Had Fissurectomy and LIS on 5/30/17

Fissurectomy and LIS

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Re: Had Fissurectomy and LIS on 5/30/17

Postby kevinpdx » 31 Jul 2017, 11:41

Harper, I'm sorry to hear that things are not healing as well as you've hoped. But don't worry, things will get better just give it a little more time. I didn't see much improvement and didn't turn the corner until week 5 and then things got progressively better each week. The pea sized thing that was protruding started shrinking as well. You still have alot of swelling and it will just take time. Be sure to keep up with a healthy balanced diet and go for walks if you can. When is your first post op appointment?

I'm at 8 weeks post op and feels great. I went for a 5 mile run three times in the past week and felt amazing, I was very surprised that I was in somewhat decent shape. I'm still staying away from alcohol and fried foods, but I am eating everything else. I'm not afraid to eat ice cream and desserts any more.
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Re: Had Fissurectomy and LIS on 5/30/17

Postby kevinpdx » 31 Jul 2017, 11:48

Payne, sounds like you're on your way to recovery. You will get better. At two weeks, I was experiencing the same where you're at now. I'm surprised your following up with the CRS was so soon. My CRS said it usually he likes to wait 4-6 weeks before his first follow up. You got hardest part, the surgery out of the way so hang in there. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
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Re: Had Fissurectomy and LIS on 5/30/17

Postby Harper05 » 31 Jul 2017, 14:19

thanks that gives me hope. I a little past 2 weeks, so I'm hoping it gets better - as this is 3rd time around! A 5 mile run at 8 weeks post op sounds great! I can't wait to run again and be active.
I have been walking, but scared to walk too much, but I guess it wont harm much.. I have seen a lot of people on here post about walking.. so I suppose should be doing more! I do about 3 miles a day, but would like to do more at one time.
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Re: Had Fissurectomy and LIS on 5/30/17

Postby Harper05 » 01 Aug 2017, 17:18

Saw crs today.. said I should be feeling better within the next three weeks, that means 5 weeks post op
Are crs unrealistic with their time lines?
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Re: Had Fissurectomy and LIS on 5/30/17

Postby Payne4me » 02 Aug 2017, 12:15

Harper05: No I think that's right in line with what I'm experiencing. My CRS said 8-10 weeks. I'm much better. But still have discomfort after the BM. And the worst is the spasms afterwards. But I'm under the assumption that they will cease to exist as my healing continues. All I know is it ain't fun. But I'm sure u already knew that. Hoping you're getting there!!!
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Re: Had Fissurectomy and LIS on 5/30/17

Postby Harper05 » 02 Aug 2017, 12:49

not fun at all!I am 2.5 weeks post op and still very sore... I am just hoping it gets better!!!
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Re: Had Fissurectomy and LIS on 5/30/17

Postby Payne4me » 02 Aug 2017, 18:18

Harper05: You said youve had your 3rd LIS that troubles me...why? From what I have learned 1 is all you need if its done right....according to my surgeon...believe it or not Dr. Payne...(now you know why my user name) a successful LIS surgery involves the complete slicing of the interior muscle in such a way it cannot heal and ever be functional again...the idea is to allow maximum blood flow to the exterior muscle wher the fissure is...there are several posts on this board that indicate incontinence could result...My surgeon debunked the idea and indicated he had done over 4000 such procedures w/o this happening...if you are where i was...you know id take a little spotting on my drawers for permanent relief...read some of my other posts...some describe the exact procedure...
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Re: Had Fissurectomy and LIS on 5/30/17

Postby Harper05 » 02 Aug 2017, 19:07

I had one in September... and I was still having pain 2 months later. Crs prescribed me many creams - nothing worked. He suggested Botox. I went to get a second opinion and he suggested another surgery. He cut the same side as CrS #1... six week later I was still in pain.. so he suggested cutting the other side, so he did. He also biopsied the fissure, everything came back normal. I don't have chrons or anything underling... I have had this fissure for a year and it just won't heal.. I have tried creams, I'm on Cipro now... I don't think it will do anything. I feel like I will have this forever. And just be in pain forever.
I will take a look at your posts
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Re: Had Fissurectomy and LIS on 5/30/17

Postby Payne4me » 07 Aug 2017, 06:40

Well my visit with my CRS happened... i asked about spicy food...he indicated it would just make my stool a little more acidic. Well the pain pushed me to a percoset...no blood though,,BM pain is below a 1 on a scale of 1-10...have my second postop visit today... i think im going to call and speak to the nurse and cancel it...While my discomfort is still there..its lessened...so im confident all i need is time...thankful i found the right doctor.
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Re: Had Fissurectomy and LIS on 5/30/17

Postby Harper05 » 07 Aug 2017, 06:45

Sorry to hear that! Do you still have bad days and good days? Is there anything that makes it worse?
My crs said the only thing will make it worse is a hard BM.
Hope you recovery quickly!
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