Had Fissurectomy and LIS on 5/30/17

Fissurectomy and LIS

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Re: Had Fissurectomy and LIS on 5/30/17

Postby Payne4me » 07 Aug 2017, 16:14

only the jalapeno pretzels...i ate...wont be doing that again...still taking 2 stool softeners and one dose of miralax...my stool is very thin and i dont have to push at all..i think thats the key to healing...ive been taking vitamin C to aid in healing...talked w the nurse and we agreed to cancel appointment...she left the door open if i dont continue to see improvement....how are you doing...did your read some of my other posts? Particularly the one that outlined the procedure and the one from the hockey rodent indicating his experiences
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Re: Had Fissurectomy and LIS on 5/30/17

Postby Harper05 » 17 Aug 2017, 11:33

Do you guys still bleed occasionally? I am 5 weeks post op and still have the occasional blood.. I also still have pain during BM and sore glut muscles after BM!
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Re: Had Fissurectomy and LIS on 5/30/17

Postby Harper05 » 17 Aug 2017, 11:38

And does firmer more bulky stool mean its healing? I feel like mine has been that way the past week or so.. But I still have some pain - but my stool is def more bulky and firm... and I'm still taking miralax every night.
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Re: Had Fissurectomy and LIS on 5/30/17

Postby Payne4me » 17 Aug 2017, 13:47

5 weeks post op today. I'm taking stool softeners and Miri lax 2x's a day. At 2&1/2 weeks I had almost 10 days with no blood. And close to no pain. My confidence led to poor eating and a reduction in the mirilax to 1 dose a day. I had a harder stool that produced blood. Needless to say my recovery was delayed. Back to mirilax 2x's a day 4 days without blood still in discomfort. Last nite I made the bonehead decision to have cauliflower with Buffalo hot sauce. Today has been brutal. Won't do that again for a long time. Anyway. I firmly believe if I observe the proper diet and continue w mirilax and stool softeners. My recovery is on the horizon. My suggestion to anyone who has had LIS surgery is to be patient.
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Re: Had Fissurectomy and LIS on 5/30/17

Postby missy moo » 17 Aug 2017, 14:35

I may end up needing this an it takes 6-8 for the original fissure to heal either way so I would stay careful for a few months post op an it takes a full year for everything to be 100% so I've heard that's just healing a fissure an or with the op either way it takes a year so healthy diet water an lax satchets should be used longer try using coconut cream on the whole area a few times a day to speed up healing good luck
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Re: Had Fissurectomy and LIS on 5/30/17

Postby kevinpdx » 13 Oct 2017, 17:26

Hello All,

It has been 4.5 months since my surgery and I wanted to provide an update. I feel great, I was 90% healed by the 8th week and felt fully healed by 12th week. I even took an international trip to the U.K. Where I had a few unhealthy meals and it was still fine. The only thing I do get now is an occasional itching sensation that lasts for 5 mins after a bulky BM.

My advice for someone debating about the surgery, GET IT so you can live your life. I waited a year and a half before I got the surgery, looking back I should have gotten the surgery sooner. Definitely give yourself at least 3 months (6months max) to heal conservatively. You will also need to make a drastic change to your diet. If those conservative approaches fail, it's time to get the surgery.

I'm not going to lie, the first 4 weeks after the surgery sucks. But it's not any worst then what you have been going through. At times I felt maybe it wasn't healing but then things start to turn and my fissure started to heal. Good luck everyone, please let me know if I can help answer any questions.
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Re: Had Fissurectomy and LIS on 5/30/17

Postby getmylifeback » 14 Oct 2017, 11:51

Thanks for this post kevinpdx, this thread has been very helpful easing my anxiety. I have dealt with AF on and off for 7 years now and have tried every conservative method. I would heal for periods of time but i would always have the fear of a retear, which sometimes took over my life. My last retear made me seriously consider LIS, but I think after reading all your experiences, I will talk to my CRS about it. Thanks for sharing your experiences, it is nice to know that there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel for people who have suffered for a long time like me.
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Re: Had Fissurectomy and LIS on 5/30/17

Postby missy moo » 14 Oct 2017, 14:30

Kevinpdx that's so great to hear you use to be one of us now your free that gives me hope. One question I do have is do you still need to take all or any of the pre surgery steps like fiber stool softeners tons of water or do you live pretty much worry free like before you ever had a fissure? Getmylifeback how many weeks months do you get without the fissure my comes an goes too I get pain free for about 3-5 weeks then it's back an i have blood an pain for 10-14 days sick of this cycle an I'm considering the lis aswel but since I'm a female with kids an maybe having 1 more baby they are trying to keep that till the very last option an are offering botox an fissurectomy which they don't call a fissurectomy but just riding up the fissure edges. What's your story?
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Re: Had Fissurectomy and LIS on 5/30/17

Postby kevinpdx » 15 Oct 2017, 09:27

I started weaning off of stool softener pretty early at week 4 and completely eliminated at week 6. I still have full control of my BM, no incontinence. Like many of you that is going through this, I was terrify at the thought of surgery and it took me almost two years to have the courage to finally do it. Growing up, ive never even been to the hospital for stitches or a broken bone and all of a sudden I had to deal with this ordeal and facing surgery so it took a lot for me to make the decision to have surgery. But for all of those that are suffering, I understand your pain, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. YOU WILL HEAL!!!
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Re: Had Fissurectomy and LIS on 5/30/17

Postby kevinpdx » 15 Oct 2017, 09:33

Missy, I don't take any more stool softeneror any supplements anymore and can eat chocolate , fried foods and alcohol etc (foods that would have made my BM hard previously). I still drink a lot of water and try to eat healthy. I see this ordeal as a blessing in disguise as I have a better understanding of my body, eat more healthy now and I read labels. Give Botox a try, best of luck :)
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