3 years post-fissure: permanent pain but no fissure?

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Re: 3 years post-fissure: permanent pain but no fissure?

Postby kamard2300 » 12 Jul 2023, 17:57

I didnt have major surgery only some rubber band ligation because the ointment i was given to use for my fissure gave me some irritation (small hems) and I though the issue Will dissapear with ligation but I was just feeling worse and worse. Stupid doctors.. but well.. now im in this part of the road as you... i Will check tant clinic out and you can also check the clinic in california the wise anderson protocol check their link maybe we can try that out together i dont know.. since we dont live too far away.. my émail is [email protected] you are in Ontario or Toronto
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Re: 3 years post-fissure: permanent pain but no fissure?

Postby Fred55 » 12 Jul 2023, 20:05

Kamard2300, it's interesting we kinda experienced same things. Hazey123 too. That tells me it should be a reason for it. Could it be the initial trauma (AF) set off everything down there?
In my case although active AF was never confirmed but at the beginning it certainly felt like it. I feel tight down there. I used to have tailbone (coccyx) pain when sitting earlier when it started. When I'd stand up from a seated position I'd feel a sharp pain in my tailbone. I currently don't have that and my pain is more at the anal and perineum area.
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Re: 3 years post-fissure: permanent pain but no fissure?

Postby kamard2300 » 12 Jul 2023, 20:50

Yes its not only the 3 of us . I think volans too - the original guy who made this post who has been struggling with this since like 2017 and fissure healed long longgg time ago.- and I have found another ones in other forum and groups . Maybe we -the ones with remaining pain- are overly anxious people, oversensitive or tend to have obsession thinking (i know i am all three)

What I think is.. the trauma in anus caused the muscular to overreact. I assume when we had the fissure active we were foccusing on it à lot and this put more pressure in thèse muscles. Then fissure healed but the muscle issue remains. On top of that we May add whatever procédure we May have done to try to correct this remaining pain but in fact this result in more trauma and reinforcing the cycle of pressure and being unable to regain the normal relaxed state of the muscles down there.
I think our sphincters need to remember how to relax thats why its so important to stay calm and have the patiente and the confidence. And doing the work also is important . The work is the relaxation and dilatation. (I dont know what else) an also Leaving behind all the anxiety that mostly is our biggest .
As I said in my previous post im 27 yo and those clinics , like the one in california- are really expensive and i dont really have the money to get the training in how to actually beat this. But I think being aware of what I just said before is not nothing and it can be of help. But I really wish i could buy doctor wise training.. He apparently had this 22 years. I spoke with a dude from reddit who had it 10 years but overcame it with amytrippiline and doctor wise protocol.. but it is definately too much money. At least I know one of its main teaching is the relaxation. I just want to have all the tools so I can be the best préparer for this Journey. May I ask how old are you
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Re: 3 years post-fissure: permanent pain but no fissure?

Postby kamard2300 » 12 Jul 2023, 21:04

I know some people May say doctor wise is BS.. but this issue is so rare. This what we have is so weird that most doctors cant even explain it to us... I believe if hé understand it so well then hé must have lived it for real and if the Guy can give me some hope. Maybe its worth the money. Maybe its worth to give it à try. Have any of you read about this protocol? . I know im young and I want some kind of miracle but its more the support i want. To hear from somebody who lived past this that its possible and how it can be done. Im starting to belive that if we do nothing and just wait.. well that if I just wait I May wait too much as I have seen so many suffer 5 years or more and still in pain.. maybe we need a recipe i really dont know
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Re: 3 years post-fissure: permanent pain but no fissure?

Postby Fred55 » 12 Jul 2023, 21:21

It's indeed a rare and complex issue. Who knew something like this could happen, otherwise wouldn't have taken life for granted. Too late! Btw, you know you can also PM back and forth in this forum. Check your PM box under your profile.
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Re: 3 years post-fissure: permanent pain but no fissure?

Postby Hazey123 » 13 Jul 2023, 01:16

The wise Anderson protocol looks very interesting kamard. I’m going to read about it today.
AF following skin tag surgery Feb 2022
GTN ointment
sigmoidoscopy & EUA Sept 2022 no fissure found
2nd opinion Jan 2023 fissure diagnosed, diltiazem - allergic
recommended Botox Fissurectomy
3rd opinion - dilation 2x per day plus GTN ….
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Re: 3 years post-fissure: permanent pain but no fissure?

Postby kamard2300 » 31 Jul 2023, 14:05

Hello, I believe I know what is the main root of our problem:


tension in muscles. It is pelvic floor dysfonction:

https://pelvicpainhelp.com/category/wis ... -protocol/

Volans you said PT didnt work, some therapist may work on Kegels which my contract our muscles even more. We need to work in stretching the muscles and relaxation is the key, Also trigger point release. the mentl aspect and the anxiety is also fundamental

I have talked with several people on reddit with pelvic floor dysfonction: in our case it begun bc of an anal fissure and tension, anxiety is feeding the cycle. I have talked with many guys who had this and used antibiotics too bc they were ruled as prostatitis. and it was just pelvic floor dysfonction,

you feel the tighness, the soreness, stinging, burning right? its weird sensation right? thats bc we are contracting our muscles inside. we cant get to relax the muscles properly

The raison why we suffer so long is bc doctors are clueless. It is also a mind body condition. we are squizing our muscles down there ( inconsious and aroused nervous system) and that's why the mental is so important to beat this condition.
It may take some time (months) to get to relax them with the good treatment.

My friend took 25 mg amyptripiline to decrease his pain. He suffered 10 years after LIS and healed anal fissure. The amytriptine took his pain down and then he could beat this condition through the wise anderson protocol (i also suggest to look into it since you were already going to pay thousand for the stem cells thing). Amytriptiline may take some time to kick in

Please look into 25mg amytriptiline too. I have seen too many pelvic floor dysfonction on reddit who got better with this medication. you get a relief of pain and then you can focus on the stretching, the rigger point release, the mdeitation.

I have seen people get better!!

Please, also read a headache in the pelvis book you will understand this better and you will beat this
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Re: 3 years post-fissure: permanent pain but no fissure?

Postby vasilisa » 11 Dec 2024, 06:00

kamard2300 wrote:Im a girl.. im 26.. i live in Canada
I can relate to EVERYTHING you are saying
Its been 2 years... I DO NOT feel normal but I stopped complaining anymore... I really think its a new way to me of living
Can I know volans did yours get back to normal? I need hope i feel really hopeless. Also I think. It is anal memory and anal pressure. Im scare to do dilatation but I could give à try. What do you guys use ? Hands ? Some toy ?

Hello, so basically we have to relax and ignore this pressure? Cause any effort trying to escape pain will create more suffering ( Gabor Mate)
2024 10 April Anoscopy brutal injury with multiple fissures
2024 June end realising what it was
2024 July huge sentinel pile protruding making me suicidal

mental distress due to sentinel pile
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