Failed surgery. So depressed

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Re: Failed surgery. So depressed

Postby patience_and_healing » 08 Sep 2017, 13:18

Do you prefer to go more than once every 24 hours? That's the schedule I find works best for me but it may be different for you. How much miralax are you taking? It could be that you need to find the dose that's right for you.

Have you tried asking the doctor's office if they can get you in earlier? They may have cancellations.
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Re: Failed surgery. So depressed

Postby lytefall » 08 Sep 2017, 13:39

I would prefer to never go right now! Once a day would be fine with me if it was complete and not hard. But so far my stools have been hard tipped because of the infrequency of the BM and I have been retearing worse than normal.

I was only taking a single capful (one dose) per day but increased to 2 starting yesterday.

Should I still be needing the docusate as well? I am taking it but afraid to stop as the stools are not as soft as most posts I have seen make them sound like they should be (like "soft serve ice cream" is the description I have seen most often). I would liken mine - after a few days on the miralax - to the consistency of cold mash potatoes with a hard tip. So far it was better in the senekot, but I am so worried about laxative addiction and getting a lazy bowel.
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Re: Failed surgery. So depressed

Postby patience_and_healing » 08 Sep 2017, 15:36

I think you can continue the docusate if it helps you. That's not an addictive laxative either. The hard tip beginning can really be a problem, I agree. I found that benefiber helped a lot with that (sorry to go on about benefiber) because of the way it absorbed water. You could potentially get the same effect with a different kind of fiber supplement. Personally I find very soft BMs to cause more irritation and prefer more formed BMs. I hope 2 caps of Miralax will work better for you.
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Re: Failed surgery. So depressed

Postby lytefall » 08 Sep 2017, 15:39

Thanks. I am hoping to find citrucel somewhere. The benefiber gave me some stomach issues so I am reluctant to go back on it. If I can't find the citrucel then I will give the benefiber a go again.
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Re: Failed surgery. So depressed

Postby patience_and_healing » 08 Sep 2017, 15:42

You can try simpler things like prunes as well. I still get the hard tip on and off, but my situation is not as bad as yours so I can manage it.
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Re: Failed surgery. So depressed

Postby lytefall » 08 Sep 2017, 20:24

I also eat 4-6 prunes a day already. Ugh

Hoping to see some effect from the miralax tomorrow morning.
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Re: Failed surgery. So depressed

Postby lytefall » 09 Sep 2017, 06:09

Ok so the consistency this morning was better. Not great, but no hard tip at least.

My only concern now that I am going on the right direction is this: is it normal for the overall volume to be small with miralax? I found with the senekot my morning BM was relatively large (in volume, not diameter). With the miralax it's just been small amounts (I would estimate 1/3 of the amount of stool I used to have with the senekot). I feel as if I am not emptying fully.

Any insight?
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Re: Failed surgery. So depressed

Postby patience_and_healing » 11 Sep 2017, 21:39

I haven't found this to be the case with miralax. If I take too much I get a larger volume of BM. Do you feel a muscular sense of incomplete evacuation or is it just a worry? It may be that this is the way your body normally works.
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Re: Failed surgery. So depressed

Postby lytefall » 11 Sep 2017, 21:48

It's the sensation like my body is attempting to hold in stool. But there's nothing there even if I try to push a little.

I feel uncomfortable as if I have stool that should have come out with the BM. It's frustrating. And this is with double the recommended dose plus docusate.
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Re: Failed surgery. So depressed

Postby patience_and_healing » 11 Sep 2017, 21:53

I'm sorry this is so complicated. Perhaps this is just an adjustment time and it will get better as your body gets used to not having senekot. Do you think a GP would be of any help in this situation?
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
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