and I'm at least getting the impression she won't give up on me - she had a few meds in mind to try. She told me to take double the dose of constella for a couple days and see how it goes. If it doesn't work I'm to stop taking it. She also gave me a prescription of an antibiotic called rifaximin that is supposed to treat small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. I am to take that for two weeks then follow up with her again.

I'm hoping one of these things will be some help. I have long suspected sibo due to the amount of gas and bloating I have daily so maybe it will help.

I spoke to my general physio (who's very experienced and well respected) and she recommended a different pelvic floor physio for a second opinion. I spoke to this new physio and she sounds like exactly the person I should see - she's an Olympic weightlifter/power lifter and a pelvic floor physio and in our conversations so far she has said she's sure she can get me safely back to lifting. It's a relief - I don't see her until mid July (she's so booked up - I'll take it as a good sign), but I'm really looking forward to it.

Not sure if I should be posting on here anymore since my fissure issues have healed mostly (except for the darn abscess and the perineal descent) but your support has been invaluable.
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