Failed surgery. So depressed

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Re: Failed surgery. So depressed

Postby lytefall » 27 Aug 2017, 12:21

I have been on the senekot for 15mths now. I feel like I am having some dependence on it so I asked the CRS and he said the benefit outweighed the risk. Not sure I like that idea but I tried miralax before and didn't feel it worked as well. Maybe time to try again seeing as nothing is working very well anymore anyway.

Tried benefiber as well in the past but it gave me bad abdominal cramping. I was told I probably have a sensitivity to the kind of fiber used in it.
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Re: Failed surgery. So depressed

Postby patience_and_healing » 27 Aug 2017, 12:26

I would stay away from the senekot. Neither of my two CRS's recommended it to me. Miralax takes a bit of time to kick in because it has to build up over time. That may be why you didn't feel it worked very well. Sometimes if I'm having a hard time with firm BMs I'll take a capful in the morning and half at night which helps to get things moving again. Then I cut back to 3/4 of a cap at night.
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Re: Failed surgery. So depressed

Postby lytefall » 27 Aug 2017, 13:01

Thanks. I could live with some pain during and immediately after a BM. But it's the hours and hours of spasm pressure that is killing me. It constantly feels like I have something burning hot shoved in there. Ugh.

I will give this a try.

I have made so many changes in the last couple years, I haven't been in this good of shape since high school. The fissure is overshadowing it all and it's just too much.
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Re: Failed surgery. So depressed

Postby patience_and_healing » 27 Aug 2017, 19:21

I understand how you are feeling, all of us do. My fitness has suffered so much in 8 months because the fissure gets in the way of exercise. And just when I had found a good physical therapist for my back who was also going to help me get into great shape.

It sounds like a crazy idea, but what about taking a loan to be seen privately and get the surgery done? Maybe borrow from family or friends if that's possible. It's just a suggestion, I don't mean to offend you.
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Re: Failed surgery. So depressed

Postby hurtinend » 27 Aug 2017, 20:08

wrap a cold ice pack in a towel, and sit on it, or hold it against the butt crack for 20 minutes. You can do it several times a day. It helps with the pain and burning.
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Re: Failed surgery. So depressed

Postby lytefall » 27 Aug 2017, 20:10

patience_and_healing wrote:I understand how you are feeling, all of us do. My fitness has suffered so much in 8 months because the fissure gets in the way of exercise. And just when I had found a good physical therapist for my back who was also going to help me get into great shape.

It sounds like a crazy idea, but what about taking a loan to be seen privately and get the surgery done? Maybe borrow from family or friends if that's possible. It's just a suggestion, I don't mean to offend you.

Definitely no offense taken! After almost 2 years with this thing it's hard to be offended or embarrassed about anything anymore.
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Re: Failed surgery. So depressed

Postby patience_and_healing » 02 Sep 2017, 19:41

Hey lytefall, how's the miralax routine working for you?
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Re: Failed surgery. So depressed

Postby lytefall » 02 Sep 2017, 19:48

Haven't started just yet. Just finishing up a 6 day rotation at work. Didn't want to switch and have to deal with unforeseen side effects. Will be switching over on Monday.

Thanks for asking though!
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Re: Failed surgery. So depressed

Postby patience_and_healing » 02 Sep 2017, 19:50

No problem, we need to look out for each other. Good luck with the miralax! Do let us know how you are doing.
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Re: Failed surgery. So depressed

Postby lytefall » 07 Sep 2017, 09:05

Question about the miralax. What should i continue taking along with it? I assume the senekot should stop obviously. What about docusate? Heres everything i currently take. I haven't tried benefiber again yet because I can be sensitive to inulin fiber sometimes and it makes me feel nauseous.

The reason I ask is that I started using miralax on Monday and I am having trouble compared to the senekot. I halved the docusate dose at the same time and kept everything else the same. I am basically only going every 24-28hrs now and not as soft as most posters make miralax seem like stools should be. I assume they are hard because they BMs are so infrequent.

I cant get in to see my CRS until Oct 2 so I am on my own here. ugh
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