Just Botox after all

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Re: Just Botox after all

Postby missy moo » 13 Feb 2018, 18:25

Hi sadbum still all the same pain during bm just as bad as before Botox but now with the extra fissure I now have two burning fissures after a bm instead of just 1 but after I've cleaned off the pain goes down to a 1-2 out of 10 the Botox isn't working yet but like mypoorbutt said it can take anywhere from a few day to a few weeks to kick in and start working. I can't even tell that I've been injected in my bum no added pain or anything I'm sad to now have two fissures but that was caused by the scope they used to look around to make sure nothing else was going on in there but that's it no pain during the day and I can sit but this was the same before Botox aswel so far no change. I would do it many more times and will if I have to. I recommend Botox.
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Re: Just Botox after all

Postby SusieUK » 14 Feb 2018, 11:50

Hi missy moo I had botox 4 weeks ago along with scar & skin tag removal first week was uncomfortable..... I also had a hell of a lot of bruising god knows what positions etc they have you in I'm glad I had a general anaesthetic!.... I can now say that the botox is definitely working & would recommend it to anyone! I've had fissures like you but for the last twenty years on and off I put up with it as I am terrified of surgery/hospitals. I can't believe how good it is to be pain free I was getting so depressed starting to suffering from anxiety & hardly ever leaving the house. I just hope this lasts & works for you too.
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Re: Just Botox after all

Postby missy moo » 14 Feb 2018, 14:06

Hi susieuk I'm so happy for you that's grat, I didn't have the fissure removed which I'm disappointed about but he said the fissure scar was soft an looked good so hopefully he knows what he's talking about if this doesn't work I'll have to go back on a 6 month waiting list just to have Botox again by then it would of been to long inbetween doses so I mite just ask my doctor nicely to out me on the list now as cautionary. How long did it take for the Botox to kick in? An how could you tell? Any uncontrollable wind?
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Re: Just Botox after all

Postby Canttakethis » 14 Feb 2018, 15:07

Hi. I’m not exactly sure where to post this but I also recently had Botox. On Friday 2/16 it will be 2 weeks. I have had two CAF for 14 months. Under anesthesia for the Botox the dr did an exam and found one fissure to be very deep and both were bleeding. I am NOT feeling any better at all. I am still having terrible spasms and the fissure pain is actually worse. The dr said it could take 2 weeks to work but I can’t imagine I will magically be better in 2 more days. And I’m worried the exam made the fissures worse. I am terrified that it’s not going to work. I talked to the doctor and he said just wait until my next appointment, which isn’t for a month, and we’ll discuss the next step then. I am in constant pain, feel hopeless and frustrated, and worst of all, I can’t take care of my kids, my husband, or our home. Does anyone this there is still a chance the Botox will help? Is it normal to feel worse for two weeks afterward? Or could there be something else wrong caused by the procedure? Any info or advice would be greatly appreciated. Hang in there to all. This has been BY FAR the worst experience of my life of 44 years.
Last edited by Canttakethis on 14 Feb 2018, 15:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Just Botox after all

Postby Mypoorbutt » 14 Feb 2018, 15:30

For some people it can take 6 weeks for Botox to kick in, everyone is different. With my Botox the spasms stopped from day one but I didn’t heal. With my LIS I was getting full on spasms that made me bed bound and stopped me eating for a good 4 weeks yet I still healed and the spasms eventually slowed.
Your body will react to the Botox in its own way for some people there is swelling which can make the spasms worse, for others all the poking around can make the spasms worse for a good few weeks after.
Please don’t give up hope, keep having your sitz bath as often as you can, if you have any creams carry on taking them and try and find some decent pain relief...gabapentin was my life saver...in the worse case scenario that it hasn’t worked don’t forget there is always LIS
Give your body time and go at its pace however frustrating that is
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Re: Just Botox after all

Postby missy moo » 14 Feb 2018, 15:53

Hi canttakethis take each day at a time try to relax an think positive I know it's hard maybe ask your doctor for a script of diazapam it helps relax you and helps with muscle spasms.
Last edited by missy moo on 18 Feb 2018, 16:44, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Just Botox after all

Postby missy moo » 14 Feb 2018, 16:14

Day 3 update
Not much to add really still pain during bm just like before Botox but I noticed no pain from the new fissure only pain from my original chronic one so hopefully that new one clears up then the Botox kicks in.
Last edited by missy moo on 31 May 2019, 17:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Just Botox after all

Postby Canttakethis » 14 Feb 2018, 16:52

Thank you! My stools are soft and I have one BM a day. I just cannot seem to heal. I have been using the creams, taking Valium for the spasms and the dr just prescribed Tramadol for after the Botox surgery. Honestly I haven’t really been taking it as I am scared what it might do while I’m trying to care for my kids. I went to see my primary care dr today and she said definitely take the Tramadol, it’s very weak and won’t affect me driving or taking care of my kids at all. So I hope it will help. I wouldn’t be surprised if I have a new fissure from the procedure. I am trying so hard to stay positive but it’s very difficult after 14 months of this. I went untreated for the first several months as my old primary care dr thought it was hemorrhoids and by the time I got to a CRS it was already chronic. My old CRS did not do Botox so although he gave me creams, it was that or surgery. Our family moved across the county (which has been another stressful event) and I am now treating with a CRS at the Mayo Clinic. He is a top notch dr so I will try to be hopeful and optimist since I think for the first time I’m in good hands. It’s just so hard after all this time. And it doesn’t help being in a new place away from family and friends - although I would never tell them what’s really going on anyway, lol. SO much to handle by yourself. Thank goodness I can talk to my husband. I wrote a “butt” joke in his Valentine’s Day card today. : ) I hope everyone on here gets better so very soon. Sending hugs. Thank you!!!
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Re: Just Botox after all

Postby missy moo » 14 Feb 2018, 17:11

Your welcome if you get to week 6 with no change ask for Botox again maybe having someone else do it will be what's needed good luck
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Re: Just Botox after all

Postby missy moo » 15 Feb 2018, 23:35

Day 4 update
A little less pain during and after bm today and only from the old chronic fissure I think the new fissure must be on its way out as today an yesterday I had no pain from it at all just pain from the old chronic one but like I said less today then yesterday, I'm really hoping it just gets better an better from here. Still no sign of the Botox working as the muscle still feels tight during bms. The waiting continues and so does the stool softeners water an diet. Hope everyone else is feeling better really soon.
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